
5 Post – 111 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I was having a lot of random crashes and weird errors on my Mint install, using the logs, I tracked it down to a SSD fault.

I really didn't want to send it back, since I got it from Amazon and I'm in NZ.... So after a bit of checking I found that the FW on the SSD was not the latest. Updated the FW, went from at least 1 crash per workday, to no crashes in the last 6 months.

My SSD is a WD SN850X 4TB

You don't have to use those apps.

That is not the adrenaline, that is the endorphin rush, your brain is rewarding you for surviving.

Get a boox, runs android.

You can even install the Kindle app. But seriously, there are bunch of good ereader apps.

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The guy seems fine after treatment.... Not a great experience though.

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  1. The universe is almost definitely not infiinte, but we will never be able to prove it.
  2. Have you heard of vacuum decay?
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You can have situations where person 1 sees an event happen as A B and person 2 sees that same event happen as B A.

This is only true if A and B are not causally related. If A causes B all observers will see A causing B.

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Sapolsky's perspective ignores reality to generate talking points.

Just because a person has a limited set of choices, mostly determined by upbringing does not mean that we can predict any future action based on previous actions.

At best you may be able produce a chaotic model that gives probabilities of potential actions in any situation.

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Yes, I am 100% on that.

If A causes B, that is true for all observers. Otherwise you get into causeless actions.

Imagine observer 1 (O1), sees one rock (A) crash into another (B) and it changes it's direction of travel. O1 has on opinion on the sequence of events.

How imagine observer 2, (O2) watching the same events from a different perspective.

There is no situation or perspective O2 can take which would have B change direction before the collision with A.

Therefore no matter their perspective both O1 and O2 agree on the sequence of events. Thus causality is fundamental.

That is all well and good.

I'm an engineer, so I look at this from a physical sciences point of view. The main problem with the "no free will" argument is it provides no predictive power, there is no model that can say person X will do Y (instead of A, B, C or D) in situation Z.

What is possible is giving probabilities of Y, A, B, C or D in experimental settings. But in the real world, there are too many variables interacting in a chaotic manner to even give reasonable probabilities; this is why we can only use population level statistics rather than individual level predictions.

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The two men had married wives with the same first name and had similar interests and hobbies.

Similar <> identical.

This story has little to add to the debate about free will. How many identical twins separated at birth didn't have similar lives?

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It only seems compelling, there is no base rate of non-similar twins separated at birth. Is this 1 in 2 sets end up like this, every one, 1 in 100,000?

The neuroscience is interesting, but it is not in any way predictive. It is all post-hoc rationalisations of what did happen.

As I said above, I'm an engineer and look at this from a physical sciences point of view. There is no model (as far as I'm aware) that can predict what will happen except in very specific psychological experiments.

Many years ago, I was supervising at a supermarket checkout. An older lady (late 50's / early 60's) started berating one of the young checkout girls, she was newish about 16yo.

I over heard, it was hard not to after a little while. I walked over, I was 19 at the time. I'm not a big guy 5'9" and weighed around 60kg (checks math...132lb). The old woman sees me and begins to go into a rant, to which I simply said, get the fuck out of my store. It was latish (8:30pm), there were no managers left in store.

She went into (what is now called) full karen mode, ranting about calling my manager. I got a bit pf paper and wrote my managers and the store managers numbers down with their names and said, "go ahead, call them". She quickly calmed down and went to go stand back in line....I said, "no I told you to get out".

Just general karma whoring...

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I just wish everyone would switch to Firefox.

It is because Chrome has a monopoly, is close enough to monopoly.

I used Ubuntu for years, but the forcing of snap really killed it for me.

Ubuntu used to be synonymous with stability and compatibility. It was always a little bloated and slower than a bunch of others. But that was the price for stability....

It is probably still stable but compatibility has taken a back seat. This is what really annoyed me enough to switch.

I'm on Mint now, it is really nice. Flatpak is much better than Snap, my only real issue is the MASSIVE size of flatpak downloads.

Little kids concentrating, like 2-3yo. When they are just about to "get" something, and they know it.

It is really cool to see.

I used to work at a checkout operator, long ago.

I ALWAYS order the belt, cans and heavy stuff goes first, then usually cold/frozen stuff, veg and fruit, baking products (flour, sugar etc), then finally the light/soft stuff.

I know work arounds are available, I just don't want to now.

Really looking forward to Boost for Lemmy

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"make it was simple as possible"

Super annoying, because the people who use this always forget the second half, which makes the saying useful.

"Make it as simple as possible, but no simpler" it is effectively a re-stating of Occam's razor.

Lemmy.nz here

I think it is cool that it is coming up on nearly 2 million across all ~1200 instances.

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I hate this trend.

I'm quite sensitive to light, and some of these LED's are stupid.

Some years ago, I was walking with my GF through the supermarket, we were looking at the sweets section, right at the end of the isle, when I let a very stinky fart go. I learned over and said we should go.

We walked to long way so we didn't have to walk through the cloud, 30-40s later, just after we had rounded the far end of the isle we heard:

Female voice: "oh my god, was that you! That is discussing" (loudly) Male voice: "no, it wasn't me"
Female voice: "why are you lying to me, you are always lying to me!" (Angrily)
Male voice: "but it wasn't me" (also angry)

I think I may have put the final nail in the coffin of a bad relationship with a fart

My partner and I still laugh about it 16 years later.

The lord of the rings!

I love reading....I read a lot. But Tolkien's style just never worked for me, the movies were great.

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As a friend of mine said some years ago "VLC will play a slice of cucumber" that pretty much sums it up.

Whatever you do, don't talk to the kid if you are not in the room. Two way monitor is a bug not a feature.

Made that mistake once, kid was crying I thought it would be comforting to hear me.... Nope, disembodied voice freaked the fuck out of the poor little dude.

The extra 30-40s of crying while I walk up stairs is way better than the hour of hugs to get him back to sleep.

Signal groups, works great

Funnily, I only run AMD now for the same reasons, except with Nvidia as the PITA. Always ongoing driver issues, power management or fans running like jet turbines.... Last 3 machines AMD, no issues with the GPU's/drivers.

Seems like a generalized comment.

This is why you get a half kid size for your toddler.

Watching that much soft serve go into a 2yo, with the resulting crazyness 5minutes later is not cool.

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I love in NZ, most places in the country have good tap water, sometimes slightly over chlorinated.

My pet theory...... Though I don't believe it.

Musk and u/spez are playing 4-dimensional chess. The end goal is to increase freedom and user choice. By slowly destroying their respective platforms, people are driven to the fediverse, the idea of centralised platforms is tainted, power is shifted back to the user and long term everyone is better off.

It is a nice thought experiment.....

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Oppo has very aggressive battery management.

While I was using one, had to manually turn off battery management for syncthing, and check after major updates....

But worked flawlessly once that issue was solved.

Yep, really new hardware is still an issue.

My new Zenbook (AMD CPU/GPU) had pretty major issues until the chip family was around a year old.

Previous to this laptop, I always got older hardware when it went on sale (usually from Dell), chip sets and CPU's that have had a while to "mature" I never had any issues with. Except of course with Nvidia drivers, those are always shit.

If you stick with older hardware, you very likely wouldn't ever experience hardware issues.

I've been running various distributions at my primary OS since around 2006. Hardware support these days is amazing.

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The matrix


To kill a mockingbird

So many.....

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Relevant XKCD - https://xkcd.com/37/

I have been using various distros since 2008; I use Mint as my daily driver.

Stability is the biggest factor for me, I want a OS to get out of my way and let me get on with what I'm doing.

I eat kiwifruit like this. Fur and all

If we are going with de-extinction, then the Haast Eagle. NZ is really far too safe, we need a genuine predator to keep us on our toes.