What was the worst bastardization of a classic book into a movie?

Marxism-Fennekinism@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 178 points –

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It's not even a bad movie. But it's only very tangentially related to the source material.

Yeah I thought that too. I saw the movie before I'd read the book and I was like "that was fine, I dunno what everyone's fussing about." Then I read the book and was like "...oh."

It'd be great to see the book done properly. I know everyone says it but a multi-part HBO-type show would be amazing.

would love to see it done as a mockumentary mini series, like it already has the format built in!

It's a wonderfully stupid movie.

The plot is nonsense, everything is forgettable, and I've easily watched it a dozen times both because of, and in spite of, all that.