7 Post – 973 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I have over a thousand games in my library (almost all from sales) and yeah... I've probably played less than 5% of them. I'm a collector? 😅

Nestle also fucks up entire cities water supplies.

There's no way you guys have friends.

Hexbear and Lemmygrad cheering

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I love her, downvote me if you must.

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When Gaben dies there will be fucking riots.

They're intentionally shitty people. None of them have real political views because they are all still in middle or high school and don't have to pay bills and don't have real jobs. They're entire purpose is to troll. They just get on here and look at what anyone is talking about and take the opposing stance to be pricks. Those people would defend any given serial killer or fascist war monger if it meant someone got upset.

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There really are a lot of commies on here aren't there?

Well not real ones, obviously, but like 15 year olds whose parents work late. Lots of those types of communists.

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I've said this for about a decade now: I firmly believe this world we live in now is the inevitable, unavoidable result of having every company run by people with business degrees and no passion for the businesses they run. When your entire education was focused on how to extract one more penny from customers and how to psychologically make addicts out of everyone, this is what we end up with. I fucking hate it. Everything is enshitified and it sucks.

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Anyone still using Twitter is a top tier masochist. It was always a pretty shit platform, but it's being made fun of by the toilet and the dumpster now for how shitty it is.

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How was it not obvious to everyone already? She oozed lesbianism from the start.

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What a fucking piece of shit. YouTube prank fucks are wasting good air the rest of us need to breathe.

This is what's important to these people. They don't care about millions suffering every day, they don't care about the climate going to shit, they don't care about the economy. They're up in arms because someone might not wear a full suit in their presence. These are your "representatives".

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There are several, but one that kind of haunts my mind is the story from the guy who experienced another life in a blackout and had it all torn apart by that fucking lamp.

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Well as if it wasn't already obvious they were headed by conservatives...

Republicans exist to do evil.

Well it must have worked. All I heard for months when it came out was how bad everything about it was, then I finally got it myself and it quickly became one of the top favorite games of my life. Sorry for everyone who had a bad experience because I loved it so much.

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Valve may not be the cheapest by any means, but that's because they're offering a product 30x as valuable. The other launchers companies have are shit, across the board, nothing but shit. It's not even in the same continent. If any one of these companies actually wants to ever see this change, they are going to have to set their greed aside. That's impossible for CEOs in this day and age, so I don't see Steam ever losing their stranglehold unless they do an about-face from everything they've done so far. In the grand scheme of things, Valve is one of the most customer friendly companies on the face of the Earth and they continue to be innovative and supportive to users. Epic on the other hand is everything wrong with capitalism, and much the same can be said for any of the other companies with competing launchers/game stores.

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Holy fuck, if Texans could only read, they would be so pissed.

Google has been giving me far far shittier results over the last 5-10 years. It's crazy to think, but in my opinion it was WAY more accurate years ago than it is today at giving me what I blatantly searched for.

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The phrase "conservative pop culture" feels like an oxymoron.

God damn why do I still have to hear this giant orange toddler all the fucking time? Conservatives are the most pathetic morons.

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I'm an idiot, no doubt about that, but fellas I gotta' say ancient Babylonian writing looks an awful lot like you just hit something with a weed whacker. Are we SURE?

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Louisiana is fucked. Can these conservative fucking demons finally all move to one place and start their conservative nation like they always dream out loud about and leave the rest of us the fuck alone already?

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LMFAO, it's a verbal contract bro, they aren't required to do anything. They won't do anything. This was just purely fucking over the people.

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I've had that thought many times. I wish companies would release the source of games they discontinue instead of letting them completely die out.

I kind of get the feeling that CEOs and corporations see the writing on the wall in terms of the world, economy, and climate change. We're headed for some really extreme times in history and I think these guys have the mindset to just go full balls and try to scam as much wealth out of humanity as possible before the shit hits the fan. The greed I see from companies these days is very blatant and in your face, they don't try to hide it anymore, it's all very "fuck you, pay me" and it's virtually every company you can find these days, they're all doing everything they can to fuck everyone out of one more penny.

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I hate to tell you this bud, but this stuff was still happening all the while we were safe in our houses.

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I wish we had this in the US, instead we just have conservatives try to take control of the entire Internet every couple of years.

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I don't understand how conservatives live with themselves. I don't understand how they attract partners. I don't get it. How can your life be so filled with hate and evil and you still can sleep soundly at night? How can another person be attracted to that evil and want to procreate with it? Fuck every conservative that has ever lived.

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I keep seeing this sentiment from people who are supposedly savvy with computers. I never have to question where a file was saved to on Windows and I'm not sure why you guys do.

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My Reddit accounts usually got banned for one dumb reason or another anyhow. I'll never forget my first and longest account getting the insta axe for saying everyone should punch Nazis.

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People are idiots. I've used Firefox for nearly 20 years and have zero plans to change.

Good, are you defederated from hexbear as well? If not, please do.

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Cool stuff but god damn I miss RedditIsFun showing me what links are before I opened them. I'm currently in bed next to my sleeping wife and that video was suddenly very loud.

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Good lord I WISH I could get 20 straight hours where no one bothered me. That's a fucking dream right there.

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Every single industry needs unionized, the country is FUCKED right now for millions of it's inhabitants.

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Up to a point, now it feels worse and worse every new version.

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Anyone who has donated to that in the last 5 years is an idiot.

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