4 Post – 448 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They were dragged from the vehicle - marked "TV" in red tape - searched and pushed against a wall.

Mr Tutunji and Mr Abudiab said they identified themselves as BBC journalists and showed police their press ID cards.

While attempting to film the incident, Mr Tutunji said his phone was thrown on the ground and he was struck on the neck.

Fuck, and here I thought "okay, maybe a honest mistake, tensions are running high". But nope, pure malice.

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What a time to be alive to see millions of people getting starved to death live while world leaders applaud and call it defense.

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Good, going out on a high note is great.

Plus the benefit that her actual death was in her sleep.

My grandma wasn't skydiving, but she also died in her sleep, which was great. Was well the days before, then went to bed and never woke up. Much prefered to how grandpa slowly died of cancer while also having Alzheimers. That wasn't fun for anyone. Never waking up is certainly one of the best deaths one can have.

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It 's wild to think that some people might VPN to the EU for basic rights.

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There is only one race.

[writes down "humans" on ballot]

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People boycotting businesses as is their right in the free market: "CANCEL CULTURE!"

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I think it will be fine as long as Gaben is there. I am afraid that after he retires or ascends into Godhood somehow John Riccitiello will get his ass into that seat.

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People with passion wanted to work on a great project only to see how the vision was corrupted and turned into a monster.

Like, the regular employee isn't excited about shit changes either.

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This is the last straw. I already was very shakey with all the restrictions that were piling up, but this is just one thing too much. Cancelling my subscription and installing jellyfin.

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This is Hamburg and they do in Hamburg. The AFD barely made it over the 5% hurdle in the last election.

chef's kiss

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Lindsey has a solution for every problem.

Sadly that solution is always to bomb Iran.

Tried that after my didn't find my keys one time and I found my keys afterwards, so I think it did help.

Not if all the capitalists get their shit together and see that short term profits aren't worth the mid term extinction of humanity.

Which should happen any moment.

Aaaaaaaany moment.

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Their action was to monetize the apology video, which is especially funny after Gamers Nexus explicitely didn't monetize their video. They advertised their shop and floatplane and teased a new product. Just incredible.

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I mean, Bernie Sanders always had that. That's a good part of why people liked him.

See him arguing against various wars where he stood among few against the many and was so far right on these takes:\_om-x323Em0

One of the comments under the videos puts it well:

For every wrong move america has made in the last 40 years, there is a video of Bernie arguing against it.

The current owners of Baikal Electronics have no plans to reclaim the patents or developments. This is perhaps because Baikal used to develop CPUs and SoCs that were subsequently produced by TSMC, and the latter can no longer work with Russian companies due to export curbs imposed by the Taiwanese government following Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in late February 2022.

The future of Baikal Electronics remains uncertain. The company has not announced new processors for several years, and production was halted in February 2022 due to sanctions.

Oi, Putin, what was this about sanctions having no effect on the Russian economy?

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Would be mad.

There are many topics people discuss that are problematic. Forget piracy. What about people from authoritarian regimes, people from countries that are in danger to fall to authoritarians, even if they haven't yet. Anything from years ago could become problematic if the wrong government gets into power.

Making jokes about God is no deal under some regimes, it's blasphemy in others.

Drugs are a problem in a lot of countries, and a literal death sentence in some.

Making fun of a fringe politician is nothing when they are not in power, but becomes a problem if they get into power.

I am sure Reddit gives some data in cases of actual danger, which is fair. But if they start to hand out data for something minor like piracy, it's going to be a problem for discussion on the discussion plattform.

While other devs are fighting errors, rpgmaker became the terror.

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I have the hilarious image in my head that Microsoft checks their stats and has more EU users than the EU has population.

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Breath of the Wild was truly a game with impact

He succesful prevented nuclear holocaust by being voted out before he could make everything even worse

They made a deal with the devil, and now they panic because they need to pay up.

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"I play Doom with my keyboard."

"... okay?"

Yeah, OP straight up says that this was given the green light by the UN and planned for years. The water is safe.

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And then not even talk to the girl. Dude is just here to punch people.

Yeah, she's been clearly a barely functioning wreck, propped up by people who needed her power. It was quite sad.

Don't shove us all under the same rug. I packed my bags, shred my old comments and posts and went into the Fediverse.

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That would be amazing and would up the value of the EU as a connected zone.

Following initial investigations into the case, Te Whatu Ora Auckland, formerly Auckland District Health Board, claimed it had not failed to exercise reasonable skill and care towards the patient, who was in her 20s.


"We always leave instruments inside patients body. This is just what we do, that's not any measure of failure. Fuck off."

"... and then the Jews were led into showers, naked, but instead of water cleaning them deadly poison gas killed them all."

"Oh no! They were NAKED?!"

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Hodgson said she hasn’t heard anything from the Atlanta-based company responsible, You Call It We Haul It.

In fact, you don't even need to call. We just Haul It.

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As long as he can fool advertisers about activity

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Elsewhere he wrote, “Experts project that homosexual marriage is the dark harbinger of chaos and sexual anarchy that could doom even the strongest republic.”

The gays are too powerful. Happily married homosexuals are too strong to contain.

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That's not all. The company has further outlined in its upcoming privacy policy it "may use the information we collect and publicly available information to help train our machine learning or artificial intelligence models."

All artists better get the fuck off that plattform. I doubt he will stop at text.

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Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft Lawyers united... that's an enemy you don't want to fight. Each department alone is scary enough. All three of them? Now, that's something you want to be on very solid ground for.

And yet, after three months you still think about it.

I do look on Reddit sometimes, there are niche communities that don't exist in that form in the fediverse and it would be quite hard to just ignore the existence of that site, especially when wanting to look up certain information. I did successfully stop participating though.

The Guardian mentioned that this much damage with one rocket would likely go above the usual capabilities of Hamas.

Not saying that it couldn't be that, but certainly something to consider.

You can really see why they put the hyphen in. expert sexchange would be a very different website.

Yeah, people keep making excuses for them.

"There isn't enough time, they have to eat and drink and sleep"

Then delay the video until it's done. That's part of the core issues that kicked this whole episode off. Them rushing out videos without care.

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I know Star Link is useful, but boy, Ukraine should really be careful using it now. Devil knows what Musk is cooking up next to undermine Ukraine. As much as it's needed, Ukraine can not depend too much on it.

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