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Joined 13 months ago

That is probably correct. 15% of total content, but probably 70% of the content you see. Reddit has a tonne of content posted that almost nobody sees

I dont think they made a uturn, they did however correct the course. Drugs are still decriminalized but police will have the ability to kick drug users out of playgrounds and beaches.

The guy grows up during USAs war on terror and still thought the US military was the good guys up until now?

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I use Connect for Lemmy on my phone I switched from RIF.

I still use old.reddit on my PC though. If old.reddit shuts down I guess I will switch to Lemmy on PC.

Canadian here. Our immigration levels are rising faster than our ability to build infrastructure. Our hospitals and schools are overcrowded. Also a large percentage of our immigrants come from a couple countries it is not very diverse.

I still lean far left, but this has pushed a lot of people right.

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The U.S. will continue to help Israel defend itself but does not want war, John Kirby, the White House's top national security spokesperson, told ABC's "This Week" program on Sunday

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If Dexter and Jim Carey had a baby

Or the pro-Russia AI-powered Superbot Or the pro-China AI-powered Superbot Or the pro-India AI-powered Superbot . . . .

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Not sure if you are into board games but Wingspan is pretty fun. Really got me fascinated with different birds.

Thank you for your service

Where can you buy an iPod classic nowadays? I agree though if you can find a classic it is the best purely music player that has ever been made. The battery life was awesome in those things.

It is not being built though that is the problem.

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I also got the message yesterday. It seemed desperate. I blocked the user.

We have province run auto insurance in British Columbia. It isn't perfect but it works fairly well.

Or maybe Shoenice

Also on Sega Genesis

Is it just a Canadian thing to call the square head a Robertson?

Sublime, Less than Jake and RX Bandits have Ska elements.

I also enjoy Mustard Plug and Spring heeled jack

+1 for connect from another RIF migrant here.

Sounds very Black Sabbath

What do you mean Barqs has bite?

That's what you get for riding your tractor in a bathing suit

I forgot about this game, but played it a tonne. Like it better than age of empires

Civ V was the first one I played. I could not get into 6

+1 for Connect

I have been using Connect. It works well

We have a Roku and host a Plex server. I have never had an apple tv but I don't think I am missing anything

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Glad to see 4 hostages rescues. Fuck Hamas.

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Innocents died and that is a tragedy but I do not believe all 200 are innocents when there are hostages being held. If I was complicit holding hostages in my home I would not be an innocent

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