
1 Post – 163 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"Creators of a broken system upset that people have found a way to actually profit from said system".

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He was right.

The years start coming, and they simply do not stop coming.

RIP King

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Remember when we used to never hear about school board meetings because they were dry, boring school board meetings?

Yeah, I want to go back to that.

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Don't look up

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Imagine doing over a decade of schooling and training, spending thousands of dollars to become a platic surgeon, making really, really good money and generally be respected by most people.

Imagine that not being enough and you throw it all away in an attempt at being a fucking tiktok star.

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Because media litteracy and critical thinking are not subjects taught being taught in schools.

Inquisitive and skeptical minds do not make for good worker drones.

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I recommend you touch grass. Valuing yourself by imaginary internet points is not going to do you any good.

"Of course my grandparents survived the Holocaust! My grandfather was one of the most decorated officers in the S... uh, next question?"

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Weird that AI isnt replacing things like management, CEOs, stock investors, accountants... you know, jobs that tend to be about numbers and efficiency, which you would think AI would excel at.

Instead, we have it skirting copyright by stealing other people works and changing it just enough to not be a direct copy.

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This site will show you how to tackle any stain.

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I dont know about that.

See, this world is rough, and if a man's gonna make it, he's gotta be tough. If a father knew he wouldn't be there to help his son along he could, hypothetically, give him that name, say goodbye, and know his son would have to get tough or die.

That very name would then help to make him strong.

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You knew that Canada had the recipts when Trudeau went public with it. He's not prone to causing friction between countries for no reason.

Oh god, Ive been using them wrong this whole time?!?!

I guess I am so used to other social media I had assumed it was a like button.

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I always thought that tides were a really underutilized source of energy.

I mean, look at the Bay of Fundy. The equivalent of all the water in all the rivers in the entire world cycles in and out every single day. Thats a lot of movement and a ton of potential energy there.

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Ding ding ding

I mean, its pretty transparent attempt by spez to boost.interactions with the site, but that won't stop people from doing exactly what spez wants them to do.

They would rather believe in a made up, shadowy group of super wealthy and connected people that rule the world, as opposed to the very public group of super wealthy and connected people that rule the world.

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Its actually insane how hard the US clings to the death penalty.

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Can we leave the karma system and awards with Reddit? Allowing voting in comment sections for pseudo-moderation by the users is good, but when it turns into a scoring system the conversation devolves into a competition to see who can craft the most palatable opinion to get the most imaginary internet points.

Despite all my thoughtful and helpful comments I made in my 11 years on reddit, you know what my top comment was?

  • Comes in
  • Kills the Queen
  • Tanks the economy
  • Leaves

What a legacy.

47k updoots, and 27 awards.

There are two types of people in this world:

  1. those who can extrapolate from incomplete data
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ATF = cracking down on legal funtime stuffs

DEA = cracking down on illegal funtime stuffs

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"More like 'Rage WITH the Machine' heheheh"

  • every dude who's profile pic is a selfie they took in their truck wearing white oakleys and a baseball cap.
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The US: destabilizes multiple South American countries for fucking fruit companies

China: actually invests in them and improves their standard of living, and South American countries develop a favourable view of China

The US:

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The problem here is that they used an old photo and shopped Mick Mars out and John5 in, because they either can't be bothered to take any new promo photos of the band, or the difference between how much better John 5 looks than the rest of those washed-up has-beens is so stark that they don't want to.

Churches are definitely for-prophet enterprises.

I dont know if its really "Lesser Known", but pest control is a very interesting field to work in and isnt often talked about in many circles.

Its essentially future proof, as we're always going to have pests. Its one of those jobs where its the same enough every day that you get a little better, but different enough from call to call to keep you challenged and stay interested.

I wished that I had even considered it an open back in High School and gone to college/university to actually study pests in an academic setting, and be able to participate in some of the groundbreaking work taking place currently.

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Wild that a country that has such a rich history of same-sex relationships would take this long to legalize it.

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See, the thing is that they don't see themselves as living in fear. In their minds, they're fighting a righteous battle in the name of good and decency.

They're not scared, they're just looking for a fight anywhere and everywhere.

Canadians: "We need more and better funding for healthcare, especially mental healthcare."

Canadian gov't: "Sure would be cheaper for us if you just fucking died."

Like, I am in no way against MAID, but the expansion as to what qualifies for it is starting to scare me. We already have a case of a woman seeking MAID because it was easier than finding affordable housing that accomodates her disabilities.

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America, what is you doing? Get your legal drining age to a reasonable age first FFS.

A 14 year old can serve alcohol for seven years before they're legally allowed to drink any? Thats fucked.

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I like to believe that dinosaurs (especially stegosauruses) had lovely singing voices, because its nice and doesn't hurt anybody.

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How about we start at home like, I dunno, actually punishing the people responsible for the opioid epidemic (Purdue, the Sacklers, etc.)

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He should change his name to Vince Meal, amirite?

Isn't one of the main points of circlejerk lampooning reddit culture?

Lemmy is still pretty new and finding its identity. Give it time.

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Last line of the article: "Just like choosing not to ride on airplanes isn’t really an option, for many, using social media isn’t much of a choice either."

That, and not only is not riding on an airplans an option for a lot of people, its their reality for a lot of people and out of reach financially. Way to be completely out of touch, Gizmodo. Couldn't have used a worse example lol.

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I would argue that its not acceptable now.

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Nah, the right in dangerous up here as well. We've imported alt-right fascism wholesale.

Even is we forget about the attempt at our own Jan 6 with the "Freedom Convoy", the most recent Conservative Party convention had them approving of policies to limit transgender healthcare and ending "forced political, cultural or ideological training of any kind", essentially a giant rejection of "wokeness" and a call to action for a return to "the good old days".

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