
6 Post – 927 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

What is it with the general religious fucknuttery in the US? Do these people genuinely still think Santa Claus is real?

Check out this thing. Fascinating read, though it doesn't speculate on the causes.

Might be because the people in America (as a colony, way back) felt insulated from Europe and Middle East so they needed some religion that's a bit closer to home? That was always my take on Mormonism, especially the part where Jesus lived in the USA.

But we kind already knew people being stupid was the reason. This doesn't seem to bring anything new to the table.

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I really doubt an iOS update will affect people using android phones as servers.

I went to my local theater expecting this and ended up missing the first ten minutes of Venom 3

Win win.

Steel beams are not gonna melt themselves.

Fucking capitalists.

There's only one substance more powerful than adamantium in Marvel comics: popularity-induced plot armour.

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Horse eating. The photo is played backwards.

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This is why Bioshock Infinite is the best game ever made.

The video is Al generated.

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Clever girls...

I mean, I follow the presidental race somewhat because it has global impact, but watching the debates is not worth my time, and I'm fairly certain it's not worth anyone's time, especially non-americans.

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Google is more worthless every day...

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He's probably being pretentious and obtuse intentionally and for a reason.

Take a screenshot of their desktop. Set that as the background image. Right-click the desktop and uncheck View -> Display icons on desktop.

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I don't think I like their lifestyle...

Everyone seems to agree that half of his movies is completely terrible and the other half is awesome. But nobody can ever agree on which movies belong to which half.

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That settles it. Has to be 60%.

A lot of people are saying it's true. Smart people. The best people are saying that.

Perhaps the officer had her dead-to-rights and decided to pull the trigger. Perhaps she jumped out from behind a corner saying, “OH THANK GO…!”. Perhaps she thought the cop was the intruder and came after him with a bat, etc., etc., etc

None of these scenarios should end with a bullet in her head, are you crazy?

You can cross the galaxy in about 12 years while accelerating at a comfortable 1g. Your newtonian mind cannot comprehend this.

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The second panel starts with a hell of a garden-path sentence.

How do think the unthinkable?

With an itheberg.

See also: sapphic.

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Played who? Oh, you mean the actor from Guns Akimbo! He's awesome.

Don't forget a clear information on when exactly this rent/license expires. Otherwise we're just shuffling words around.

Yeah. The "United" ones are pretty high up.

Plus it makes money for the country.

I call bullshit. The Louvre makes more tourism money than Buckingham Palace even without some rich assholes living there.

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See also

  • Cox ring

Life... *brutal fart noises* ...finds a way.

Decoy joke

My favourite:

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Yeah, but the "won't happen again" part is relevant.

Elon Musk is gonna say and/or do something stupid. That's tech, right?

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From an evolutionary standpoint it's important to know what's going on with people close to you. Who are people close to you? Why, obviously people who you're familiar with - those whose faces you recognise and whose names you know.

So yeah, it's a bug in how we're coded.

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