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Joined 12 months ago

It would be tempting to have a QR code or nfc tag to stick on appliances that goes direct to a manual on a self hosted service. Would be nice so it's always easy to get to and specific to the device.

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Mine is already water resistant up to a couple feet. No case needed for a coaster.

I did this when out with a friend the other night. It was a neat party trick so they could stay in touch with their sister. First time I've used it in years of having the phone.

Yea, but you need a 4th guy in the backup car when the dumb shit you do breaks one. And he can carry the tools to fix most things along the way.

If they are banning books, can we get the Bible banned?

If your car is old enough to have a tape deck, they have cassettes that connect via Bluetooth. Just about perfect sound quality since there is no interference.

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Yet somehow I still love Married with Children.

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A lot of those are very dependent on which tech is in the key fob. They can easily copy old hid prox which just broadcast the UUID of the fob, but struggle with newer tech that does a challenge and response.

Then just don't answer? Why is it so hard for people to understand that just because I call doesn't mean you need to answer. You're busy and will respond later, that's what voicemail is for.

It's like getting a very long notification for a message. You can either reply now (by answering and talking) or reply later by just ignoring the call and responding in whichever manner you prefer later.

I don't understand why people think a call has to be answered.

There’s no way we’re hiring a white man for this role. They’d be very careful how they’d message that to agents. 

Furthering that, they use the word agent. Specifically referring actors.

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$10-15 will get you an outlet tester at just about every home improvement store. You plug it in and the three big LEDs light up and you compare it with the sticker on the device. Get one with a GFCI tester built in, when you press the button it will short to ground and if your receptacle has GFCI protection or is on a GFCI protected circuit should trip the GFCI protection.

While there are significant regulations around intake pipes, including grates and/or having multiple intakes so that no single one can be completely obstructed to create a suction scenario where someone can be trapped, this particular pipe was found to be plumbed on the wrong side of the pump. It was sucking in water when it was supposed to be ejecting water.

This is serious for the hotel chain, franchisee, installer/contractor, and inspector. This had to fail so many checks to have occurred. It wasn't a chance occurrence for someone to be sucked in and seriously harmed or killed with the way this was plumbed; it was a matter of time when someone was going to be seriously injured or killed.

Truly a tragedy, and I cannot for the life of me imagine the pain that family is going through right now.

That's not a menu! That's a QR code!

So I threw it on the ground

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Regrettably, there is currently no substitute product offered.

I really don't think you regret a God damn thing broadcom.

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Oh man... Wait until you hear about fires hot enough that if you put water on then, it breaks the water molecule and the hydrogen molecules cause an explosion.

Look up class D fires.

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Scream was incredibly meta. It references plenty of slasher films and even has one character talking about the rules of slasher films.

While it's not exactly a parody, it does poke fun at its own genre a lot.

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A woman who has sex for work would be very concerned about doing so safely. She is likely going to know about STDs and pregnancies as well as how to prevent them and how to deal with them if/when they come up.

She has experience in setting expectations, limits, and breaking off sex when she needs to.

She is going to have more experience with the human body, what's "normal" physically, what warning signs are for various STDs.

She'll likely be the least judgemental person for someone to talk to when it comes to sex and sexual relationships.

only one – "theworldinyourhand" – is virtually uncrackable. It is the number 173 most common password and would take centuries to guess using brute force.

Not anymore. That would get moved towards the top of the rainbow table now.

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Greg Poole, who has been district superintendent since 2006, said the policy is legal and teaches students to conform as a sacrifice benefitting everyone.

“When you are asked to conform ... and give up something for the betterment of the whole, there is a psychological benefit,” Poole said. “We need more teaching (of) sacrifice.”

It's explicitly said by the superintendent.

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"

I'll give up my guns when the cops do it first.

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Leave it better than you found it.

Goes for your home, your neighborhood, or something you've borrowed. It can be applied to the planet, the beach, the trail, the car, the job.

Hell, it even goes for people. Leave them a little happier, a little wiser, a little more prosperous than before.

Second rule, give people the benefit of the doubt and don't attribute an action as the person. Did they cut you off on the road? They're having a bad day and made a mistake. They're speeding? Maybe they are on the way to see a loved one without much longer to live. Don't call someone an asshole just because they made an asshole move. People are so much more than that one interaction with them.

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I have friends that help out on the safety crew. I hope everyone stays safe.

Normalizing proving who you are to random online companies. I can't see how this could backfire.

Customer: So.. can we do that? Change the laws of physics? What congressman do we need to email?

Every single one of her cases needs to be reviewed.

Every single one of the Judges she was shacking up with needs to be reviewed.

She and the judge need to go to prison.

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There is another quote from him saying it's a rule that's been on the books for 30 years. As if that's a good enough reason to keep it rather than actually being a reason to reexamine it's worth in today's society.

Service charges are bullshit. Businesses need to advertise the full price of the food.

Imo, this is simply unacceptable.

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Frozen or take them out. Take the family out. A gift certificate to a local restaurant.

You can almost never go wrong with food. It's exhausting for someone to have to figure out food for a family every day of the week.

The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money.

Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles.

But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that’d still be keeping his feet dry in ten years’ time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet.

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Not just more voters. More "wrong" voters. Like young, black, and young black voters.

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the worst mozillas seen.

... Yet

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I would love it if NYC siezed his trump tower and turned it into migrant housing.

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I almost like the idea of augmented reality with similar tech. I'd love it if I could look down the street and see historic photos of building overlaid perfectly.

The issue isn't the technology, it's the people who are supplying it and it's connection to the Internet and sharing. I don't trust Google and I don't trust Meta.

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So uh. What the fuck does that mean?

Stupid and meaningless.

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This isn't a website asking for permission. It's the browser exe itself.

This seems like the bare minimum permissions for a web browser.

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Do more smokers think the moon landing is fake?

Do people who think the moon landing was fake smoke more?

Are people who think the moon landing is fake more likely to smoke?

Is "fake" just closer to the smokers?

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I always thought that movie was ridiculous. How did no one think the aliens with super good hearing would be susceptible to specific frequencies or loud noises?

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I can only speak to my experience.

Often I fall back to films or games I've already developed an emotional attachment to. Because the mental energy it takes to develop a new attachment is significant. I find I can trick it by putting something on while I do something else and then come back to watch or listen to it later where it's already somewhat familiar.

My ADHD doesn't really let me have long term (hour plus) focus easily. It wants the easy dopamine hit from something that it knows it already can drop into.