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Joined 1 years ago

Oh hey, look.

The former CEO of EA made a greedy, short-sighted decision to fuck over his entire customer base.

I am shocked, friends.


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It's almost like the culture war is completely manufactured and the people perpetuating it don't actually give a shit because they're just playing the grift for their own benefit.

Remember kids, the only solidarity is class solidarity and rich people understand that better than you.

EDIT: Autocorrect butchered my spelling.

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So white ladies are going to start fleeing across the border to get abortions that they can't get in the States.

Conservatives really ARE trying to bring us back to the 1950s, aren't they?

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Last comment was deleted, so I guess I'll repost it with edits.

Couldn't happen to a nicer piece of shit.

Lot of folks trying to take the high road here out of compassion.

This guy single-handedly fucked democracy sideways for at least a generation. The reverberations of his Supreme Court shenanigans are going to be responsible for the deaths of thousands.

I hope he spends the rest of his days confused and shitting himself.

In this day and age, why aren't brothels and sex work legal?

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The fuck does this dude think soldiers did in the Civil War and World War I?

They had nothing but time and laudanum. You do the fucking math.

But in all seriousness, think of strikes and the inherent power of labor.

How come management never strikes?

When workers strike and there are no workers in the building, the day comes to a screeching halt and NOTHING happens.

If there are no managers in the building, business continues as usual. Because it happens all of the fucking time. That's why your manager can go on vacation for weeks at a time and nobody gives a shit, but you're lucky if you get 5 days in a whole calendar year.

As long as you commodify my labor, it has value.

Whose labor generates more value? The worker, who creates the product being sold to generate profit, or the boss who manages them?

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The disease is unlimited money in politics.

There are billionaires who were already radicalized to this level. They're just pouring their fortunes into bringing everyone else into their fold, too.

Remember 15 years ago when Republicans finally stopped going after LGBTQ folks, and how that slowly started to erode after Citizens United? It is not coincidental. There are evangelist billionaires whose only concern in the world is a regressive future, and that's bad for everybody.

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This will not have the effect you think it does.

This will make dudes kill a lot of pregnant ladies.

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You're selling Earth blood that makes the sky melt.

That's pretty fucking evil.

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Yes. What ever did humanity do for work before the invention of middle management?

It must have been chaos. Bedlam, even!

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And everyone knows that the FBI was never involved in the extrajudicial killing of an innocent dissident besides that one time.

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Georgy Silverhand.

"Listen up, you gonk-brained corpo apologist. They're trying to take something from us that we can never get back. And I plan to stop it. You need to decide whether you're on board, or in my way.

So, I'll say it one more time.

The card says moops, choom."


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You ever watch Requiem For A Dream?


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No no.

See, we ran the Numbies.

China Numbies Go Down.

Numbies supposed to Go Up.

China is doom.


This strain of brainworm never ceases to amaze me. I'm not a tankie, either and I hate the mainland with a passion. But counting China completely out when it's clowning the rest of the world on infrastructure right now is just plain mouth-breather stupid.

Make cum, not war.

No cummie

No talkie

In Asia, it's a nightmare.

The PokeStops and events are plentiful and raids are easy to win and great.

But gyms, man. They don't change because of the smurf accounts. I stopped being able to get free coins because people would walk around my city with corkboards with 6-8 phones, and any time I knocked out a Pokémon at a gym, a new one was immediately in its place.

No more free coins, so I quit entirely.

Unless the kid brained someone with a tee ball trophy, I categorize this penalty in the "extreme" category.

I prefer to think of myself as an Epsilon Male.

As in, "Y the fuck are you like this, bro?"

Imagine Vietnam-era US, but it was willing to sacrifice every warm body within its borders to win.

Like the US, I think Russia is on a collision course with failure. But they're going to take it a lot farther before waving a white flag. So much so that it will take the country decades to recover.

And Ukraine won't be looking too hot at that point anymore, either.

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He's a pick-me. It's still Jesus.

When my little sister was a toddler, she was wearing one of those one piece zip up pajama suits.

Just her, me, and my dad home one day. Suddenly smell an awful, gut-churning smell in the house.

Go to pick up sister, sister goes squish in a place that should not squish. Noped out (I was 9 at the time) and told dad.

Dad notices the squish. Takes the toddler to the sink and unzips the pajama suit.




Several hours of gagging later, we survive.

Pajama suit is now a cursed object. Tossed it in the fire pit outside to avoid the smell being inside forever.

Forever burned into my brain.

Italy, but everything is made of hot dogs.


"Bethesda, FFS can you finish a functional, polished game for once? Bugs and performance issues are not cute anymore!"

Bethesda: "No Uwu"

Being the first known human to fully interface with a machine also leads to the discovery of cross-platform illnesses.

You are the first human to experience the effects of a backdoor trojan firsthand.

No hierarchy doesn't mean the same as no infrastructure and never has.

It's a commonly repeated lie to equate them as meaning the same thing.

EDIT: Middle management is also a phenomenon of the Industrial Era. Prior to industrialization, humanity (and jobs) existed for thousands of years.

According to some here, that is impossible.

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Effective protest means accepting going without and inconvenience.

In an instant gratification society, that is anathema.


They are enormous wastes of flesh and evolutionary effort.

That's one rustled Jimmy.

Aquarium keeping.

Congratulations on your $3000 salt toilet.

I never implied a necessary return to subsistence farming. I said that hierarchy is not necessary for society to exist, but you continue to equate the two.

Mayans didn't build highways, because the technology and the necessity were not present. But they did build roads. And bridges. And pressurized aqueducts. And they did it without an "Assistant Director of Construction."

Y'know. Infrastructure. With limited hierarchy.

Saying that human civilization and the necessary infrastructure to support it is impossible without traditional corporate hierarchy isn't just wrong, it's fucking propaganda. And it's propaganda designed specifically to depress the value of labor.

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So it's treason, then.

Dig in, folks. Time to bring the pain.

Completely unrelated question, what's your favorite punk band?

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Shoplifting shouldn't carry a death sentence. Ever.