One in 100 people in Gaza has been killed since October 7

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One in 100 people in Gaza has been killed since October 7 | CNN

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You'd have to be a fucking moron to believe that bombing Palestinian civilians would make them support Hamas less.

We already went over this in WW2. Mass murdering civilians doesn't break them, it actually increases their resolve. It's obvious Israel doesn't give a shit about destroying Hamas since they're choosing to ignore 80 years of lessons in counterinsurgency warfare.

If someone kills your wife, you aren't going to think "well gee maybe I should get along with her murderers now". You're going to look for revenge or justice, and the only people offering anything close to that in Palestine are Hamas.

Sort of justifies what Israel is doing to Gaza in response to Hamas going after civilians. Oh, but not that way, right?

Israel is the one with the power to stop. They've been committing acts of war against Palestinians and a slow rolling genocide for decades. The natives forming a resistance group does not justify the actions of the colonists.

I love the rhetoric on here. It's fascinating.

Crack a history book. The side with less power never stops for being oppressed. It's not in the human psyche. And oppressors claiming victimhood the entire way through a genocide is the number one excuse for commiting a genocide.

Your language choices continue to fascinate. It's like a college freshman starting to realize there is a wider world out there and thinking their insight is unique.

Funny. Considering I've probably got quite a bit more education on the subject. After having fought in a war it was an intersection of particular interest at college. But you go on with the Ad Hominems.

I thought when you busted out the baseless attack that's what we were doing? I guess you're allowed to do it, but not me. Alrighty. Solid mind.

All I told you was to go study history. Are you a historian or something?