
17 Post – 1226 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I feel like we need to start spying on the fuckers (gqp) because I bet we would find some nefarious activities.

Sounds like someone could use a little treat.

What an absolute skid mark.

Yeah, who could even begin to guess...

The content will bring in users. I try to comment on interesting topics to help drive engagement.

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Reddit has become full garbage.

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After YouTube started filling their search results with mostly shorts, I stopped using it for new stuff. It's terrible now.

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He's embarrassed, not tormented.

The girls and boys he probably raped were tormented.

Hmmm. We raised the prices on EVERYTHING and shoppers aren't buying as much.

No shit.

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Yes please. Do it.

And time. Instead of commuting, I'll mow my grass, water the plants, do some chores, etc.

My wife commutes and can't work remotely. I try to consider that and do more chores to bring balance.

That extra 20-30 minutes in the morning and 40 minutes in the PM is priceless, actually.

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Layoffs will continue until morale improves.

No doubt. I'm starting to eat healthier because a bag of Doritos is like $5 now when I used to buy it for $2.50-3.00. That's just one example, but across my snacking 'units', everything is outrageous.

I'm eating less and healthier 'units'.

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I don't feel comfortable with their prices.

Hopefully for profit health care, but I'm not holding my breath.

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A fine is merely the cost of doing business.

If we want change, there needs to be jail time.

So damn hilarious.

There are actually only 12 people in the world who know how to code. The rest of us copy some variation of their code or their derived code.

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I don't mind organized religion. What I do hate is that religion pushing their beliefs onto everyone they meet, pushing their religion beliefs throughout school systems, etc. If religious can keep to themselves, I see it like yoga or CrossFit.

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Snowflakes melt, so it makes sense.

I was commenting regularly. Now I comment here, sorry y'all.

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Birds don't live in nests.

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We need a TikTube apparently.

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Look, I get it, but first, what's your email address?

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I mean, what does a banana even cost, $10?

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It's a law that perfectly demonstrates why religion needs to be completely separated from state affairs.

They simply do not want children born out of wedlock.

It does take an entire weekend of school to get certified though.

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There should be both term limits and age restrictions sumilar to air traffic controllers.

No reason someone over 65 should be deciding the future of our country.

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Criminal doesn't want to be investigated.

Probably. She'll change it to eX. Tweets will be called ditty and you'll be required to sing them.

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aint (something) {
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Lol. He didn't want to give up the office after 4 years, do you really think he would stop after one day? Fucking idiots.

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Layout shifts. You know the ones where you go to click a button and an ad appears at thst exact moment, so now you have to close that garbage, and try again.

I haven't used it since it was purchased by Facebook.

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Ten is a terrible site anyway.

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Maybe don't do things that people find repulsive.

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I stopped using DoorDash when their fees and overall cost doubled what it should be.

I'll walk down and get it myself.

Domestic terrorist. Call them what they are.

It definitely has nothing to do with the outrageous starting price range.

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