John Fetterman Invokes Homer Simpson To Respond To Latest Round Of Conspiracy Theories

Flying to politics – 507 points –
John Fetterman Invokes Homer Simpson To Respond To Latest Round Of Conspiracy Theories

Fetterman is nothing if not amusing.


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I wish we had more of him. The OG can stay in PA and make a clone to be senator for every other state. I know I'd vote for him.

Why the fuck can't we get more elected Democrats like him? He's personable. He's down to earth, and he's willing to make fun of the right wing wackos instead of cowering in fear. A good 3/4 of all the other elected Dems are a bunch of pussies who have the wit of a goddamn potato.

We could at the very least split him and have two normally sized fettermen.

Actually I think the plural is Fettersman. Like Attorneys General

No no no, it's like postman or fireman. A fetterman is a man that works with fetters. Fetterman is a working man.

Because at the heart of it most of them are still spineless corporate shills. Fetterman, AOC, Russ Feingold etc are outliers who snuck past the checks

Because the whole damn system is designed to weed out anyone like that before they can even sniff at a senate seat.

And yet here we are with him in Congress. So it actually is possible.

Because Democratic primary voters are gigantic cowards who think swing voters are only won over by inoffensive white corporate suits.

He could just hire Michael Keaton to go to the senate and pretend that he's Fetterman.

Because the venn diagram of people with those traits, and people who desire to be in an elected position is essentially two separate circles.

And can you blame them? You get attacked from all sides if you enter the politics as a Democrat. You'll obviously get attacked by Republicans, but you also get attacked by people on the Left as well. On the other hand, elected Republicans, to a large degree, don't get attacked by their own people, and lord knows that Democrats rarely go on the offensive, so they'll rarely attack their Republican opponents.