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Joined 10 months ago

If there is one lesson I could teach my younger self, it would be to have several low commitment relationships while I was younger to learn what is "normal". Once you start making murder pacts, it's usually too late.

Not if you cut the power.

Narrator: she could, in fact, arrest him.

Yeah, that's why Democrats let them vote the speaker out in the first place, so the party of loose cannon renegades can come face to face with the consequences of being a party of people who are more interested in being the protagonist than in working together. Surprise surprise, the party committed to being a thorn in the side of federal government isn't able to function as federal government.

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I remember everyone saying "don't worry, he won't win" the first time.

Forgive my if I maintain a pessimistic view this time around.

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Isn't that just a liberal social Democratic system for people afraid of the words social and liberal?

Anarchists creating structures and agreements isn't anarchy anymore, its... well... government.

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Man, I can still hear the rattle of the teacup.

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It's stuff like this that makes me think all girls should be pulled aside at an early age and taught no holds barred knife fighting and then given a very sharp knife to carry visibly at all times.

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A lot of men are desperate to connect with other people and for validation.

Guys is always fine as it refers to followers of Guy Faulks and pretty much anyone has probably considered blowing up parliament at some point.

My takeaway from this is that Nestle probably doesn't own any dairy companies, but probably does own a plant that makes oat milk. They keep all the profit in their own ecosystem by buying their supplies from themself and then get to tell us how green and thoughtful they are.

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Well shoot, if this keeps up they might have to start trying to judge people by the content of their character instead of just their virtue signaling. Do you know how fast the system would fall apart if voters actually had to figure out what kind of person their representatives were?

If they really did secede, I think it's a bit presumptuous to assume you would still have travel rights in the US. Better get out before it happens.

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I think the place we haven't quite gotten to yet is that copyright is probably the wrong law for this. What the AI is doing is reverse engineering the authors magic formula for creating new works, which would likely be patent law.

In the past this hasn't really been possible for a person to do reliably, and it isn't really quantifiable as far as filling a patent for your process, yet the AI does it anyway, leaving us in a weird spot.

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Not necessarily, since this is a government building it would be the government's speech, and they clearly don't want to fly it. They aren't preventing people from flying it on their personal property.

That said, there's a clear likelihood that this is purely anti-lgbtq sentiment in action.

Oh come on, the news hasn't actually cared about that since they ditched the broadcast regulations by switching to cable.

I'm doing my part!

So if they have publicly abandoned the Twitter brand identity, can someone else use it?

Because a lot of people are ready for a retro clone.

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That's all rational, but all he needs is a psychiatrist to say that he was confused enough by the behavior that his rational brain shut down, he only saw aggression, fight or fight kicked in and he defended himself against a perceived threat of unknown severity, which prompted him to go for a defense he knew could protect him, his gun.

The real difference here is that the cops would have aimed center of made and put the kid down permanently... fewer lawsuits that way.

It's just a brand guys, they make beer too. I actually really like the beer..

It's called liquid death as a beer company name that later branched or into water. They aren't calling the water specifically liquid death.

It's like asking why they call an ice cream flavor carnation, when it's clearly strawberry.

Just because I don't understand your journey, it doesn't make your journey any less valid.

Sometimes it's hard for an outside person to know where someone is on their journey and which way they are going based on a quick interaction. How they respond says more about their life journey than it does about yours. Sorry you had a disappointing day.

For me it's a basic question of who gets to make your medical decisions, you, or someone else.

It isn't a person yet it's not a baby and it is "human" only by DNA. At that point it is indistinguishable from an embryo of a dolphin or other mammal. It can't even think yet, but for some reason people think of is special enough to be worth denying you your body autonomy.

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And don't forget they have a really great deal on bananas.

The children's book "the emperor's new clothes" is so unrealistic who would ever buy into that kind of delusional thinking?

Meanwhile all the people that have been suckered by this guy despite all the evidence that he is just a con man...

Not really no. But it is possible to find someone who helps your feel appreciated, loved, and valued for who you actually are instead of trying to change you.

I feel like the one overriding tenet of the Republican party used to be party loyalty, but now they are all convinced that means the party should be loyal to it's members, not the other way around. So while now the party can't even hold a speaker and is fulll of infighting, you still see these petty anti-loyalty attacks like this.

I'd feel like it was more cutting if they weren't constantly attacking each other as well.

...along with photo ID...

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I prefer the cellular peptide cake myself.

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Because the customer has become an entitled piece of shit and you don't tell an abuser "you're welcome."

Frustration is usually the difference between what we expected or wanted and what we got. Patience is learning to let go of what we expected and accept what is.

If you can stop seeing this as something wasted and start seeing it as just a different circumstance, it may help you get past your emotions and start focusing on what to do next.

On the one hand, yes, but the Republicans made it so any one person can call for a vote to oust the speaker, so it only takes one unhappy rep to restart the cycle.

So I think the current plan is to just sit back and let the American people see that the current batch of Republican reps has as much ability to work together as a bag of weasels until the Republicans are willing to actually admit that they fucked up and ask for help fixing it.

So this could take a year to resolve.

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Noise cancelling tech works by creating a waveform this is opposite ambient noise so they add up to a flat line. I'm convinced that this works in a similar way, but more like filling in the thought gaps with a complementary data input that has a net result of evening it all out.

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In the way the words are being used here, it absolutely does.

There's been a lot of propaganda for a long time that "socialist" countries are authoritarian, abusive, and usually dictatorships, so by that measure, of course you would have to make the argument you do, but the fact of the matter is that socialist policies are just policies where we pool resources as a group to provide a public good. It's opposite would actually be free market capitalism, where you have to subscribe to a fire service to protect your house (it worked that way on the US once, feel free to Google it).

The methods of governing are a completely separate axis, ranging between power vested solely in an individual or small group, and true democracy.

It is absolutely possible to have countries that are democratically socialist, or free market dictatorships. Just because America is still mainly a democracy doesn't mean we can't look at it's policies and see a clearly socialist component of public services. In my mind the truly perplexing thing is how people can label things like a tax to provide everyone access to free books and other media, taxes that support universal fire and police protection, and taxes that support free education for everyone (through high school only!) and say they are just normal non-socialist things, and then look at taxes that would pay for higher level education, for health protection, or for childcare so you are always able to go earn a living, and suddenly they are foaming at the mouth and screaming "socialism!"

But trying to derail an entire conversation by arguing about one word is a lot easier than trying to actually address the points of an argument, so we see that a lot.

So... Vice President Obama?

It might not be long until we design the captchas so that the only ones who can get it right must be AI.

I think that the reviewer is missing the point that this is still just no man's sky with a few tweaks and a different set of inputs. I look at this and the bones of no man's sky are plain to me, the flesh there to see, just... tweaked.

It's fair to expect that all the lessons learned from no man's sky will probably be applied here.

I'm in. I'll risk a broken heart for this.

Under this philosophy he wouldn't have to wait. Actions taken in the name of national security. Done.

I met my wife at 28. When you do find someone, remember to try to separate whether you love being in a relationship from whether you love them.

The sooner you let the wrong ones go, the more time you have to find the right one.

Good luck!

And when prices go up your equity goes up too instead of your monthly payment.