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They have a regular backup cylinder that has all the vulnerabilities of a regular lock.

On top of that they have a bunch of electronics that can be vulnerable.

I can't see how it would be possible for them to be more secure unless you're someone who leaves their keys around a lot and a smart lock would let you not have a key on you.

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The economy would come to a screeching halt for a week or two when everyone is suffering from withdrawal.

Coffee would be served in underground cafeterias. The criminal gangs would immediately find a new very lucrative market in coffee smuggling.

I consider it my civic duty to waste as much of their time as possible. It can also serve as an outlet for creativity and have a bit of fun. Think of it as a reverse prank call.

I think my favorite was when they called on my work phone and I tried to set them up as a customer, with my most pleasant voice asking about their billing address and quoting our consulting fees and that I'd be happy to answer any question they wanted as soon as they were set up as a customer. They told me to fuck off and hung up 15 minutes later.

The shortcut to activate them is active by default and windows will display a notification when you press shift 5 times (I think) asking you about it. That happens a lot when you play some games.

Easy enough to turn off the notification though. So not sure what OP is fussing about.

Technically true If they close the phone line at night.

No, complete opposite.

Apple. Vendor lock-in and anti-competitive practice. I'd boycott Google too but at the time of writing I can't dump the mail for example.

Tesla, until they sign an agreement with the Unions in Sweden. I'm voting right, I'm not a member of an union, but if you want to do business here you follow our culture and norms.

Probably half a dozen more I can't think of now.

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I don't think it is. I don't live in America. Question does not specify where it is. A vast majority of the world is not America.

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Order online, call to cancel subscriptions.

No. They can be sued for the opposite too. Generally it's about misleading the shareholders. You can argue that it's about money in the end because who will buy planes that fall out of the sky?

NEW YORK, Jan 31 (Reuters) - Boeing (BA.N), has been sued by shareholders who said the company prioritized profit over safety and misled them about its commitment to making safe aircraft, prior to the Jan. 5 mid-air cabin panel blowout on an Alaskan Airlines 737 MAX 9.

Any compensation for commuting to your regular work place is considered taxable income.

The government allows for a tax deduction if commuting costs exceed a certain amount.

I would not do anything about it as is the custom in Sweden. If they want to change it their union can negotiate it, but they are generally more interested a bigger raise than misc benefits.

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You ask a carpenter what his favorite tool is? I like languages that are fit for purpose, and I enjoy using them for that purpose.

I used bin/bash when I automated the backups at work and happy doing it. I was pulling my teeth out when I had to write code for communicating with Bluetooth devices in /bin/sh because that was what was available from factory on the router.

I picked Python for when I needed to scrape a Romanian phone book (to win an argument on the internet about something completely unrelated to programming). I once tried doing parallel programming and threads, it did not work out very well and I switched to some other language before I got too deep into it.

My guilty pleasure is the voodoo magic of C. I don't really have a use for it in my job so I never get around to really do anything with it.

Which account? Salary account that my card is connected to? That is about two months of expenses.

Emergency fund account? Now we're getting somewhere. It's about one years expenses I get.

Investment account? I'll be able to fund my current lifestyle with the dividends forever even with inflation adjustments.

Probably too busy stealing back what is mine.

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I do one game at a time, but about 2500 hours per year.

I've got 5 weeks of paid vacation and 40 hours work week.

I don't like traveling, I don't want kids, I don't like going out on weekends, I don't watch TV or series on Netflix. Minor optimization on adult chores such as meal prep and a 10 minute commute leaves a lot of time for whatever I want.

I'd be surprised I'd be allowed in there in the first place, but I guess if Hitler got there the bar to entry is fairly low.

I'd have some questions to ask but I am guessing the complaint queue is very long considering all victims meeting their murderers in heaven and whatnot so I'll just go have a harp lesson or something.

Grilled sausage in the forest: mustard.

On my pasta earlier this week: ketchup.

On my sandwich this morning: Mayo.

There is a time and place for everything.

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Office work 2-3 days.

WPM or KPM? The unofficial world record seems to be 293 WPM.

I'd nominate Birdemic. You have to be in a mood to laugh at how bad it is.

I want to be secure from bad actors myself. Currently there is no technology that would safely let government break encryption without letting bad actors use the same backdoor to empty your bank account. Sure they would not be given the key but there is a huge incentive for them to try to find it.

Also how would you make sure a bad actor don't make their own app with unbroken encryption and running a system without client side scanning? Again there is huge incentive to do this and the information how is publicly available.

So in the end bad actors get their private conversation while law abiding citizens don't.

World of Warcraft no doubt. About 2500 hours per year and been active for 12-ish years.

War thunder is probably second at about 3.5k hours.

I have no way of estimating Diablo 2 or Starcraft 2 or Baldurs gate 2.

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I don't.

I acknowledge the sense of community and belonging a religion can bring but I find the entire notion of believing in anything supernatural to be absurd.

Got non perishable food for about a week at home.

-40 temperatures every few years. I live in an apartment so I'm not allowed to install a fireplace and can't really make changes to the heating system. Got a heap of candles that could keep a small room above freezing for a day or two.

Excessive amounts of snow. 4WD and can work remotely.

Check if the password and user name is the default for the model. Google the model or see if there is a sticker on it.

There is usually a factory reset button. Again Google how to do that for your model. Then you can log in with the default password. It will also reset every other setting too so if you lack the knowledge to reconfigure everything else they will notice.

If either of your parents is better than you at IT I advise against trying. They will notice.

Yes, average 40 hours per week for the last 10 years.

No, I'm not.

As for social acceptance I like my personal space. Don't care what you do as long as I can opt out.

If the employer foots the bill they will discriminate based on where you live, which as far as I know is legal in the US and Sweden.

Besides, why should they pay one person more because where they live? You're providing the same value to the company. Would it not be better to pay both workers a bit more rather than only the one living far away?

Some games don't run (runs badly) on Linux.

I have to work on a windows computer so I'm regularly reminded of the horrors that is W11.

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More than €250/year.

I'm currently not using membership cards at the local grocery store. The discount I'd get is worth approximately that much for me.

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That the most important thing is technical know-how.

You'll have to deal with a lot of difficult people in life. There is a huge difference if you get them to put your task on top of their todo list or on there bottom of the pile on their desk.

I barely qualify as simian first hour of waking up. I've got an answer, an answer that neither you nor I will like.

Go to bed an hour earlier.

I know it works for me, I never do anyway. Now if you excuse me I'll ooze over to the kitchen counter and guzzle coffee.

This name was made for lemmy. I have different names on different platforms because users from one place should not me able to find me anywhere else.

I have a gaming name I use on multiple places however.

I see no compelling argument for believing any particular religion.

I'll pick out the good parts of philosophy if you have any but I'll leave the dogma and rituals.

Currently using Manjaro.

Many many years ago when I first started using Linux I tried Ubuntu. It was easy enough for me to learn enough to be able to get stuff done. Dabbled in mint for a while, don't remember why I switched back to Ubuntu.

Not a huge fan of the snap packs and the entire 2022 I had a string of problems with dependencies being out of date on different computers (company server, my own desktop). So I snapped and semi randomly picked a non Ubuntuoid dist that would let me get back to getting stuff done the same afternoon.

The company server and the CFD computer at work still run Ubuntu. They work for now.

As usual the world is a complex place. But with a focus on simplicity rather than accuracy:

Responsibly used debt is a useful tool to grow your economy both today and in the future.

Irresponsible use will buy you something useless today that tomorrow's tax payer will have to pay for.

Your government may build a bridge to transport goods from one place to another so business can grow and generate more tax longer and a school to educate the kids and a port to sell your stuff to foreigners. You could do this with taxes but if you are to pay for all of that with taxes you'll have to raise taxes so much that people can't afford to live for the 5 years it takes before they get the benefits from your projects.

Irresponsible use would be building all of this despite there being no need for it or if you take on more government debt to pay for the maintenance cost year after year. (Running a deficit on maintenance cost for a few years during bad economy can be less bad than raising taxes as long as it's temporary).

Best enjoyed at a distance.

Weird sleeping habits

Sweden: you can apply for a licence from the police for target shooting if you're an active member of a club, or a hunter if you have passed a hunters exam (like drivers license basically). You'll have your criminal record checked.

Either way the gun must be suitable for the purpose. Shotguns and hunting rifles are not very hard to get. If your criminal record is clean and you've got the hunters exam you'll probably be granted a licence for up to 4 hunting rifles/shotguns with the only question being if you have a large enough gun safe. You'll get to keep them forever unless you're convicted of a crime. (There is a debate right now if doctors should tell the police if someone is unsuitable, the argument against is that people would not go to the doctor if they suspected they could lose their guns)

Hand guns are harder to get and the license needs to be renewed every few years and you've got to prove that you are actively hunting/target shooting.

Magazine size for semi automatic is limited. Length of rifles and shotguns are regulated as to not be easily concealable. All firearms must be stored in a heavy safe when not used. You're not allowed to carry it around town.

As for my opinion as a hunter it's not excessively burdensome to get your license. The time delay has been due to under staffing rather than the laws itself. I do take issue with the "suitable for purpose" as they can arbitrarily deny you a licence because it "looks" like a military rifle.

Shutdown -P now in the wrong terminal window and a server at the other side of the country went down.

Electrical work and blacked out the entire 500m level in the mine.