
4 Post – 615 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

He's probably being pretentious and obtuse intentionally and for a reason.

I really enjoy how Gotham Chess does it, effortlessly switching between deep self deprecation and very insulting condescension while somehow making it obvious neither of them should be taken seriously.

Big if true.

What if Jesus had prep time tho?

I mean, I follow the presidental race somewhat because it has global impact, but watching the debates is not worth my time, and I'm fairly certain it's not worth anyone's time, especially non-americans.

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Obviously non-stop, since they can't store it.


Hi there, hello!

I have this tension between not being able to shut the fuck up and also not wanting to be “known”

Typical Asafum

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What the f-

Its now like -gate being affixed to any kind of publicized controversy.
Most people do not understand what Watergate even was and why it was so significant.

I think you mean watergategate.


Does the H stand for happy? If not then count me in too.

Historians pretty much agree that Jesus was a historical figure, even though heavily fictionalised.

What about category D?

Sounds painful. You should have that looked at.

And there's one too many.

Fucking capitalists.

There's only one substance more powerful than adamantium in Marvel comics: popularity-induced plot armour.

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This is why Bioshock Infinite is the best game ever made.

Clever girls...

Google is more worthless every day...

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Take a screenshot of their desktop. Set that as the background image. Right-click the desktop and uncheck View -> Display icons on desktop.

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I don't think I like their lifestyle...

Everyone seems to agree that half of his movies is completely terrible and the other half is awesome. But nobody can ever agree on which movies belong to which half.

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You can cross the galaxy in about 12 years while accelerating at a comfortable 1g. Your newtonian mind cannot comprehend this.

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See also: sapphic.

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The second panel starts with a hell of a garden-path sentence.

Don't forget a clear information on when exactly this rent/license expires. Otherwise we're just shuffling words around.

See also

  • Cox ring

Life... *brutal fart noises* ...finds a way.

My favourite:

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Yeah, but the "won't happen again" part is relevant.

Elon Musk is gonna say and/or do something stupid. That's tech, right?

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What blew my mind is that it hasn't been proven that pi contains an infinte number of ones, for instance. It's not out of the question that there is a decimal place where the last 1 appears and there are none from then on.

It's not really likely, but we simply don't know and it is possible. It sounds weird given how many decimals of pi we've calculated, until you realise we've literally calculated 0% of them.

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That's not how it works.

I'm pretty sure I've seen this one before, actually.