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Joined 1 years ago

this is great, posts like these draw out all the tankies who I can then add to my block list

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misguided people who simp for dictators and war criminals just because they oppose the west

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participating in a community ≠ making it a lifestyle

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x265 no contest, all day every day. Then again we should probably be migrating to AV1 ASAP

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there were tons of cross posts on reddit, it's just that they usually weren't visible on the front page as such

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they've been tweaked? I started playing last week and I still feel like everyone is desperate for what's in my pants

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before knowing any details?

before? facebook is almost 20 years old, they've had plenty of time to show us who they are and they have. If you have any doubt about their moral fiber then I suggest you pull your head out of your ass and enter the fucking 2020s

Well he's not wrong, dumb people like him overpay for stuff all the time

if this changes all colors with a global filter the way that some games like Overwatch (used to) do, then it's really not going to help anyone. I'm red-green colorblind, so when something is highlighted in red it isn't as obvious to me as it is to people with normal vision. However, the fix isn't too globally mess with all the colors, the fix is to let me pick the highlight color so that I can choose what works best for me. Many games have figured this out long ago (thank you game devs!).

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you're right, we should just let the aggressors take everything, that way nobody has to die

there's no way engine burn time is graduated in seconds on a spacecraft in 2023, that's way too coarse

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not a good look, Linus. If he were actually serious about handling mistakes and issues head-on, none of this would've happened because he would've publicly corrected his employee when he claimed their testing methods are superior to others'

sir this is 2023

I honestly don't remember because I was too young. However I do remember growing up on all the classics like Keen, Duke Nukem, Wolfenstein 3D, DOOM, Rise of the Triad, Test Drive (1 or 2? definitely 2), Street Rod 2. The list goes on

If I said either of those things to any of the women I work with I'd likely get fired before the end of the week. And they really do not want to fire me

I literally don’t know what TypeScript is

then perhaps you should learn about it before you offer your opinion

no he won't, not if American voters keep apathetically stumbling towards fascism like they have been the last few years. The only way this is going to work is if everybody Taylor Swift's the fuck out of this election, no more pussy footing around

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people need to be on top of this shit to ban it with extreme prejudice

it has been shown that the MATE-XT upper limb exoskeleton and the MATE-XB lumbar device can reduce users’ effort by up to 30 percent

I guess every little bit helps, but I thought they'd be shooting for something like 50+% at least

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this is why the powers that be must never be allowed to join the fediverse: they'll destroy it

great article, if you're here scrolling through the comments I urge you to stop and actually read the article, it's worth your time I promise

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definitely not, but wouldn't it be nice if people who know nothing about a particular subject just keep quiet about it and learn?

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so you're like the inverse of that "hello fellow kids" meme?

If Meta creates its own proprietary version of the fediverse, it doesn’t really change a thing

anytime Meta touches anything, they turn it into shit, haven't you learned that by now?

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Can you write a website in other languages, like c# or python?

sure, as long as it compiles to javascript

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selling steel

it's almost like having appointed supreme court judges without term limits is a colossally bad idea

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it's the paradox of tolerance. We (fediverse) cannot be tolerant of the intolerant (meta in this case), lest we be destroyed by them. And do not for one second ascribe any benevolent properties to meta, they are evil through and through and have been pretty much since inception. Tolerating their presence would be akin to tolerating nazis, the second that happens I'm fucking out of here

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found the tankie

do you think Lemmy is exclusively populated with Americans? There's a whole wide world out there you know, where much stricter gun laws are common and accepted across the political spectrum, do not assume anyone's political leaning just because they're against every Joe Schmoe packing heat

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You don't see how crushing their competition would help them?

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We’ve actually taken that complex and valid system and clipped its wings to do something way less useful :')

that's .. way too pragmatic for a government project

lol no, get lost tankie

Nobody is shrugging this off

except the millions upon millions of people who can't even be bothered to vote. I know the systemic vote suppression probably counts for a significant part of it, but honestly most of the rest are skirting their civic duty

ok so your vote is for fascism then, got it

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where was the victory parade on the 4th day of this special operation?

edit: lol I just got banned from the world news for suggesting that it's way past a hexbear's bed time. I guess I should've known those mods are tankies

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people only care when they're told to and are being paid to. If nobody told anyone to care about the archival of source code (and build environments) of old projects, then guess what, it's not likely that anyone is going to do it. Add some good old revolving doors and presto: shit's fucked

nah reddit will still be huge in 3 years, I'm pretty sure. But with a little bit of luck, the fediverse will be booming and much more like reddit used to be, rather than what reddit will be by then

We have everything important figured out

well that's how we know that you haven't, because if you had actually spent enough time on it to think everything through, you wouldn't be so confident about what you know and what you don't know

the goalpost has long moved

I'll decide that for myself, thank you very much

how is this your problem?