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Joined 12 months ago

I see a few jerk offs from protect and serve are here valiantly down voting anti cop sentiment. Don't you have a dog to shoot ?

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We should do this more. Liquidate bad wealthy people's assets and distribute it to those they have harmed.

Granted that hasn't happened here yet, but I hope it does.


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I have a feeling the only reason this guy is facing consequences is because he defrauded other rich people.

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It's amazing how none of the conspiracy morons care about real shit like the Panama papers etc.

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This is nightmare fuel. Why is this allowed ?

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If you look at anything even remotely related to "men's interests" YouTube will begin showing you alt right fascist bull shit.

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Put this tip in my back pocket, homelessness can happen to any of us.

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Fuck these rich twats

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They forced our hands in creating and using adblockers. Remember how awful the web was getting before we could adblock? Pop ups, force play videos with full sound, entire webpages full of ads with a tiny bit of content in the middle.

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IDF loves to murder journalists

I've been meaning to look into setting up my own home streaming solution like jellyfin or whatever but I'm very lazy. These companies are going to force me off my ass.

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Ironically his one hit song is about having compassion for a homeless person...

I'll believe it when they see the insides of a prison cell.

We will look back on the Dems the same way we look at the socdems in Germany who put up almost no resistance to the Nazis coming to power. I'd love to be wrong.

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Perhaps the French govt should stop behaving against the will of the French people. 🤷

Ah yes everything is progressives fault and not establishment dinosaurs pandering to their corporate donors .

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Me, who's had a Gmail account as my main email for twenty plus years. 😞

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Didn't some of them even assist in covering for Jan 6th and or the documents fiasco ?

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Sherman should have finished the job in the south.

She's trying to make it sound like this happened because she was on a date with a Democrat. It'd be funny if her dumb ass base didnt lap it up.

Because you have to be an asshole to make a job of commodifying something everyone needs like housing.

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I think we should seize all of Lyft and Ubers assets and use them to construct actual public transportation in USA

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Listen up everybody, they prefer being called "housing providers" instead of landlords now.

If I lived nearby I'd organize a bunch of people to buy tickets to their event and ruin it.

Yeah but everything they do and say is in bad faith.

What happens when one of these legal gun owners shoots a cop? 🤔

Still allowed?

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Why did you elect this turd, Argentina?

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Meanwhile in the USA I believe the supreme Court recently ruled that unions are responsible for repaying companies for striking...

Just another reason to grow your own at home if able.

The tips to the FBI came from truth social

I don't understand why all these dicks were allowed to get massive loans that they never have to pay back. Wtf.

She was inspired by a fictional TV prank show she watched. WHAT THE FUCK

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I think it's fucked that people that make these decisions never face consequences for hurting people.

You have to use more realistic names and shit so they waste time looking through them.

I wonder what it's like living in a functioning democracy.

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The brown exhaust coming out of the plane in the article was a nice touch.

This guy is a real hero

This is the part that will answer your questions.

"The government of the Nordic country, the most right-wing in its history"

It's right wingers who would have guessed?

They are angry they didn't think of it first and some working class people could be thinking hmmm this guy dresses like me maybe he isn't so bad like republicans say.

We don't need cops. The owner class needs cops. That's why nothing will ever be done about their behavior, they aren't for us.

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