1 Post – 92 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Well, vandalising libraries with left-leaning messages might be the only way certain people will actually care about defending libraries, so there's that benefit. Sadly, those people will only help by donating books written by convicted con-artists and conspiracy nuts.

Please tell me someone can clean up the pillar grafitti. They misspelt Freedom and it hurts to see such an error in a library.

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I do not think about Bill Maher.

It's well known in my house that "old" means "4 or more years older than my mum". Whenever my mum gets a year older, the definition of "old" moves one year up.

Also, my dad is 5 years older than her.


Humans, probably. Just look at the impact COVID had on the environment.

First, the appeal of Superman is his heart more than his strength. There's one comic where he fights a giant robot and stops a runaway train, but the scene everyone remembers is when he talked someone down from the edge of a building.

Second, Superman may be invincible, but Lois Lane isn't. It's easy to defeat a villain, but much harder to defeat them while also keeping Lois safe. And she actively invites danger, so it's always tricky keeping her safe.

Third, not every problem can be punched. Luthor's greatest weapon against Superman isn't kryptonite; it's Public Relations. You can punch a monster, but that won't help you stop a smear campaign.

There is a curse in the Star Trek movies where every other movie in the franchise is terrible. The first one is bad, the second is good, the third is bad, and so on. This almost fits perfectly, but it inverts from the 10th movie onwards. The 9th is bad, the 10th is bad, the 11th is decent, the 12th is bad...

However, if you add Galaxy Quest into the line up, then it's the good Star Trek movie between the 9th and 10th, and the pattern holds.

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First of all, I'm gonna call bullshit on people hitting on you. Hateful attitudes aren't attractive.

Second of all, if a gay person hits on me, I'd be surprised and flattered, and politely turn them down.

Third (and more comedically), as a straight man, I would try NOT to get the willies, because I am not attracted to willies.

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Ross and Rachel were absolutely on a break at the time, and Ross was fairly certain Rachel was spending the night with someone else. He was absolutely in the clear for sleeping with that girl.

Which makes it frustrating that they focused on it being a break, because everything else Ross did was completely in the wrong.

He was overbearing and paranoid, regularly invading Rachel's life to assert his dominance in front of guys who do not care. Rachel was regularly humiliated by him, and you can't blame her from needing time to recover.

After the incident, Ross made bold lies straight to Rachel's face, and spent the entire episode trying to keep it a secret. Finding out about the incident from Gunther was the icing on the cake of humiliation.

Then later, Ross told yet another lie to Rachel in pursuit of what he saw as easy sex with his dream girl, then claimed that he was justified for it because she was too wordy. And he only admitted his lie when he felt his ego was threatened.

Ross ruined the relationship because sleeping with the copy girl was the only thing he wasn't in the wrong for.

I am almost certain that, not only would you end up filtering things you should absolutely be learning more about, but you'll filter stuff you didn't mean to just because of a similar word being used.

Also, you spelt Palestine wrong.

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Would is a hypothetical will. "Would you dance" is a general query, but "will you dance" is a call to action. A lot of the time, would is followed by if, as in, "would you dance if I asked you to?"

"Would you like coffee" is a round-about way to ask if you want coffee. Full form would be "if I brought you coffee, would you like it?"

Past tense is "would have", such as "would you have liked coffee?" This is generally a missed opportinuty where you didn't do something, and you're asking so you can know more for the future. Saying "I would have" generally means "I didn't."

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Sorry, I'm still struggling with how you paid $54 for a search engine, and you still only got 300 searches a month. 10 a day. That's just terrible.

Meanwhile, duck duck go is free and unlimited.

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A facemask is a visible sign of casual compassion. It's a sign that you aren't going to let your own poor situation make anyone else's life harder, and don't want anyone to suffer needlessly. There are some people who don't care about others, but they also don't want to appear cruel, so their only recourse is to tear apart symbols of kindness and claim themselves superior for being "smarter" or "more honest".

That's my understanding of the "stigma", but I can't judge everyone.

Do you think he was flying around the earth for kicks? No, he was using a gravitational slingshot to build speed. Granted, they could have explained it better, so I guess a line like "we need to use the turn of the world to speed up our satilites, and we still can't match his velocity. Imagine how fast he'd be." But less clunky, of course.

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This is a very oniony title, and an oniony sentiment. Case in point.

I wish for my bestie's good physical and mental health. Preferably, she'll attain both at once in a way where she feels she earned it for herself.

Not sure what I presumed. I called your statement bullshit, but also justified my point of view. Meanwhile, you presumed that being creeped out by someone thinking you're attractive is normal.

Something tells me the wall would be a more productive conversation than you.

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Pretty tame, but it's the one that came to mind first. Walking down the high street, and there's a dude in the middle of the path handing out leaflets or something. Obviously, he spoke to everyone who walked by, me included, but he had a deep, smooth voice like melted chocolate running across your fingers, and it just made the whole thing surreal to me.

Him: Mmmyssstery maaaan?
Me: I'm good, thanks.
Him: Goodbyyyyye~

I kept walking for a few steps before I just curled over laughing.

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Duck sized horses. Duh. Ducks are terrifying when they're duck-sized, so they'd be monstrous when they're horse-sized.

I disagree. Superman has as much depth as Batman. He's just more morally pure, and people mistake "dark" for "complex".

Nope! The tag on the right says QRS. Maybe they thought it was qenocide? No wonder they struggled finding it.

The issue with this type of conspiracy is that it seems a little too optimistic. If there was a secret organisation with the power and cunning to control the entire world in secret, then you'd expect they'd do a better job of running the place. Right now, the economy is in shambles, there's wars just about everywhere, and the planet is on fire. I doubt anyone who can put the world in a condition this bad could keep a secret from literally everyone.

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Imagine you're in a hotel where the bedsheets are a little too itchy for your liking. So you decide to protest these sheets by pissing all over them. And it's a foul pee, absolutely reeks and probably reflects an unchecked medical issue. That'll punish the hotel for the sin of uncomfortable sheets.

Except it's a 4 night stay, and you still need to sleep in that bed. And the shower isn't as effective as you might have hoped.

That's what voting for Trump to punish stupidity is like.

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Scream is the perfect answer because Scary Movie didn't get the joke and assumed it was a normal slasher, so they tried to make a parody of it.

"Addict". No need to specify heroin unless it's important to the conversation, and then you can just say "heroin addict".

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You're not the only one whose bestie is their ex. Our entire relationship made a ton more sense when we started adding "bro" to the end of our "I love you"s.

If you walk into a room and ask "hey, are you shit?", then someone's going to tell you to fuck off. That doesn't prove your point, because you had it coming.

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In that movie, he tells Kevin to go down the hall and to the left. Kevin turns right and reaches his destination. Trump had one line, and it was a lie.

It's the classic "everyone older than me is a boomer, everyone younger than me is a zoomer" mentality.

Addicts are people. They can be both. I don't feel the need to point this out. It's like how you don't say "person who acts" when you can just say "actor". Heck, you used the term "doctor" and not "person who heals". Some people definitely try to ignore the human behind the term, but they do that with every term because they're shit and don't want to treat people with respect.

Sorry, did you mean to reply to me? Because nothing you wrote had anything to do with what I said. I never went after anyone, and I never said anyone was good or bad. Morality and sexuality are entirely unrelated. All I did is doubt how popular you claim to be, given your attitude. Not sure why that's causing so much hostility.

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There was an OSPod (Overly Sarcastic Productions), and Blue mentioned how they're content creators, not influencers. Red then corrected him that the correct term is artist.

Yes, so all I have to go on is your hateful attitude, which is a deeply unattractive trait. And given the stream of vitriol that you gave upon someone doubting how much men want to bone you, I'm pretty confident in that.

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...What if someone made a captcha that's deliberately unsolvable by anyone BUT a machine? So the only way to prove you're not a bot is to say "I can't understand this". Sprinkle it into a normal, solvable captcha at a 30% chance, and there you go

The moon landing happened. It's obvious. Even without the evidence that it happened (which we have in abundance), there's the fact that the soviet union didn't even try to claim it was fake (when they had every incentive to do so).

If you claim to not believe in the moon landing, you're either a troll or an idiot. You were banned for trolling because they were being kind in their interpretation of you.

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What people? Why are you trying to make yourself plural? It is just you. You're only defending yourself. And the only way you can think you defend yourself is to claim everyone else is doing what you're doing, but you're not.

It's so ironic you call me hateful when you tell me to get fucked one sentence before, and it's not the only time you've said "fuck you" this comment thread.

Looking at their post history, they were banned from unpopular opinion after multiple posts just slagging off the platform. So yeah, some real shit hot takes.

Second-hand? We have a fucking video. The people who were there wrote fucking books. We have the fucking capsule they returned in. We took souveniers. There's a flag on the surface of the moon. If that's second-hand, what do you count as first-hand? Do you need to be physically on the moon before you admit we went there?

It's not that the soviets had no reason to. It's that they had EVERY reason to, and didn't. They could win the space race and break public trust in the USA with one good piece of evidence, so long as that evidence existed. If there was any actual proof that it was fake, the soviets would have done everything possible to find it.

You honestly expect me to believe that:

  • The USA created a fake video of the moon that could pass for real in the 1960s;
  • They were able to stick a flag upright into the moon without manually positioning it;
  • They were able to synthesise a moon rock that could pass for real in the 1960s, when studying that rock progressed our science significantly;
  • They could create rockets, shuttles and capsules capable of taking people to the moon that we can see today in museums, complete with blueprints, and didn't use them;
  • They were able to cover up this secret so well that every engineer, scientist, set designer, cinematographer and government official kept the secret for 55 years;
  • They were able to do this 6 more times in the next 4 years;
  • Not one shred of evidence of any of this has been found, despite spies and sceptics looking for half a century;

...All while the president can't fuck a secretary without people finding out? That seems less likely than the US being able to go to a moon in that moon rocket they built.

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But you will trash talk it, it seems. Odd that trash talk is only okay when you do it.

It only works when nobody's looking, and everyone just thinks you were using your hands.