What movies, books or tv shows are meant to spoof/parody a particular genre while actually being a great example of the genre?

Throw_away_migrator@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 194 points –

The 3 that come to mind for me are Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and The Princess Bride. All three are poking fun at their respective genres but also are great examples of the genre. I'm curious if Lemmy has other such examples.


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Scream was incredibly meta. It references plenty of slasher films and even has one character talking about the rules of slasher films.

While it's not exactly a parody, it does poke fun at its own genre a lot.

Scream is the perfect answer. It was a response to the waning 80s slasher boom, making it all more real, more visceral, and more of a threat to the savvy audience, while still being funny as hell. Comedy and horror go beautifully together. There's a shared tension with the unknown.

Scream is the perfect answer because Scary Movie didn't get the joke and assumed it was a normal slasher, so they tried to make a parody of it.

The Scream and Saw franchises were pretty groundbreaking at the time. They single-handedly redefined the entire horror movie genre.

While it’s not exactly a parody

It is. It is exactly a parody.