
4 Post – 1474 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Oh for fucks sakes.

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Spare me the outrage from the press, when the press is the entity that helped create this mess.

All this could have been avoided some 6 years ago if these clowns in the press did their goddamn jobs. Trump had a history of corruption going back decades. Between sexual assault cases, crooked business dealings,connections to the Russians as well as connections to the mafia, and everything in between. Rarely any of that came to light or was taken as seriously as it should have been. It was one free pass after another. They gave him endless air time because they loved those sweet, sweet ad-dollars. They considered him a joke candidate and never dove deep into his past finances or connections.

...And then it happened. He was actually elected. And that's when it became serious.

Fuck every last one of these journalists who just sat back, let him slide, and just let it happened. Now they have the gall to talk about authoritarian-this, and fascism-that.

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I'm so sick of these headlines.

They remind me of the endless headlines over the years (decades, actually) of how the Republican party is ready to collapse or implode or explode or insert-other-ominous-word-here.

As with all those failed predictions of the GOP going the way of the dodo bird, until I see Trump in an orange jumpsuit I won't believe any of the shit they claim will happen.

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He's not resigning from a position that is a lifetime appointment.

So sick of hearing these moronic articles.

Either get the goddamn Department of Justice or IRS involved in this and see if these trips and other gifts were illegal, or STFU. Yes, we all know he's a corrupt piece of shit, but he's not resigning, and it sure as hell doesn't look like any governmental departments even want to try going after him for corruption.

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This is how government should work. A government FOR the people.

This is the kind of pro-consumer news that I've become accustomed to hearing only about the EU. I realize this doesn't stop ISPs from simply levying fees and only demands that they list them, but seeing an itemized list of where your money goes is a first step in realizing that you might be getting screwed.

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Imagine being so corrupt that you call Canada, of all countries, as terrorist haven.

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We all should be. But that won't happen if people go out there and vote, godamnit.

And don't just vote to keep Trump out.

Vote to keep him and his party out of office.

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"All parts for this vehicle, whether internal or from suppliers, need to be designed and built to sub 10 micron accuracy.​"


Yeah ok.

Tell me you know nothing about manufacturing, without telling me you know nothing about manufacturing.

That one quote - assuming it is accurate - explains that Musk is even more of an idiot than everyone already knew he was. You don't make things at those tight tolerances. A couple of dimensions on a part might be (for instance the bore on a press fit sleeve), but you'd almost never, ever hold an entire part to that tight of a tolerance.

In imperial units, 10 microns is .00039". A human hair is roughly .001 to .005" thick. So he is asking for a tolerance that is 3 to 10x smaller than the thickness of a human hair. To put the absurdity of Musk's demand into perspective, most parts that go into a car are roughly an order of magnitude looser in tolerance with some dimensions being 2 orders of magnitude looser.

That difference might not sound like a lot, but holding something to +/-.0039 versus +/-.00039" could easily triple the price of an item or more. Easy. You use a tight tolerance only when you need to - that's engineering 101. Some parts could easily be +/- .039" and not affect their performance on bit. Close tolerance engine parts might be held at what Musk is demanding, but never "ALL PARTS" would be held to that.

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I wish we had more of him. The OG can stay in PA and make a clone to be senator for every other state. I know I'd vote for him.

Why the fuck can't we get more elected Democrats like him? He's personable. He's down to earth, and he's willing to make fun of the right wing wackos instead of cowering in fear. A good 3/4 of all the other elected Dems are a bunch of pussies who have the wit of a goddamn potato.

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I heard this years later by my former boss. He used to work for a company that just announced some lay-offs because work was slow. Right as the lay-offs were being announced the head of the company pulled into the lot with his new Porsche lease. It was terrible timing, but the corporate lease was up and the car was ordered months prior. Just made the owner look especially tone-deaf since the car came the same say as the lay-off announcement.

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give up

No. That's not what companies do.

BMW and Mercedes were the "leaders" in milking their customers and thus they got the most bad press. All BMW is doing is waiting until more companies start doing this and the whole idea of subscriptions in the car business becomes normalized to the public.

Unless consumers continue to shun this concept and the press blasts these companies for trying to push this nonsense, it will make a comeback in the years to come. Unfortunately, I simply do not think consumers will look at their long-term interests. Its like telling gamers not to pre-order the hottest upcoming releases because it encourages companies to release buggy software... all the pleading in the world ends up falling on deaf ears. Same too, I believe, will happen in the car market.

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This isn't even the last word in this nonsense.

The latest is that Musk, who clearly never knows when to shut the fuck up, called Zuck a coward when Zuck essentially offered Musk an "out" by saying to move on.

Hate both these fucks, but Zuck would destroy Elon. Time and again Zuck is giving Elon a way out of this and time and again Elon finds a way to look like an even bigger loser.

Getting beat by Zuck is going to push Elon past "deluded rich douchebag" to full-on Bond villain, I fear.

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Man, I really hope more traffic starts heading into some of the more niche communities because getting a new thread every day or there and getting 1 or 2 replies - if that - is not how you sustain a site.

Are there really that few people into cars or engineering or DIY stuff on Lemmy?! Where the fuck are my fellow car and tinkering nerds at? And no one does projects around the house? So few posts in some of the home owner communities as well.

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Literally ANY hobby can seem boring to most people, but it wouldn't be a hobby if people that got into it didn't find it interesting as all hell.

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Keep digging and guaranteed to find the Russians as well.

The most terrifying thing of all is how almost accepted all this is. None of it is particularly shocking. Hard core Republicans will even justify it, possibly even flaunt it. This is how far down the rabbit hole we've allowed things to get.

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Break up Google.

Browser is one company. YouTube is another. The search a third company. The ad one has to be the richest and should be it's own.

Then once you cut down Google into manageable companies, go after Facebook.

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These aren't even veiled threats anymore. These are actual, out-in-the-open threats and they continue to happen because Democrats aren't doing anything about them.

Within hours of Huckabee making these threats, the FBI or Secret Service should be parading him in the streets with handcuffs on as they bring him in for questioning. Make an example of him, Palin and all the other right wing lunatics that are threatening our democracy.

But as usual, we give right wing lunatics a free-pass and then wonder why they continue to escalate this issue.

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Do they even know that??

Being good for a group of people is not the same as them knowing that you've been good for them. This is eternally where Democrats fall flat on their faces.

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279 days would be considered a joke of a sentence, let alone 279 hours!

This is absolutely infuriating. Their punishment should be more severe being that they were military, not lighter.

We are literally asking these traitors to try this again what with these pathetic punishments.

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Making AI art not copyrightable is probably the best reasonable alternative that we could hope for.

Companies are always looking to cut costs and getting some computer algorithm to churn out endless art without having to pay an artist would be a corporate holy grail. Except that if that artwork then can't be copyrighted and thus monetized (or not as easily monetized), then it ruined or at least lessens their push to replace all their workers with AI.

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That's about the same praise he gave to Trump.

And just like Trump, Musk is a piece of shit as well.

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Whether this is a "hit piece" or not, I have never found Fallon funny in the slightest bit and absolutely hate the entire late night talk show format. It's just sucking up to celebrities for 2 goddamn hours. Utterly fake conversations with fake people trying to plug their latest projects. Every thing about it annoys the fuck out of me.

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"But we never had a problem before! We might as well cut the security and back-up budget for next year."

IT is one of those things that when it is running perfectly fine, no one thinks about it and instead they start to question why they are spending so much money on various services. But it is BECAUSE you are spending that money that it is running so smoothly. The allure to cut some corners and hire cheaper, less trained employees and cut back on security to save money is a big problem.

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They are going to limit it to USB 2.0 speeds so in 3 or 4 years they can declare some new magical advancement and bump it up to full 3.0 speeds.

Apple purposefully limits things so that they have something to announce in the future. They aren't dumb. They know the advancements in smartphones has been starting to slow down. So they meter out the advances over many years in incremental updates to give their customers a reason to upgrade.

You will hear something like this from every reviewer after an Apple event: "The changes were small, but taken together the new insert product name here might be well worth the upgrade price."

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Thanks Biden.

If Republicans win the White House, they will install another pro-business, anti-consumer head of the EPA (and other agencies, of course) which will undo any Right-2-Repair progress we have made in recent years.

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All this could have been avoided 7 years ago if only a few more people got off their lazy asses and voted.

President Trump would not have happened, the Supreme Court would not have swung to the far right ushering in a whole boat load of awful verdicts, without a traitor in the White House a ton of stuff wouldn't have been polarized such as vaccines and government departments and institutions. Nazis would still be considered evil by most Americans - imagine that!

Huge turning point and unfortunately the genie is out of the bottle all because voters can't be bothered to head to the polls.

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Thoughts and prayers that he has some incurable medical condition.

He's been a piece of human garbage all his career, so let's not sugar coat things now.

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Greenwashing bullshit.

That's because Rand Paul is bought and paid for by Putin.

How the fuck has none of our news media exposed this traitor for what he is yet??

LG can go fuck off.

Love how these corporate executives these days can only use tricks to increase their profits rather than building better, more reliable products which gain more customers through hard work.

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If 1/2 those people voted, he wouldn't be governor any longer.

Making DeSatan uncomfortable and drowning him out with boos is great and all, but what really would get to him? Losing an election.

The turn out in the 2022 election in FL was a pathetic 50%.

Cue up the endless excuses of why people can't vote, and yet 7.7 million people were able to, so clearly it isn't impossible.

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Military equipment in Russia protecting Putin is military equipment that can't be used to attack Ukraine, so this is still a win.

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Once again the EU showing the world that they are pro-consumer.

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Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Fuck Haley, but she is right about the nursing home part. But there is a fix that Americans don't want to admit - their voting - or LACK OF voting - is what is keeping these elderly Senators in office. Of course she is an opportunist twat that is only saying this to try to hit at Biden indirectly by bringing up the age issue.

Maybe acknowledge that if you want to attack or even kill someone for burning a stupid book, the problem lies with the attacker, not the book burner.

Fuck religion.

If you base your relationship on a fucken Hollywood movie then that should be a litmus test in and of itself.

Also, guys, if your girlfriend constantly feels the need to "test" your relationship, then she's not the right one. Thats a massive red flag.

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They creates this mess. This is a perfect "LeopardAteMyFace" situation.

For the last 15 to 20 years car makers have been fighting over themselves to get a foothold into the domestic Chinese market. To do so, the Chinese government required these foreign carmakers partner with a local company. Those local Chinese companies then had access to intellectual property, engineering data, design, planning and a whole host of other internal manufacturing data that was decades ahead of them.

Chinese carmakers were a good 50 years behind the rest of the industrialized world at the turn of the millennium. These days, they are roughly only a few years behind, to actually beijg ahead of them in some ways. All while still having some big labor savings. These Western car makers essentially trained their replacements and they did it for that sweet, sweet short term profit, while the Chinese government was playing the long game.

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Watch the video and don't listen to the stupid headline.

I'm sure there were some boos, but that first video shows that this traitor has a disgusting amount of support still. The simple fact that anyone is still cheering for this criminal is downright scary, even if it isn't all that surprising.

When they replay this story on Fox, they are going to amplify the cheering even further.

Soon you're gonna feel lucky that your phone has even ONE port.

Give it 5 years and Apple will have removed their lightning and/or USB port and gone wireless on everything.

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The biggest issue here isn't even this campaign finance change.

The biggest issue is that once again Republicans push a decades-long battle.

Conservatives play the long game. They push their agenda for years and decades at a time until it starts to stick.

Liberals can't focus on one topic for more than a few weeks or months before they jump onto the next big travesty that they try (but usually fail) to solve. The Left has the attention plan of a goldfish.

There's a reason why RvW has been thrown out, gun laws are the loosest they've been in decades and campaign finance changes happen, while we still don't have universal healthcare, parental leave, mandatory minimum holidays, etc. One side can look at the big picture and plan their strategy over many, many years, while the other side is endlessly losing focus by jumping to some fake crisis after another and never accomplishing anything.

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