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Only if you're the right kind of Israeli.

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This should be considered fraud and she should be arrested.

This whole thing was fucking planned and everyone involved should go to prison: https://news.yahoo.com/turns-rep-tricia-cotham-north-170000213.html

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I can't imagine willingly working for a company this openly evil. Imagine sitting through an all hands like this.

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Fuck racists

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Yeah, it's actually pathetic how many people immediately sided with this clown too. Dude is another generic salesman type CEO who commercialized what was supposed to be open source software and lobbied the EU for loose regulations in AI, yet people act like it's bad thing that they dumped him.

Just proves to me that most people involved in tech are greedy scumbags, from the top all the way down.

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That's exactly what this is. They obviously have software that calculates the fees, so claiming they can't tell us why is bullshit when they clearly know why already.

It's a FOSS project, of course they're asking for volunteers. They're all volunteers themselves. It's not like the lemmy devs are making gobs of money from it.

Because some right wing rag told him Greta bad. These people are total shills lol. Imagine defending oil corps who wouldn't hesitate fucking you over for a dime.

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Google is one of the most engineer driven companies out there. Their engineers are simply massively overrated. A ton of leetcoder kiddies got into FAANG companies over the years and a lot of them are just plain shit as professional developers.

Edit: also the way they evaluate engineers drives them to create half-baked products that get abandoned. It's incredible how they still haven't figured out that people want stable, maintained products, not "innovation" that doesn't actually help anyone and never turns into a finished product.

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How many times do republicans have to be caught taking money from Russia and working with actual Russian officials before you'll accept that it's a real issue?

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That isn't his real opinion imo.

He a straight up Russian shill traitor like every other Republican these days.

And yet every Linux DE uses folder icons to represent "directories".

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I fucking can't man. This poor woman. What a horrible and terrifying way to die.

And now they're going to steal everything you have left with this clown's help.

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The comments on Reddit are way worse now, it's extremely noticeable. Look at comments on /r/science for example. They're all shitty jokes which used to get deleted.

The vast majority of subs are completely unmoderated now or taken over by a small group of people. Like /r/worldnews allowing people to openly support literal genocide of Arabs.

Reddit quality absolutely took a hit after this debacle.

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The majority of porn sites don't even bother trying to comply with laws like this and there's nothing state governments can do about it.

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It's Republicans blocking aid for Ukraine you massive idiot.

If this prick were black he'd be in prison for life.

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Stop targeting kids with child marriage, beauty parents and abusers in the church. Those are real problems that children face.

You don't give a damn about children. This is entirely about targeting a class of people you hate, with kids as the excuse, and it's fucking vile and evil.

These asshole CEOs need to be put in their place. I wish tech workers would fucking unionize already. The Democrats will never help anyone with labor issues.

The title and subtitle are misleading. Their profits went up over the last year, just not as much as a bunch of fucking investors wanted them to. The title makes it sound like they're actually struggling when they're not

Not really considering the vast majority of people don't use micro transactions. These companies make money by farming whales who have mental health/addiction issues.

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Tell that to the Roci

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McCarthy explicitly refused to work with Democrats on the vast majority of issues. The dude was an enormous coward

The man was literally arrested and appeared in court already.

This is nothing but more stochastic terrorism. Most of his supporters are too comfortable and too cowardly to do shit. But we do need to worry about the incel loser types who love to commit terrorist attacks.

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Where does the 2A say anything about "immediate self-defense"? Oh that's right, no where. Fuck SCOTUS

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It's over for beehaw already. Once they decided to ban everyone from the largest lemmy instance, it was over. They aren't important to the fediverse, period, and never will be with their current leadership who have no idea what they actually want it to be, apart from their personal internet fiefdom.

The short amount of time I was there, it felt like a community built for the moderators and admins, not the users themselves. Frankly the fediverse is better off without them, so I hope they do leave.

He's a financial venture capitalist type who made open AI closed source, and tried to pressure the EU into not regulating AI.

He's your typical shitbag tech CEO masquerading as a genius. Employees want him back because it's better for their RSUs/stock options. Bunch of greedy assholes from top to bottom.

Rude? This is beyond rude. The fact that you think grabbing random people and forcibly kissing them is only "rude" says a fucking lot.

I wonder how men who defend this behavior would feel if it were gay men doing it to them instead. Actually I don't wonder, I know exactly how they'd react.

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All of these people can get fucked. They're knowingly stealing land from someone else, then pretending to be the victims when there are consequences for that. I don't feel a single shred of pity for them.

How is it not a clear cut 1A issue? Give me a fucking break.

I wanted to like this game but I found the combat to be really tedious and the story felt dull. I hope BG3 takes it to another level.

Lmao, how does this bullshit get upvotes? Is chrome on android not chrome because it isn't bit for bit the same as on desktop? This is an incredibly blatant attempt to circumvent regulations. It is absolutely absurd to make this argument.

It's not too weird when you consider that macOS is a UNIX operating system. So you get many of the advantages of Linux/Unix through the terminal, with better app compatibility.

I've also heard macs are cheaper to maintain en masse than windows because of simpler tooling/group policy, which would be another a big reason it's everywhere in tech.

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Financial times has always been always expensive AF because it's made for rich investors.

You'd have to be a fucking moron to believe that bombing Palestinian civilians would make them support Hamas less.

We already went over this in WW2. Mass murdering civilians doesn't break them, it actually increases their resolve. It's obvious Israel doesn't give a shit about destroying Hamas since they're choosing to ignore 80 years of lessons in counterinsurgency warfare.

If someone kills your wife, you aren't going to think "well gee maybe I should get along with her murderers now". You're going to look for revenge or justice, and the only people offering anything close to that in Palestine are Hamas.

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Wtf is this? The game was already patched and enhanced for PS5.

Damn that's fucking hilarious

It kind of pisses me off that the article doesn't mention the Brazilian person.

Yeah you're right. But funny how you keep making excuses for murdering Gazan babies.

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