10 Post – 235 Comments
Joined 4 years ago


That's a relief.

So just go on about my merry way and if someone corrects me respect their choices ?

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The first mistake was liking a company.

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Would love this. I'm still getting the ftpm stutters and there's no way to disable it in my motherboards bios.

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I've only ever had one date in my life that went bad. I had a feeling I was about to get ghosted so I asked her to like. Lemme know why it went so bad from her pov. It was an interesting conversation.

If they bring it up just be honest with them.

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I want to like this place.

People seem too aggressive here though.

And apparently everyone's hobby is using Linux and neurodiverging.

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This was forever ago. But basically we both drove to a mall for I think sushi and a movie ?

The conversation during sushi went swell but during the movies I could tell she was sitting farther away from me than she had to.

On the way out I asked her if she wanted me to walk her out and she said nah. I was taken aback it was late at night. And was like. Are you sure ? She said yes so we parted ways.

I remember thinking man I'm not sure what I did wrong. That whole thing usually works. Lol.

Once I got home I messaged that I apologized if I made her feel uncomfortable in anyway and asked her on her end what went so wrong.

She told me during the movie / on the way out she thought I might attempt to kiss her. And she wasn't feeling that way. I thanked her for being honest and that was that.

I wouldn't have tried tho. I was fully aware that things weren't going ideal. But yeah. Thats the story.

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Cool thanks. I just put mine up in my bio. Hopefully in the right spot.

Not gonna lie. I think most people just don't want work for free for some company's benefit.

Why are you providing a service for some live service game that doesn't pay you for it ?

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Full IDEs kinda suck.

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It needs to "just work". It's not more complicated than that.

Playing Town of Salem.

It's a game where some people play good guys some people play bad guys. And every day someone is put up for trial and you have to convince everyone you are a good guy so you don't get hanged.

So. I was put for trial and made a very laboured argument of why I had to be a good guy and shouldn't be hanged.

Someone replied "Fake and gay".

And they hung me. I was a dead bad guy.

Why do they even have such a shitty policy? What benefit would it have? Bully people into coming in?

Policies made by people thinking neurodivergent just need the right incentive to be "normal".

"Have you tried hard enough to be normal?" -- The people who set up that system probably.

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If it's not obvious those rules are in place to punish women. Not to protect. They will never ever be applied in a protective way. That's not what they were made for.

my computer?

"Your computer?" -- Microsoft probably

"wow you are trying to punish x people for wrongdoings of their parents/grandparents" is the argument it's trying to counter.

I'm 35 and I already feel a little out of touch tbh. It's insane people in their 80s being in positions of power is so normalized.

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Removable battery and LED notification lights.

Funny. I didn't know a single thing about the person. But that commit message made me like him more.

Ofc assuming he was just making a light-hearted joke in it.

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The only problem this site has is lack of content. And the only thing that would fix it is more people.

The best alternative would be focusing on the product and letting word of mouth do it's job.

Paid advertising is definitely quicker to get going though.

It's not even a bad movie. But it's only very tangentially related to the source material.

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Bought the game after following it for a while and thinking to myself there's no way it doesn't release later this year.

That happened in 2014.



Not sure if it quite counts as fantasy but...

Everything about Blade Runner was perfect.

The sequel somehow managed to not drop the ball as well.

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It's just time. Might suck for a little time or a long time though.

If you want to make it suck for as little as possible just go no contact and don't snoop. It really is as simple as that. Although I'm very aware it's a hard thing to do.

Sorry this happened to ya. Hang on.

Being a minority in any social setting brings difficulties that others just don't otherwise face.

Having a women's category for chess is a way of creating a safe environment for everyone to thrive.

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Flatpaks seaminglessly supporting all apps plus cli applications and drivers would be the holy grail.

Been here for a few years now. It's the same as always. Use a site til it turns evil/bad, then move on, someone else will take its place.

I love the idea of lemmy tho. and so far so good. But dont be married or make it personal if something turns bad online.

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Google the history of xmpp. This is exactly the same.

It's not a good thing.

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he and him what you want in those positions?

I had never stopped to think about this. I guess the answer in my partícular case is I literally don't care which ones they use. Hm. Not sure what that means.

Thank you for the detailed comment.

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I loved the KDE layout, everything about it, except it was very very buggy on my system to the point.

DRM is never good for the end user.

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It would be easier if you told us specifically what programs you need that aren't supported.

Only thing that isn't bullshit is be nice and be confident.

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loved my time in Classic but in retrospect, my fondness was just for my guild.

The social aspect and the game being slower are intrinsically tied together. Having to run to the dungeon and then wait 15 min til a straggler shows up lets you know the people you are playing with in ways that modern MMOs and their gogogo playstyle just don't allow.

Classic was full of systems that intentionally put the social aspect of the game front and center.

The Time Traveler's Wife is a good movie.

It's currently rated 38 for critics and 59 for audience.

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I tried really hard for about a year to use gnome without extensions.

I'd say at best in the end it wasn't annoying me too much.

Recently tried dash to panel again and yeah. I'm not going back.

I do not understand how people manage multiple programs open without a tray. Do they just memorize in what workspace everything is at all times ?

Surely you dont have 10 workspace for 10 windows.

Am I not supposed to?

This is kind of the problem, if you add multiple apps in a random workspace, the only way I can think of to know which apps are in the background of that workspace is to memorize it. Which feels bad having to use my brain for that instead of focusing on whatever I'm doing.

If vanilla GNOME doesnt work for you, just install extension or move to another DE.

I'm trying dash to panel now, it seems to fix quite a few of my gripes.

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Indeed. I switched fully to pm recently mostly because it's one subscription for a bunch of services I was paying separately for.

So far so good.

It's a hard sell explaining to new people that they will have software up to a couple years out of date.

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