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Joined 1 years ago

I, on the other hand, do not.

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I’ve been going with “The Social Media Platform Formerly Known as Twitter”.

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To be fair, it hit an all time high two trading days before Altman was fired. Luckily the market was closed over the weekend, and the issue resolved in Microsoft’s favor before the market opened. Way cheaper to have the lead and a written intent from 80% of the brains stating desire to follow than having to license an external company.

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Gramma likes to air dry after her showers

Dooo it! Do it, do it, do it!

Why does Fetterman, the largest Senator, simply not eat the other 99?

When the ad is playing you may see Sponsored X:XX and a little i in a circle in the lower left corner. Click the i. This will give you the ability to block or report the ad as appropriate. It will also show you what category has been associated to you as to why you received the ad, you can say if you want more or less ads of that category.

The iOS mobile app has a bug currently where you need to quit the app and come back after doing this, but it does block the ad and you won’t see that particular cut of the ad again. Unfortunately unless it’s a mid-video ad, or from a channel you’re subscribed to you will lose the video you’re watching as it hasn’t made it into your play history yet. But if the ad was mid-video your video can be resumed via history. For clarity, the video still exists, it’s just hit or miss if the video will be in the curated randomness they present you for you to try starting the video again.

This is a pretty standard curve for a recently discovered thing. Everyone is curious what it is, tries it out then a percentage decides it isn’t for them and goes elsewhere.

I had to be pretty stubborn to get into Lemmy, never received the verification email (likely due to sudden server load) and no way to retrigger it, so had to wait until the new version came out. Apparently that removed the login block. Not to mention the filter on my account defaulting to showing no posts (needed to set language filter to include undetermined and my language), so it was kind of a rough entry.

But this number isn’t total accounts, it’s active accounts. So that means people who have logged in at least once during the last month. The accounts still exist from when people came to check it out, but if they decided it wasn’t for them or ran into issues like I did and didn’t return then they’d fall off the active user list.

New products face this curve all the time. Steady growth, discovery spike then retained user drop back to steady, hopefully accelerated, growth with a higher baseline than before.

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Out of all the pictures likely taken during the announcement they had to use the one with the Wendy’s gal picking her nose?

With mortgages to match.

Being responsible for numerous WAPs seems like something some people would brag about

This is the correct response. They gained so much influence through their posting to the nets, that they were able to sway the global politics of their time which is exactly what OP of this thread was claiming Quinn could do.

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Shklee or Shkler

Does the Tabasco go on the Doritos? Or in the enema funnel?

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You might want to get that checked out

My spoon is too big

Bonus points for leveraging the work of others contributing to their success

The way companies do it is a lot of napkin math. I worked next to a team that built a service to help other companies figure this out (I provided the sample code and docs they share with customers for onboarding). You plug in some basic info, as an example this building used X kilowatt hours of electricity that the power company says is 10% coal and 90% hydro, which, based on a lookup table that means Y tons of CO2 emissions per hour, add X*Y to your total and move onto the next building. It’s not an exact science measuring actual emissions, more looking for ballpark numbers trying to get rough estimates based on what sustainability consortiums agree is the emission rates for certain things/activities/events. It doesn’t matter if your X is slightly more efficient than your neighbors X, because your maintenance guy is better, both will get the “X” rate for emissions based on the agreed upon value for the thing being measured. The idea is to capture as many things/activities/events as possible to get an estimate of emissions, not a measurement.

You would be correct! Through his influence his name was floated as Hegemon (Figure head ruler of earth) after he had negotiated a ceasefire between world powers. At that point he revealed himself as Peter instead of Locke and that he had to decline the position because he was not yet of age. The rules were changed and the world voted him in anyway. He then spent the next couple books of the Ender’s Shadow series changing that from a figure head position to an actual position of power and unifying the world under one peaceful, people led government, the Free People’s of Earth.

What happens on the camping trip, stays on the camping trip


Now when my doctor says to eat more salads I can point to this and load up on steak and chocolate!

I’m listening..

When you’re just shy of a three trillion dollar company big jumps are harder. Plus with the stock up 15% for the month and up 56% for the year people’s, once balanced, portfolios are likely already overly committed to Microsoft based on how it’s performed this year. It’s hard to ignore a stock when it’s performing this well, this consistently, but it puts an investor in a precarious position. If you haven’t already invested based on the AI boom this year has brought, this wouldn’t have been a tipping point. It was a plus, but only a small plus comparatively. The shake up of OpenAI has much more potential for a big sell off for Microsoft than a buying frenzy. This was more silver lining on instability of a big bet Microsoft made.

Maybe a CDN thing? Even viewing the GitHub repo source code I’m not seeing clueless_stoner. Eve…. Oh wait.. there you kind of are. If I go to my computer and hover over @AvaddonLFC or view the markdown I see it links to whereas everyone else is a 1:1 mapping.

Maybe it’s how my Lemmy client operates, but I see all your posts as clueless_stoner, even your profile page. The team page is the only occurrence I see of AvaddonLFC

If I were to venture a guess, it would be that if you receive excess reports for a particular user on your instance causing issues on other instances you can boot said user for being a nuisance stopping the problem at the source rather than just the impacted instances cleaning up the reported content with no way to stop the reoccurring problem short of blocking your entire instance.

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To use a Reddit example, think of it this scenario:

Last I recall the most downvoted comment of all time was when a representative from EA said paying $80 to unlock Darth Vader in their recently released Battlefront game was to give players a sense of pride.

The fact the community was downvoting it with such fervor should have been important feedback to EA. If any platform were to blanket remove posts without review of an overly negative sentiment then EA wouldn’t have known they flew too close to the sun with greed on that comment.

I do think the idea of downvote removal is a valid one to clear out a lot of garbage, but it removes the community’s voice and could result in easy suppression mechanism of types of content or information by those gaming the system which is why I would vote no on auto-deletion, but maybe leaning yes on triggering review.

Though in that review there would have to be some guidelines from the mod team in the channel’s sidebar on what content would and wouldn’t be removed. Would a question people where people don’t agree with what is being proposed be deleted even though it’s not a stupid question? That could be an opportunity to learn more. Would a highly racist/sexist/etc question be removed? I’d vote yes, get rid of that troll.

One last thing on auto-remove: sometimes timezones have differing viewpoints. I clarified some terms that I’m an expert on and most newbies confuse, but I did it at a weird hour of the day for me. I was downvoted pretty heavily for the first 12h of my post, but then it recovered back to zero, then positive. Despite being a worldwide sport different regions have different definitions for the same labels. This is not something any of us in the community had realized until the follow up comments of people coming to my defense which led to a back and forth discovering both sides of the debate were regionally grouped. I still thing my region is right. But that mod review would have been dependent on the mod region, and we may have never gotten an answer, which is why my vote on auto-review is a maybe. I’d want to see a more fully flushed proposal before saying yes.

Does he have a sister? Or a brother who was shipped off to military school at age 6?

Edit: This is an Ender’s Game reference to Peter Wiggin people.. The response comments get it. Not sure why I’m downvoted so harshly and they’re upvoted.

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Season 1 Episode 4 - Sex Machina

I saw that episode of Inside Job

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How do you fit in? You’re not listed on At least the mobile view. Or do you fall under ? in community_team on the org chart?

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Today is going to be a weird day.. definitely thought that said:

Give the logo a goatse

Next you’re going to tell me Handsome Major Angus MacZongo Esquire lied to me too??

They’ve already got the sinking spirit of Atlantis going.

If only there was a way to store state of that decision..

Going to need a source. You know.. just to make sure the meme checks out.

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Doesn’t work on mobile.

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