What's something that's viewed as socially acceptable today that you think will become unacceptable 20 years from now?

The Giant Korean@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 232 points –

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I would argue that its not acceptable now.

I would argue that this depends on location

True. I pretty much grew up on the "no smoking" wave through the late 90s/early 2000s and watched it disappear from public spaces.

It was a trip when my dad brought me to Detroit in my teens for a concert, and lit up inside a restaurant. I saw the server walking over briskly and thinking "Dad, wtf are you doing??". But then she just dropped an ash tray on our table and went on her merry way.

Thats when I realized that the whole world hadn't signed on to the whole "no smoking in public spaces" paradigm.

Go to any large city in the US or anywhere in Europe or Asia. It will blow your mind how acceptable it is.