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Joined 12 months ago

If I've learned anything over the years, it is that geriatric power vampires never willingly step down.

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Name recognition is a hell of a thing. It explains why shitty incumbents consistently get re-elected. Also, voters are so fucking stupid.

Same, it's so weird seeing normal TV or using the internet without blockers. Feels like living in Idiocracy.

There really should be some DOJ investigation into why the SDNY dropped the case in the first place.

What the fuck, Hugo? Why hold it in a country that has no human rights?

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Living with a handgun owner particularly increased the risk of being shot to death in a domestic violence incident, and it did not provide any protection against being killed at home by a stranger, the researchers found. - Guardian Article April 7, '22

The relationship of Americans and our guns is such a weird, religious-level issue. Just bizarre people. And some of them are friends of mine. The people, not the guns.

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Carter, correct as usual. I am surprised to hear this though, if only because the last I heard Carter was in hospice. And that was months ago. Dude just survives.

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I heard this a couple years ago: The single most important predictor of a successful coup, is a failed coup

I've been feeling like I've been living in a different reality for almost a decade at this point. The world just doesn't make fucking sense at all.

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That only two states disqualified him from being on the ballot is a disgrace. Don't these officials from the other states swear to uphold The Constitution?

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These aren't weird people with mental health issues standing on the corner with signs. These are elected Republicans. I'm afraid of Republicans. I'm afraid of the world. I'm afraid I can't help it.

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According to the corporation, just one of these turbines should be able to produce enough electricity to power 36,000 households of three people each for one year.

These types of statements always trip me up. Why one year? If it's producing that amount of energy in that same year, shouldn't it just be "...power 36,000 households of three people."?

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Long history of innocent poor people dying in jail because they couldn't afford hundred(s), or thousand(s), dollar bail. Yet this proven rapist, fraudster, piece of crap gets his bond dropped by over 1/2 just because? His credit rating has to be shit. Fucking hell. What is the point of keeping this broken system?

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Musk didn't wait long to jump on the anti-Semitic tropes. Jews run the system, Jews run the banks, and so on. What a POS that guy is.

I don't care if the facial recognition worked exactly as it was supposed to, with 100% accuracy (I know, we are in fantasy land here, but stay with this hypothetical), WTF? Nobody in jail deserves that. Also I'm thinking, does everyone who goes to that jail get beat up and gang raped? It just makes news if it's the "wrong" guy?

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"Well that's not too typical, I'd like to point that out," Calhoun tried to explain.

"How is it untypical?" Asked Dawe

"Well there are a lot of these planes going around the world all the time and very seldom does anything like this happen. I don't want people to think planes aren't safe." replied Calhoun

"Was this plane safe?" Dawe continued

"Well I was thinking more about the other ones."

"The ones that are safe?"

"The ones where the doors don't fall off."

"If this one wasn't safe, why was it flying around at tens of thousands of feet?"

"I'm not saying it wasn't safe. It just perhaps isn't quite as safe as the other ones."

"Why?" Dawe said with a puzzled expression.

"Well some of them are built so that the doors don't fall off at all."

"Wasn't this one built so that the doors wouldn't fall off?"

"Obviously not."

"How do you know?"

"Well, because the door fell out!" Calhoun, starting to sound a little exasperated.

-The Original, for those who may not be 50 years old

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The defendants, listed as former mayor Haywood “Woody” Stokes III and his town council, held a secret, special election, preventing Braxton from appointing his town council. During their special election, the previous town council re-elected themselves, and ultimately reappointed the previous town mayor. They were aided, the lawsuit alleges, by the town’s bank and clerk. Newbern has effectively had two mayors since 2020.

I thought the FBI came in when these fucking inbreds pulled shit like this.

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By Chris Quinn, Editor, Plain Dealer

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The only conceivable reason not to declassify the docs this old is embarrassment. There should be an automatic sunset for classified docs.

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Amazon and Walmart are in great need of some good ol' trust busting. Well, they aren't in need of it, this society is in need of it.

The growing anger towards Gaetz is unlikely to help him as Republicans weigh whether to expel him from Congress.

Ha fucking ha. No they won't. There's still that weirdo liar Santos. If they still haven't done anything with him, I seriously doubt they'll do jack dandy to teen sex trafficker Gaetz.

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If he is even allowed to run it means The Constitution is just optional.

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I know Pelosi is one of the magats' favorite talking points, but last time I saw Pelosi's market gains posted, she wasn't even in the top 10 of Congressfucks rigging their investments, and it wasn't close to being a one party issue.

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It's no secret what Republicans stand for. I worry that there might be enough of them to continue unraveling the basic fabric of this society.

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So this guy just sounds like he had trouble adulting after college. Happens to many, regardless of industry.

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Jackie still dealing with these inbred fuckheads. Same bullshit he had to deal with in life. Just disgusting people.

Expecting companies to be good citizens is crazy. Expecting consumers to be informed consumers is crazy. Our gov't needs to pass regulations about repairability for just about any consumer product. But expecting voters to be informed voters also seems crazy.

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  • Benghazi This is stupid, but we'll sit through all these dumb ass hearings and waste money to appease these shitheads
  • Hunter Biden This is stupid, but we'll sit through all these dumb ass hearings and waste money to appease these shitheads
  • Whitewater This is stupid, but we'll sit through all these dumb ass hearings and waste money to appease these shitheads
  • And so on ...



When they say they are Republican. Or touch on Republican talking points promoting hate, sexism, racism, and/or ignorance in general.

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Damn. I was hoping he'd dig his hole a little deeper.

For some fucked up reason SS tax is only up to something like $165k income. So a textbook regressive tax. Ridiculous. Don't put a limit on it. There. The shit is funded until climate change creates starvation and mass human migrations of such size that there is a break down the social structure.

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I'll repeat it forever, but minimum wage should be a liveable wage. It should be attached to some median cost of living for the area where the workers work.

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That's the type of overblown rhetoric and ignorant takes that we've come to expect from uneducated, inbred, welfare-taking red states.

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You want your peons to work illegally long hours as long as you are the only one benefiting from it.

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Remember when Dan Rather was fired for reporting on Bush going AWOL? It wasn't because he got the story wrong, it's because he only had one source. And all he was, was a talking head. These Republican traitors can strike war drums of insurrection and coups, using one source they were told was very questionable, then they just get to shrug, go,"Ooops, my bad", and carry on like nothing happened?

The apartment I've lived in for 20+ years recently got sold to a property investment firm. They gave us all 60 days notice. They are going to spruce up the apartments and then rent them. They were nice enough to offer current tenants first dibs on the new apartments. At 3x the current rent. A group of people, families, retired folk, a lady going through cancer treatment, we're all at a bit of a loss. Can't afford to live here, can't afford to move. I really don't know what where we'll end up.

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Cheaters really need to just fuck off and do something else with their lives. They are just sad assholes who can't accomplish anything without cheating. With that lack of integrity, they'd make great CEOs. But with the lack of morality and stick-to-it-ness, I guess they'd fit better as middle management.

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Any young buck reading this: If you have insurance, they'll usually cover vascectomy with a minimal co-pay. Do it. Contact your doctor, your insurance company, figure it out and do it. Yeah, it's a little weird having someone shave your junk, and you're achy for a few days after, but think about it. A lifetime of less stress and more money. Just do it. You'll thank me in your dotage.

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These fucking judges.

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I see "NY Post" and that's really all I need to know.

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