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Joined 1 years ago

Don't forget that 3 of the current justices (Barrett, roberts, kavanaugh) were on bush's legal team in 2000 Bush vs Gore

What's the suggestion here?

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IMO this is just employer revenge porn

You're literally in a sub for that.

The weighed a ton, they were limited in size, their resolution was terrible, they sucked down electricity...

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Do republican voters seriously never grow tired or embarrassed by this clown show? I don't get it

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Every time I open discord it just generates popups about features.

Its fucking annoying.

I never expected the leopard to eat MY face

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I'm finding it to be the opposite. All content on YouTube and social media, including lemmy, seems to just be endless reposts of the same limited list of topics and memes.

Its become boring to the point where I'm just going back to specific interest forums websites for content.

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And they'll just vote the same people back in

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"Why would the democrats do this?"

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...well regulated...

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Wife and I took all our business away from Walgreens after Walgreens decided to stand with the far right and not provide em emergency contraceptives.

Now that hyvee pharmacy is becoming trash, we've decided to go with Costco.

My first pickup at their pharmacy today was pleasant af

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lol I got that emaik and read that exactly the same.

Someone should hire that author for a large corporation's pr department

Jim Jordan Spirals When Asked About Losing His Star Biden witness

Article is literally a single sentence from Jordan.

Thanks for wasting my time

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That's what BBSes and some parts of the internet felt like. Then it all just became a shitty megamall.

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Do you know hamas?

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I don't use tiktok. I have a Twitter account. Why is tiktok bad while a privately owned social media platform (twitter) that's partially financed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar not bad?

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The senator has two first names... in his first name.

What are people expecting here?

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We can say the same thing about cars or any necessary manufactured good. But in every category, as with phones, cheaper models exist.

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I work for the federal government and spend my time at work making open sourced software and outside of work contributing to open source. My job is centered around forwarding science for the betterment of society, not around making the company more money.

As a result, I'm happier. My salary could probably be about 25% higher in the private sector. However, my job is secure through retirement and the pension plan and work life balance is sensational. This year i will have taken a month off between vacations and use-or-lose. I also have banked over 2500 hours of sick leave that don't drop off. I also work fully remote though my office is 7 minutes away with no traffic.

I fucking love it. Downballot races: starve from the self inflicted famine you utter fucking nonces

I assume republicans in Texas blame critics for forcing Texas to use taxpayer money to fight lawsuits

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Fuck. Just spit coffee out in bed

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You've just described every bluecheck on Twitter.

Not joking

But also...

... the new York post...

Quite honestly, one of the funniest things About this is that the company that's driving all of this, Trump Media and Technology Group

CEO, President and Director: Devin Nunes

I shit you not

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Because their voters are in a cult

That's the funniest thing I've heard today

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How's that?

Ah yes competition. I get to choose between two providers, charter and at&t. Same price, about the same speeds.


come on now

Bro you just won the internet with pedantic technical arguments that pretend to not understand what the person you're arguing with is telling you.

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Qanon Jewish space lasers has a great radar for bullshit. Totally.

4 day old sad troll account striking out hard :^(

So... the entire car is bricked if that screen malfunctions and the car is not usable by those with poor motor skills in their right hand?

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Fermenting. Kraut, pickles, cauliflower, hot peppers to make my own hot sauce, horseradish, garlic honey, etc

Kombucha, water kefir, milk kefir.

Sourdough. Made my first caraway seeded sourdough rye today. Chefs kiss.

Growing mushrooms of the legal and illegal kind.

I'm doing a first attempt at brewing beer as well as wine right now.

Just put some mj seeds in a paper towel. Decked out the basement for a full grow.

Raising chickens for the eggs, a lot of which I also pickle.

Gardening with my wife. We mainly only ate our own back yard goods this summer and fall.

I'm going to try to make soap this weekend hot a mold kit and some sodium hydroxide.

Growing plants in a kratky hydroponics system. We made so much pesto this year from that.

And I still somehow work a 40 hour week :D

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There's been a not-single-digit amount of arguments from the right lately that only people that pay taxes should have a vote because they're the ones putting skin into the game.

Its like no one on the right ever picked up a history book.

We did all this already. We decided as a nation that it was dumb and moved on.

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ComSci here. Lately Google for tech searches, and especially low level shit, gives a few relevant results on top with the bottom of the first page always being scam sites that my corp firewall blocks. Always sites with just random letters

Automobile manufacturing plants aren't pop up apple stores

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