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Joined 12 months ago

Apple: only implements a proprietary graphics API

Also Apple: Why does no one make games for my platform??

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[A trans person] joined the Discord server and made a big deal out of their pronouns [..] because they put their pronouns in their nickname and made a big deal out of them because people were referring to them as “he” [misgendering them], which, on the Internet, let’s be real, is the default.

Damn I didn't know women didn't exist on the internet! Also "making a big deal out of ones pronouns" is almost never the case, it's always just a normal request for the respect of addressing someone properly.

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Nope, just the CEO of the company that has regularly overridden the decisions of his engineers, driving anyone with any actual experience away.

Autonomous vehicles built by hundreds of first-year software engineering graduates seems like a good idea though.

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Good, hope they win. I was supposed to have a procedure at Vanderbilt and this whole thing has really made me second guess how much I trust them, despite not living in Tennessee.

Why did they feel the need to to publish his daughter's deadname? It's truly not relevant or needed at all.

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Nope! And yet they try to sell it as an open system lmao

excellent news, this community isn't for discussing "queer and gender diversity" but instead shitposting.

hope this helps!

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There's no good reason. There never is, other than the reddit mods wanting control and not wanting to share with those who already built community on Lemmy.

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The Time Article they're referencing is worth a read. Excellent reporting, and there's no excuses for Apple and Foxconn here.

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They really don't. It's not like after 10 years your battery just explodes and stops working. They lose a little bit of capacity and work just fine.

I have a 5 year old EV with barely any battery degredation. That I bought used!

Still disappointing that it isn't using a proper IR illuminator. Apple's Face ID is still better, and the DyNaMiC iSlAnD doesn't take up that much space. I've adjusted to having a fingerprint sensor on my Pixel 6 Pro, but the thing is so much slower.

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given I am a woman who is currently on the internet, I am aware there are women on the internet.

thanks for explaining that for me 😉

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Have you considered just using the user's browser font via sans-serif?

I did this on my website some time ago and honestly feels like it is the best way. You're repecting the user's wishes if they have a custom typeface specified, and the defaults on most OS' are good these days otherwise.

Plus, you save some network requests and page size.

looks more like chromeOS than chromeOS lol

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It makes no sense to me why we pressure people to take breaks from psychiatric medication when we don’t for like any other condition?

Take your meds, fuck em.

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LiFePO4 batteries like being charged up high, so you're probably fine keeping them plugged in.

You're right about not going under 20% often, but you'll want to charge to 100% at least periodically to allow the cells to balance.

Edit: Please make sure you're looking up information on Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries specifically, they behave differently from standard lithium batteries and a lot of the advice shared here won't apply.

Right, like the ones with vaginas are cool and the ones with penises aren't?

They ship an outdated and unreliable implementation 😅 There are things that use it, but my understanding is you couldn't use it in the same way you can on other platforms.

You're not unlucky, in the U.S. any charger that isn't made by Tesla is unreliable. It's been getting worse over time, and the only real hope is that every manufacturer is switching to Tesla's charge port (now called NACS) and getting access to their Superchargers.

I had a non-Tesla EV and eventually got a Tesla because I need to road trip regularly and can't handle chargers being down.

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I set up a new HA install a couple months ago and didn't write any YAML. It was kind of nice? The UI tools have come a long way and it discovered all my devices which had never happened before.

The thread you shared is worrying though, it's the complete opposite of the spirit of FOSS. I should probably reconsider paying for their subscription at a minimum.

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That's... not really what I said?

I think having multiple communities about the same subject on different instances can be interesting and potentially good!

I just think in this case there wasn't really a need to make a new community, when the main difference is a mod team from a different website. The tone of the post struck me as telling the community what to do. I was a little assumptive, I suppose.

I used to mod a subreddit/discord that has already had a couple lemmy communities pop up, so this is something I've been talking about with friends for a bit. I'm personally hoping to see moderators of reddit communities making space for new people to run things.

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Yep. Bought a home right before covid when interest rates were super low, I would love to sell my home and move but it would be the dumbest financial decision I've ever made.

Not to mention losing a couple bedrooms just to afford a new place.

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It's really not a misunderstanding if you fail to communicate that at all! Every bit of what you said made it sound like you all swooped in from reddit (given none of the mods I've seen have any interactoin with any other lemmy communities) to take over people who were already posting content.

Maybe that's not what's happening, which is great! People are obviously confused, so you're not doing a good job of explaining yourselves or what's happening in any event.

describing repeated targeted harassment for being transgender as “petty drama” is a bit disingenuous, no?

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Are you sure it isn’t satire? I prefer to believe it is.

Well when a “recall” is the government removing software feature after software feature from your car, yes there’s a lot of recalls. There really should be a separate process for non-safety critical software changes that the government mandates.

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Good thing they immediately launched the product pages with comparisons and don't force you to watch the keynote!

glad you're figuring it out!

Because double-clicking has worked fine for decades despite not being the default. You should relax.

Good thing the Volt has a really well-designed battery that you'll basically never need to replace. The management system babies those cells.

There's a reason people love crashed volts for DIY battery storage and EV conversions.

You're unbelievably lucky. I got FSD Beta in one of the early release waves, and had it until right before V11 when I got tired of paying $200/mo for it. I had 2 red lights in my city it would consistently try to run every single time. I reported it to Tesla dozens of times with no resolution across many updates. There's so many videos of FSD Beta failing online, it was absolutely not ready for public roads at the time, and doesn't seem to be meaningfully closer based on the videos I've watched recently.

The cameras and processors in your car just fundamentally aren't good enough for self-driving (there still isn't a suite of sensors and hardware that is, despite throwing ungodly amounts of money at the problem) and Tesla has proven multiple times that they don't have a culture of safety and shouldn't be trusted to develop this technology.

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... and you can only get it on Google play. that makes sense. 🙄

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Oh this will be nice, I loved having this on iOS. I used it for things like sign in codes from TV apps or whatever. Hopefully it works offline like voice does so I can continue using GBoard without network permissions.

Are you me? 😅 I haven't been able to work for 4 years because I burnt out so hard working in politics, a field I loved.

I agree with a lot of what the author said, but sort of feel like they could do some more work on not feeling pressure from neurotypical society? I recently finished reading "Unmasking Autism" by Devon Price and really found it helpful in this regard.

Because three credit unions chose to sue Apple about it? Read the article.

It's not an event for "all marginalized people" or "anyone who experiences discrimination" are you capable of reading

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I have never liked anything pumpkin, before or after transitioning. everyone is shocked by this.

Fuck Gilead. My doctor was just telling me about this at my last appointment. I’m on Descovy for PrEP and the out-of-pocket costs are crazy if I weren’t insured.

The number of people I know who are doing much better on Descovy compared to Truvada should make them feel so ashamed, but I know they don’t.

Banks also have the option of offering their own NFC products on Android, not that many do anymore. Apple doesn't allow real access to NFC hardware.

If we’re talking about Econ 101 maybe Google shouldn’t have purchased a company that couldn’t turn a profit after nearly a decade without rent-seeking.

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