19 Post – 2103 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

26 years old, USA

When did this board get so many neo liberals 😬 Everyone deserves a living wage, I dont care if their art is the worst art of all time. We are here on earth to solve human problems. To solve for human joy.

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The Wizard of Oz was one of the absolute most dangerous films ever made. OP is there a good essay about the history of this? It's a REALLY fascinating story and a lot of people who watch and enjoy movies would probably be absorbed into reading it.

Linux is the modern OS and windows is just a bunch of old shitty technology in a trench suit.

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Damn, unbelievable this shit is still happening. It was outrageous then, it's just barbaric now.

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Girls with a time machine: dresses up as puppygirl Hitler

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This fucking sucks. The things I want are a lot more radical and creative. And I fucking hate Bill Clinton.

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John oliver did a segment about blackmailing a few republican senators. His show is deeply anti-corruption and the writers are as terminally online as I am.

Real talk,

1.) USemissions laws state that cars have much stricter emissions standards than SUVs and pick up trucks. Manufacturers have made the pickup truck more attractive to buyers for this reason.

2.) its easy to upsell a lot of Americans on a pickup truck because a lot of Americans want to do DIY handiwork or can be sold on the virtues of the safety of a pickup truck in the result of a crash... people driving the most dangerous vehicles are ironically the most fearful of the road.

3.) Design in other vehicle classes has stagnated. Every year I see more cars only available in Europe that I'd love to have, but can't.

4.) They last longer, so they stay on the road longer too.

5.) Renting cars and trucks is generally annoying. Getting large items shipped is becoming more expensive.

What do I say if I wanna be one of the girls pampering and kissing the :3 person?

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He's a christian comic writer. Why do they keep getting posted? My fucking sides omg. This dude is so fucking wildly ignorant of the world.

Can't wait for the worlds worst person to buy it

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“This was, quite frankly, a maniac who decided he wanted to take lives,”

Copycat shooter with a manifesto, armed with the usual kit: A plate carrier, an AR-15, and a Glock.

While I can see this is a racially motivated shooting, I think this pattern indicates some deeper... suicidal, martyrdom ideology. The intent includes the suicide. It's suicidally motivated, too. These plans include the repetitive messaging of a newsfeed marching down the list of mass shootings by scared whitr supremacists. Racial killing, suicide, manifesto, and the date makes it a copycat killing. Is he truly a maniac, if so many are falling into this same set of cowardly cries for help?

I feel no sympathy for the dead shooter. But I stare into the abyss, feeling I must empathize with the scared white supremacist who does this next.

Stochastic Terrorism (wiki)

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That would be non-consensual.

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You're a girl mfer 🥲

Alright fine, I'll be a Luddite now. Every time we 'upgrade' or 'make progress' it is really about controling the working class and circumventing a previous business model. Capital pays more and more for the inputs: fuel and technology, in order to justify their control. And then once they have it, they use progress to justify poor labor protections. They never use the predicted best solution, or even a compromise, they use the solution that offers them more power.

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My ADHDMI Port only supports standard 1.0, on a good day.

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Hey fed what are the results of the poll whata the verdict are we gay 🥺

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The weird hybrid solutions that game devs are coming up with to beat out the old tech without doing full RTX is awesome. And for that reason I like RTX, because its pushing development of ideas that work better for today's hardware and today's applications.

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Not exactly. They're tankies, which has its basis in appreciating the USSR and modern day China and some other governments that call themselves "Communist" while having very few if any leftist and communist qualities. Hexbear is eager to defend genocides, whitewash parts of Russian history, and tell you why America is in the wrong in every single event, and therefore America's opponents are good. Most confusingly, they're also trolls. They really enjoy that these arguments anger other people.

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I would make a hot makima but also my desire to wear a collar and bark is too high 🥺 what do I do?

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Being poor. You pay the bills of the rich.

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Pregnyant :3

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UwU blow me until I lose altitude and explode on impact

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I find Mastodon very stuffy and boring, is there a way to shake up my feed? I feel like I'm missing something about how the app works.

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God I fucking hate US prisons. This is the thing about my country I am the most ashamed of.

This is gonna happen again, to right-wing jan 6 insurrectionist Jessica Watkins. A trans woman who is likely to be put into a male prison for 8 years.

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So... Doggy. Got it.

This guy probably has so much PTSD and so much yearning for the adrenaline that war provided him.

The Man who Killed Osama Bin Laden... is Screwed (Esquire)

"I'm not religious, but I always felt I was put on the earth to do something specific. After that mission, I knew what it was."

Of course this guy is a violent drunk and a conservative! This country has treated him like SHIT.

"No one who fights for this country overseas should ever have to fight for a job," Barack Obama said last Veterans' Day (2012)

After sixteen years in the Navy, his body filled with scar tissue, arthritis . . . he gets from his employer and a grateful nation:

Nothing. No pension, no healthcare for his wife and kids, no protection for himself or his family.

He's taken that as a calling - and become yet another angry conservative grifter. Speaking engagements, media appearances, tweeting hateful bullshit for attention. Since claiming he was The Shooter (of Osama) he's claimed to have been a key member in other SEAL missions that have been made into movies. Who knows the truth? Nobody is allowed to correct him, and that's why he can build this brand for himself.

His shit stirring is always newsworthy and pushed in front of us. Anti-mask shit, transphobic shit. So I'm happy we can see his miserable personal failures, too.

news community posts fox news

Thanks for your contribution to Rupert Murdoch's fascism circus being out in front of my eyeballs every single fucking day.

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I love that economists think people are like a perfect sphere than spends time and money rationally and I just make the most mentally taxing decisions time and time again I just use linux and be a commie online like 😋 stfu Keynes

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For Americans this would be "Hwere is the neareat gun store?" (clearly a tourist, an American already knows where it is)

And "I'm built different" accompanied by just about anything you can think of.

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Holy shit how does the pictured person have a gayer friend than me 🥺

Israel is an apartheid state leveraging state violence. They hold the cards and they shuffled the deck.

If you aren't familiar with this crap don't look into it lol.

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Collar for dog twinks

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If a guy asked me on a LAN date he'd never find himself lonely again

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They calling me xi/xer like I'm Caesar

I tried community college first online and then in person at 19/20. Felt so anxious about everything. Mom drove me there and back and was really mean about having to do it. Classes of normies were uber-social, like everybody introduce yourselves and talk aboit the topic. Felt fuck me eyes coming from everyone, which I was probanly returning, but it was a LOT of attention for my loner self. I stopped going and Mom resented me because it cost thousands for like nothing but she didnt want to do it my way either so it was sort of her fault as well. Anyway it was probanly trans dysphoria too. Of course my every waking moment I was like I wonder if they can tell Im feminine please tell me this will help me be more openly queer. Lol.

The foreign bacteria in your gut had a much more direct audience with your brain than your cells do. Question is, is it an Embassy? Are they Diplomats? ... or are they Oligarchs? >!As long as they call me sugar mommy for giving them sweets!<

It's genuinely more effective in today's society to skim read and give up if the content isn't good. There is so much time wasting bullshit, misinformation, ads, and scams put in front of us. But we don't have a great defense mechanism, so our attention spans have suffered alongside the quickening of our skepticism response.

What a loser. I love to hear about the personal preferences of others. Choice is fascinating.

To add - I have a friend who uses Mac OS, despite gaming. And we've talked about why and I think it's cool, she's made a lot od great decisions with her PC. But if I bring up Linux, she gets defensive as if I am proselytozing her, and asking her to use Linux, or she insults Linux. I can tell her why I enjoy what I enjoy, and she will just go off on a rant about why it's bad.

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