To all the LibRules to – 253 points –

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That's the type of overblown rhetoric and ignorant takes that we've come to expect from uneducated, inbred, welfare-taking red states.

I’m an anarcho-communist in one of the most secure blue states there is, but thanks for proving my point I made in another comment that liberals argue against their perceptions of peoples beliefs rather than their actual beliefs.

Haha, I guess I really should have added the slash s. Did not think it was needed, but here we go. Good job with the self-own I guess.

Man look at the rest of these comments, I’m sorry but it’s been nearly constant attacks on the working class since I posted this meme, I may have gotten a bit defensive. Cheers!

Sounds like you can dish it out but can't take it back tbh. Did a librul make you post the meme?

I spent longer than I care to admit trying to figure out if it was sarcastic or not before just deciding not to think about it any longer lmao