What is your record for number of hours on a single game?

ohlaph@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 142 points –

And what game?


Are we counting WoW? Because that's measured in years.

Your comment made me curious enough to go check my /played, and I regret my decision. Over 500 days of play time.

oh boy... yeah WoW was around 3 hours a day x 5 days a week for about 4 years. Some days were more, some days were less, and I took a few breaks here and there. That comes out to around 100 days.

I think that's the low end for wow players as well. I played it excessively for like a whole year (wake up, play, go to bed with very few obligations during that time), I have no idea how much time I spent in that game overall, because I've had a few periods like that in my life (though never that crazy)

Roughly 30 000 hours in WoW. I've been playing it since 2005 - mostly active, only a couple of 1-6 month breaks.

Quick approximation - let's just ignore the exact dates:

  • 18 years * 365 = 6570 days
  • 30000 hours / 6570 days = ~4.57 hours/day

During the last 18 years, I've played an average of 4h 34min of WoW every day.

In other words: if I sleep 8 hours a day, during the last 18 years, I've spent about 28% of my waking hours playing WoW.

While I'm at it: I'm 34 years old. I have spent roughly 10% of my life playing WoW.

jfc lmao

Other MMOs: Guild Wars 1 & 2, FFXIV, are all between 1000-1500 hours each.

Outside of MMOs, the #1 is probably Trackmania (2020) at ~600 hours.

I think you can use /played in the console it will tell you how much that character has been played. I did it once it came out in years scale too

Yup, that's what I used to get the number - along with an addon that saves all the data from different characters and sums up the played time of all of them. Last time I checked it showed over 1200 days (=28 800 hours) for me - but it's been a while since I checked the total, and it doesn't include characters in Classic (or deleted characters). So I just rounded it to 30k hours, close enough.

My most played character is my shaman, with 450 days (~11k hours) played - it was my main character from TBC to WoD (from 2007 to early 2015). Current main is Druid with 240 days (~6k hours). So these two characters alone are more than half of my total played time. :D

How much of that time was actually spent playing? A huge percentage of my /played is standing around either AFK or using the game as a chat client

Vast majority of it is active playing - I've thought about this earlier too, and I really rarely just afk or stand around while in game. Even if I'm just waiting for eg. raid to start, I usually just go do some gathering, pet battles, dailies, something.

Over 12,000 hours so far on RimWorld. I've had the game for just over 6 years so that is roughly 5 1/2 hours a day. I think it takes 10000 hours to be considered an expert at something.

Hey mom look I finally made something of myself. :)

About 3,000 hours of Rimworld for me, easily my most played game.

I started off by pirating the game so I don't know the exact count, but the game was so incredible I've purchased it 4 times now.

After so many hours how is to start a new town? Going through the same motions again, more or less. Or do you pick a totally different setup each time to keep it fresh, but by now you surely have done most starts a few times.

I try different scenarios that players create or create my own. Sometimes I try to limit myself by not doing research or disabling certain options.

And honestly the mods make the game completely different so I'll try various types of mods and just play with the new or changed features.

Minecraft. Probably over 15,000 hours playing servers modpacks, developing mods. It's been 13 years now!?!

I wish I had my Minecraft hours. I've been playing since Beta on PC across many PCs. I bought it on Xbox 360, separately for Xbox One, and Android. I think I would compete with some of the WOW players here tbh..

3,545 hrs in Rimworld. Minecraft is probably up there too, but I don't have an exact number. In both cases, I just keep coming back and starting over with a fresh set of mods.

Somehwere between 3000-4000 hours, 23 years of playing persistent worlds on Neverwinter Nights.

Most of that occurred between 2002-2010. It was legit a gaming addiction.

Slay The Spire: 850 hours. I feel like I'll never get bored at a retirement home because I'll just keep playing Slay The Spire. It'll be my mahjong equivalent.

Almost 1000 hours in Rocksmith 2014. Yes, I still suck.

13,027 hours and counting - Final Fantasy XI

That is impressive.

Can you go into details on when you started, how often you play, etc. Really interested in this.

They started playing 18 months ago, paused and haven't had a chance to jump back in.

Hi! I started back in 2006 and have played off and on over the years. I've had periods of time where I unsubbed and didn't play at all, and other times where it was my only game! I got back in to playing in 2020 during the pandemic lockdowns and I'm still logging in daily even now! No other game has captured me quite like FFXI.

i started playing Final Fantasy with FFII on SNES. when they came out with III, i was a bit reluctant because of the obvious 2nd lie, but the game was so good, i played it more than II. after that, i couldn't take anymore lying, and completely disconnected from the series. now, theyre on XI‽ is Final Fantasy XI thee actual final fantasy, or are they still peddling their lies??

Bahahaa! Yes, the heroes have averted so many apocalyptic and reality-destroying situations that "final" is definitely misleading! Of course, if the heroes never set out on their journeys, then maybe the world doesn't get saved...

Anyway FFXI is the first MMORPG Final Fantasy (FFXIV being the more recent one) and it's jam-packed with many different potential "final" fantasies! It's kept me busy since 2006!

World of Warcraft since 2004. Why measure in hours when you can measure in years?

Same same. It's something disgusting too like 4+ years.

Other than that one probably football manager at like 2k hours.

3,000 - Oblivion

That's spread over 40 or so characters, and dating all the way back to 2006.

Oblivion is my most played as well. I "only" had a little over a thousand... Then my Xbox hard drive died.

I'd rather not say exactly how many hours, but it's Factorio so... a lot.

Ignoring idle games and MMO's for obvious reasons, ~2k hours in each Factorio and Rimworld, followed by 1k in KSP.

5 figures and counting on Factorio. Do not recommend, gets somewhat repetitive after a while.

I'm over 5,500 hours of efficiency workings.

Mods. Mods are all it is.

Bob Angels is such an amazing modpack to do (expect 120 hours roughly for a full run).

Seablock is the next step up (300 hours to finish).

Then space exploration. That just goes hard for 500 hours easy.

I've taken a big break since a SE finish so that I have that 'omg this game is amazing" when the DLC comes out.

According to my Steam account, it's Satisfactory with 823.4 hours played. Runner up: Team Fortress 2 with 547.5 hours.

I'm not sure that count is accurate for games I've owned a long time like the Half Life series; I KNOW I have more than Steam's claimed 32 hours in Half Life 2, and I absolutely have more time than the 12.1 hours logged in Half Life 1.

I'm kinda curious about certain SNES games like A Link to the Past, which I've played over and over since they were new. I bet I have a thousand hours in at least one SNES game.

I've got 2222.1 (and counting) hours into Oxygen Not Included. Though it spends a fair a bit of time running in the background.

Go on...

Things are going pretty well on all my colonies, I've almost got my 2nd nuclear rocket refueling station built. Good thing too, because I've got a broken pipe in my oxygen condenser so my petroleum rocket is grounded.

It is a toss up between Starcraft Brood War and Minecraft. I stopped counting at 30,000 starcraft games and Ive played minecraft since java classic

One time as a kid I played a game of Monopoly with my Uncle and cousins that took like 5 hours. I never played Monopoly with them ever again. Don't play Monopoly against a banker, the game quickly becomes way too serious

14,388.7 hours in Cookie Clicker. 100% achievements in just under two years.

World of Warcraft no doubt. About 2500 hours per year and been active for 12-ish years.

War thunder is probably second at about 3.5k hours.

I have no way of estimating Diablo 2 or Starcraft 2 or Baldurs gate 2.

Just to put the in context, you would need to play every single day for roughly 6.8 hours in order to rack up 2500 hours in a year.

To further contextualize, in the U.S. a full time job, that is a job wherein one works a combination of days each week (typically 5 8-hour days but sometimes 4 10-hour days) is around 40 hours each week, or 2080 hours a year.

The typical worker also takes vacation, sick days, etc equaling between 1-3 weeks each year. Meaning they may not even work an actual 2000 hours each year due to time off.

So you are putting in more time to WoW each year than the typical full time worker is to their job.

And you still have time for other games.

I do one game at a time, but about 2500 hours per year.

I've got 5 weeks of paid vacation and 40 hours work week.

I don't like traveling, I don't want kids, I don't like going out on weekends, I don't watch TV or series on Netflix. Minor optimization on adult chores such as meal prep and a 10 minute commute leaves a lot of time for whatever I want.

2500 hours per year

That is... more than a full-time job

Jesus Christ dude. Do you have a job?

Yes, average 40 hours per week for the last 10 years.

Duke Nukem 3D.

Started installing and playing friday afternoon around 4pm, get to the end of the game around 6am next saturday.

14 hours in a row. It was 30 years ago, never again.

I have put more hours into Planetside 2 than is even reasonable for how fucking bad I still am at that game.

Not as impressive as the other ones but 170h in Project Zomboid. Waiting for build 42 to play again.

There's no release date announced for 42 yet, right? I'm just so hyped to play it again when 42 is released.

Arma 3, 1,234 hours according to Steam.

DayZ mod?

I messed with that a bit in the early days but it was so janky. Chernarus is my favorite map though.

I played the campaigns co-op, a lot of co-op scenarios, and also a lot of scenarios like Pilgrimage, Antistasi, and all the randomized ones like DUWS.

Cart racing, Star Wars mods, WW2 mods, the mods really made A3 amazing.

This is over the course of 9 years. I haven't played in a couple months now, (the aug 22 last played was just me entering my house so it doesn't get demolished) but the itch will come back. It always does.

Yeah I've got about 6k hours in FFXIV as well

Probably chess. I have tens of thousands of games on all the separate accounts I use online, not counting over the board games- both casual and tournament. Also game analysis, reading chess books, and watching chess videos.

I have no way of estimating but I'm certain we're in the thousands of hours region.

Guess it depends on which time format you are playing, but even ten thousand games of bullet adds up, and it always amazes me how much time increments can add to total duration too. What’s your rating after that many games?

On 2+1 bullet I hover around 1900-2100 depending on the week. 10+0 I'm consistently 2100~

When I started playing chess I was like 600. I quickly made it up to around ~1200 and then got stuck for a while. Then it was like 6 or 7 years or so playing chess on and off. Would go up 100 or 200 points and then plateau for 6 months.

Also yeah most of the games are bullet. But I do have >1000 10+0 games

Damn. That’s a very solid rating. I feel that improve and plateau as well. Did you do any study or really just through playing games?

I study my 5 min and longer games. There's an open source chess game database where I input the games. I set it up so it runs stockfish and I can write annotations and notes.

I will go over each game and write notes on what I was thinking, potential things I could have done better, mistakes I made, tactics I missed, mistakes my opponents made, etc. That type of thing

Then after going through and writing a sort of summary of the game with a couple takeaway points I turn on the engine and go through a second time to see if my analysis was correct and see things I missed. One thing I learned very quickly that the engine makes you look like a dumbass 😅

Although from what I've read even people like Carlsen experience that.

Saving all my games in the database is useful because I can see my win rate in specific openings. So for example I'll play an opening like let's say French defense on White's side. I play the Tarrasch variation.

  1. e4 e6
  2. d4 d5
  3. Nd2

Here the typical response, and one I have a good win rate against, is 3 ... Nf6 which leads to the mainline. However, through looking at the opening statistics I saw I had a 30% win rate against 3 ... c5 (terrible compared to the 65% win rate against 3 ... Nf6)

So seeing this, I do some research on that specific line of the opening and I now have a response. Through this type of trial and error after game analysis you start to learn many sidelines of openings and you better understand the ideas and themes prevelant in those types of positions.

In addition to all that, I study openings using books. I play the same openings every opportunity I can. I always start with e4 and for example I have a response against the three most common moves.

  1. e4 e5

Here I play the Danish Gambit

  1. d4 exd4
  2. c3 dxc3
  3. Bc4 cxb2
  4. Bxb2

I have read a book about this opening, as well as studied it through engine and of course the post game statistics.

Against the Sicilian I have the Smith Morra (excellent book out there called "Mayhem in the Morra" I highly recommend)

  1. e4 c5
  2. d4 cxd4
  3. c3 dxc3
  4. Nxf3

And of course against the French I have the Tarrasch Variation which I outlined earlier in this comment. I try to stick to the same openings every game and I try to learn more about those openings. This way over time I've picked up many many sidelines of openings and I know the best move to strange or unusual sidelines.

So... to finally answer your question.

It's both. I study and I play. At the end of the day, you need to play otherwise you will never improve. However, you also cannot just play. You can play mindlessly for years and you will never get any better.

There are people online with tens of thousands of bullet games and they are rated 1000 still.

You need to study and analyze your games, as well as outside material, in order to be able to take that practice and internalize the lessons.

Dang dude, that’s some dedication. I’ve started playing a year ago and just reaching around 1000 now. Mainly blitz and bullet as with kids it’s hard to focus on longer games. I really enjoy puzzles though - not sure if that helps me much. Apparently my puzzle rating is 1750 for whatever that’s worth.

I find it really satisfying when I improve again though as I’ve definitely plateaued or taken breaks a few times. Any advice for someone at my level?

2,184 hours in Factorio, and possibly more in Minecraft, I just don't have a record.

Elite Dangerous, 1,041 hours.

I played a lot during the lockdowns when they closed everything, even stuff like the ski resorts. It's how I met my SO, we are gonna celebrate our second anniversary soon.

I've moved on to other games, but sometimes I still gotta hop into elite and explore the stars and do some combat in VR. So much fun :)

It ignited my interest in space, seeing some of our wildest stars and the core of our galaxy.

I am not exaggerating when I say I have 10k+ hours into fallout new Vegas. I've got 600 hours since November alone.

How tho, are mods that much content or are you some kind of speed runner

The exact opposite of a speed runner, he hasn't even finished the game yet

I'm not sure how many hours, but definitely Dark Age of Camelot

Hoo boy, a college roommate of mine got so hooked on that one that he became effectively nocturnal. To his credit, he was courteous enough to put his bedsheets down over the foot of his bed so the glare from his monitor didn't bother me while I was sleeping. I googled his name a while back and apparently he got his shit together, but that year was very worrying.

It kept out of bars and fights while I was in the Army... Except for that one time a guy wanted to fight me for not going to a bar with him because I was playing DAoC lol

1100 fallout 4. Just edging out Factorio with 1000 hours.

man I really tried to get into factorio, just wasn't for me.

i should try it again.

After xfire started supporting java games and before it ceased to exist, I clocked in some 2000 hours into Minecraft. I suppose 4000 hours into it isn't an unreasonable estimate.

I had >5000 hours in WoW by 2007, haven't checked since.

5,423 in elder scrolls online... In 2 years.

I'm pretty sure I played up a lot more.

Literally hundreds or even thousands of hours playing gran turismo games, especially now. I've spent 12 hours on multiple occasions making liveries, not even racing.

1302.2 hours on DayZ. Havent played since april though. Its a game ill play 30 hours a week until a server reset and then I wont touch it for months.

Destiny 2 and elden ring have been my latest ones though with 469 hours on ER and 365 on destiny 2.

Gotta be runescape 3, osrs is only at 30 days and I played rs3 significantly more. Csgo and lol are both over 1300 hours though, and if minecraft listed it's hours that'd probably be well north of 30k hours

When Super Mario 64 came out, I stayed up all night until about 8 the next morning playing it because I wanted to beat the whole game before going to sleep.

Guild Wars. When i was younger it was my life, played almost 18 hours everyday for years. Then less when the game become outdated in 2012 with Guild Wars 2 drop. Played second game too but didn't last more that two years. Probably in 12 years I have 25.000 hours totally from both games. Now I'm playing something else but with so much less enthusiasm, and actually I am about to drop any game to looking forward to the real life.

4 figures:

  • Skyrim. I don't regret it. It was like escaping into another world and with mods is endlessly varied. Some of the mods were genuinely moving and stuff like The Forgotten City or Enderal are food for the soul.

  • Fallout 4. Don't regret that either. A much needed escape and with mods it's endlessly varied. Also enjoyable building settlements.

  • New Vegas: same as skyrim.

  • Star Trek Online MMO: regret it. It wasn't fun after the first hundred hours, it was like feeding an addiction at a very low point in my life. I returned after many years, and had much the same experience. Doubly sad because Trek has given me so much joy over the years.

On the new PS5 firmware beta, it lists my most played games.

Rocket League is at the top with 1,027 hours. 😬 Though I haven't played it for a couple of years now.

Also Rocket League, 1,267.3 hours per STEAM. I think I can now hit the ball sometimes. Although, like you, have not played for a while.

I used to be decent at it, then the eSports pros who could fly around everywhere turned up and suddenly I wasn't as good anymore. 😂

1000+ hours, Port Royal 2, over the last 6+ years. I just love expanding my trade empire.

Hearthstone for me. I don't know the hours, but I've been playing since it launched, and I'm close to having 1000 ranked wins on all classes (Death Knight still needs a lot) and I'm not even that good, so I've lost even more.

Add in messing around with Battlegrounds, Tavern Brawls, and ugh, Mercenaries on top of that.

I can't even imagine how many hours that was.

I've got a little over 1,350 hours in Fallout 4, probably that many across Fallout 3 + NV, and gawd knows how many in Minecraft. Nothing record breaking.

Not sure exactly how many hours, but it's League for me. Low 4 digits I think from the 4k games I've played over the years

Theres a website to check i believe WOL (wasted on league) but for me its not always accurate. But also my most played I can track at about 1.5k hourd last I checked

Thousands upon thousands of hours in Civilization games through out the years. Hundreds in Minecraft and Terraria also.

Oh, and Counter Strike: Global Offensive. Another game with hundreds of hours in.

I remember being amazed when I hit 100 hours in Final Fantasy VII, thinking that a game could never match it. Then I put 12,000 hours into World of Warcraft over about 12 years, so I guess I lacked imagination. I don't think in the rest of my life I will ever be able to beat that with a single game.

720 hours in Battlefield 2042, I know I'm not proud of this either.

Of those that are tracked, anyway, for me is Arma 3 with 1500+ hours. It barely beats out TF2 by 2 hours.

Untracked would probably be Ultima Online. I played that game for over a decade.

3000 hours in counter strike and in minecraft it gotta be over 5000 hours, but there is no way to check

Over 200 hours on Death Stranding. During lockdown it was like therapy. Not into MMOs. Possibly more on other games but that is the one that surprised me most when I saw how long it took to platinum it. And then game+ing it too.

I have like 10000 hours into Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 i guess between 7000 and 8000.

Also have lots of hours into counter strike, don't know how much but it's also a lot.

Over 5000 on Battletech (2018)...very active mod community, has several complete overhauls to make the game an almost new experiance

Counterstrike. Steam says I have over 1000 hours...

5k hours here. Obviously 1k hours is a lot, but its funny all my friends say stuff like "oh it makes sense he only has 1k hours" etc. Looking back to when i had 1k hours, I'd still consider myself a noob lol.

Yeah I know, it takes a lifetime to master. But I stopped actually, I got tired of it. :)

EverQuest. I damn near flunked high school from all the binge sessions. The last time I logged in it was well over a year /played. Waiting on random spawn timers was wild.

No Man's Sky.. 661 hours in steam, and I had quite in on PS4 before I got a decent GPU.

Fuck that's a lot of time.

Breath of the Wild, more than 4k hours. I know that dang game by heart in a way that you can show me a random screenshot and I can tell where exactly on the map you're standing.

I'm guessing you know about HyruleGuessr already, because that's the exact thing you're describing!

Ohh I didn't know such a thing existed! Thanks for the link ;) This is actually pretty fun ♪

I'm on my first real playthrough of BOTW and I love it. My wife pretty much exclusively was playing ACNH, and she hasn't touched it since starting BOTW.

Everyone being so hyped about TOTK is really making me want to play BOTW as much as possible, but there is still an itch that can only be scratched by Rocket League, even though the smurfing has gotten worse and worse, and I'm routinely dunked on by 10 years olds.

Borderlands 2, thanks to boss farming. Not recommended, but the play itself isn't terrible. Also this is the funny one.

Terraria Strongly recommended. My very first survival / base builder, which is what I primarily play.

Deep Rock Galactic Also recommended, a four-player dwarf-sim + mining + shooting with tons of procedural to keep it interesting. There are a few (mostly pretty) vanity DLCs which I got just to throw money at the devs. This is my staple.

Borderlands 2 is my top game as well, I have something like 2500 hours in it. Got plenty of hours in Terraria and DRG too.

Uncounted would have to be Minecraft. Well over 2000 hours, but no clue how much exactly.

Counted it Noita with 600. Love that game.

Over 1040hrs at rise of nations I think I have more than that in CD version the one I'm playing is HD remastered finished 1040hrs

I forgot about this game, but played it a tonne. Like it better than age of empires

My TF2 played hours is something like 3990, but that's misleading as a lot of that was idling on trade servers, or the game client not closing properly and Steam reporting I was still ingame for hours afterwards.

There's probably 3-4 games I've legit broken 1k hours in.

I haven't touched it in years, but I have over a full year /played across all my old wow characters.

Definitely the original diablo 2. I played that game every single day for hours after school, without having actual data. Second would probably be cs:source without actual data because I played it before steam tracked it. Third would be slay the spire that clocks in at 600. Then rimworld at like 400ish.

Oblivion is somewhere in there too likely

I’ve never really been more than a casual gamer. However, my answer is probably RuneScape. I had a pretty heavy run of it in like 2004.

I wonder if my account is still out there somehow

I've played eve online for well over fifteen years. I couldn't tell you the hours accumulated over that time.

1505 hours of Old School RuneScape since 2019.

I have about 1,400 in dead by daylight. That still isn't even enough to be considered good either.

Probably 900 hours in Rainbow Six Siege over the course of 3-4 years.

As of today, 1,710 hours in destiny 2

5 Thousand Hours in Warframe, by it's official metric (for that the game counts actual Second to Second Gameplay, not AFK-ing in Menus or just logged in) which should roughly translate to at least the Triple with the game just opened (as Steam would track it) The fun part is, im liekly a shrimp compared to Bigger fish on my pond

Somebody from VRChat needs to get in here

I've spent plenty of time in there, but most of it I wouldn't consider playing a game. It was mostly spent hanging out, watching random movies, and checking out the various DJs. There's always a party going on.

This is a long time ago and the battery on the cart is probably dead so can't check. I remember thinking how it's over 10 days, so maybe 250 hours, game is Pokemon Silver.

around 2500 hrs in Smash Ultimate

yeah I still suck lol

Have about 2000 in Quake Champions now, easily my all time favourite shooter, def try it out if you like movement-heavy shooters

MMOs are a different class. Thousands in WoW. Second most of Chivalry: medieval warfare at about 1400 but I played that competitively.

3,237.5 hours, Star Trek Online. I recently started playing again after a 9-year hiatus, so about 2,900 of those hours are from like a decade ago.

Btw (shameless plug), we're trying to get a STO community up and running in the verse: https://kbin.social/m/sto. Any other captains around here, feel free to drop by!

I've never tried it. Should I?

You'll dig it if you're a Trek fan, especially if you like the ships. Oh lordy, there are ships. However, it's an older game, and it's very grindy/paygate-y, if you know what I mean. The game is free to play, but it really pushes microtransactions and loot boxes. I wouldn't say it's any worse than your average MMO, though.

That said though, it's a great game if you're a Trekkie. It's set in the Prime universe, picking up several years after Spock disappears in the 2009 Abrams movie. It's still in active development, with new content coming out all the time, and several actors from past shows have done voice acting for certain storylines. And the ships, holy crap, the ships...

I am still hurt by what Ubisoft did to Star Trek bridge crew. IMO it is one of the best vr games released, the game mechanics are perfect for vr.

4500 in CSGO in 9 years and I'm not planning to stop any time soon.

Probably Gary's Mod. I haven't played it in years but as a poor kid I loved it. I can't recall the exact amount but it was a couple thousand.

The Civ games and Fallout NV probably follow it

It's hard to tell exactly, because I've got a lot of time logged across multiple platforms, but I've got somewhere around 3500-4000 hours logged into Destiny 2 at this point.

It's my favorite game, and I hate it.

I think I passed 300 in Frostpunk, maybe 400? I'm away from my PC so I can't be sure.

Well, there's an F2P game called Rumble Fighter that came out back in 2006/7, which for reasons I don't understand in hindsight got its claws DEEP into me. It didn't track play time, but I'd put my hours at 8000, conservatively. 2+ hours per day, nearly every day for about 11 years.

Not a point of pride for me, but I've always taken the John Lennon's (alleged) attitude towards wasting time. So, no biggie.

The first time I ever played Factorio was also the first time I’d ever used a dab pen.

I sat there for 72 hours playing that game.

Guild Wars 1 with about 5k hours (i would need to look up the exact number)

Towerfall Ascension is the game my best friends and I got good at while playing to unwind. I have something like 1100 hours on steam. We've also played on Switch, other steam copies and ps4. The number could be as high as 2000 hours.

I have no idea how many hours I put into WoW or SWTOR back in the day when I was playing them. For now, I've got 2,176 hours logged in Battletech.

On a non-MMO/non-online play game - 127 in AC: Odyssey

On a MMO/online play game- 3200 in Destiny 2

Fallout 4's got about 325 hours on it, which is a lot for me because I hop around games a lot. However, I think it could be beat out if I knew my true numbers for Fallout 3 back when I pirated it before I got it on Steam, but they're probably both beat by World of Warcraft back in the day, I played up until after WotLK and I have no true idea how many hours I spent there.

Cell to Singularity, 6500 hours and counting. In fairness, I don't actively play it most of the time it just runs in the background churning away.

A few thousand on The Last Of Us, between PS3, PS4, and PS5. Such a good game.

Probably around 800 hours in either PUBG, TF2, or CS:GO. I don't play a lot of games.

~1800 hours? Counterstrike GO

In order, I think: Civ, Minecraft, rocket league, no man's sky, Skyrim, missile command, Mario kart, Mario 64, ocarina of time

I have undoubtedly put hundreds (if not thousands) of hours into Tetris Attack over the years.