47 Post – 584 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

(He/him) Marxist-Leninist and amateur writer. I like cats, foxes, sci-fi, science fantasy, and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. Message me for my roleplay ideas!


Discord: LinuxFennekin#5514

Reddit: /u/HiddenLayer5

A vet weighs in on this whole thing and goes over a study that was done on it:

TL;DW it's mostly marketing and fear mongering. Your cat doesn't care and even with completely natural behaviors (like oh I don't know, squeezing into prey burrows and clamping their muzzle around mice) they get their whiskers compressed all the time. Whiskers are touch receptors so the idea that they can't be touched is kind of silly.

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Fun fact: the Romans knew that lead was toxic from their own observations, but still chose to use it because it was just so useful, and because the health effects are chronic so do not manifest for a long time, meaning it could be much more easily ignored until it was too late.

Sound familiar?

It also successfully distracted the userbase and isolated their protests from the rest of the site.

People make fun of Place but I think they knew exactly what they were doing.

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If you can't pay your workers ethically then your business doesn't deserve to exist. Simple as that.

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It's especially moronic that Cloudflare thinks everyone using Tor is trying to DDOS every site.

Do you know how fucking slow Tor is? You couldn't DDOS an Arduino with it.

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"Fix my AC!"

Particularly ironic that this is being framed as "unreasonable" because landlords themselves directly argue that their upkeep of the house justifies the significant upcharge they take from tenants. Like, even if we argued that landlord as a career is 100% acceptable and valid, that would literally be your job, would be like a professional chef complaining about people saying "make me food!"

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His pronouns are nazi/fascist

Oh wait sorry. Nazi's pronouns are nazi/fascist. Sorry for misgendering!

Sometimes I think Go was specifically made for Google to dictate its own preferences on the rest of us like some kind of power play. It enforces one single style of programming too much.

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The company cares about you in the same way a beef farmer cares about his cattle.

"We can datamine you better on the app"

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Anyone can copy code. Making the copied code work well in your own codebase, and fixing it when it doesn't, is what requires skill and experience.

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"It looks like you're trying to flee a wildfire. However, you have just run out of Elon X Points and are unable to continue driving. Please wait 5 hours for your Elon X Points to replenish. Can't wait? We'd like to offer you our once in a lifetime SpaceX Booster X bundle of 15,000 points for just $299.99!"

Yes parents need to parent their kids first and foremost. However, we can't keep just giving video game companies a pass for intentionally making their games addictive. When they're literally hiring psychologists to pinpoint target their games for a child's brain, that's also a problem. Both need to be addressed.

  1. SocialMediaPlatform™ does something horrible

  2. Make a huge deal about pulling ads from SocialMediaPlatform™ to get consumers on your side

  3. Quietly return ads to SocialMediaPlatform™ after PR team determines everyone has forgotten

  4. SocialMediaPlatform™ does something even worse

  5. GOTO 2

"Don't steal the training data that we stole!"

Most courtroom bullshit like this boil down to people who probably shouldn't be in power powertripping.

Ah yes, because ad viewers get to enjoy the video immediately with zero delay whatsoever. You sure showed those adblock using scum by... Still having a better experience with adblock enabled by virtue of only subjecting them to silence instead of an ad while still not making any money.

Even assuming what they're claiming is truely their intention, it's still dumb as hell.

Reminds me of the mediaeval nun who erased a manuscript by Archimedes who was laying out the basics of calculus long before it was formally "invented" by Newton and Leibnitz because she needed space to write prayers.

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Windows 12 Euro Trash Edition and Windows 12 Red Blooded God Anointed American Edition. If either crosses the EU boarder the computer will explode killing everyone in a 10 meter radius.

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Even completely ignoring all the history of the region and how the current State of Israel came to be and only focusing on the present in a vacuum, there is still is a glaring contradiction that I have never heard any sort of coherent answer from people who support Israel’s actions: If you truly believe that simply having a negative opinion of Israel’s actions against Palestinians is antisemitic (or simply being a Palestinian that’s still alive is antisemitic according to too many people), then surely it also holds that both Israel’s outright killing of Palestinians and their ongoing apartheid policies preventing Palestinians from existing in the same areas as Israelis is anti-Arab right? Is being anti-Arabic somehow preferable to being antisemitic? Are Arabs not human beings and do they not deserve the same rights and protection as Jews or literally any other human? What makes it okay for Israel to be anti-Arab then?

One of the half baked arguments I have heard is that Israel is "justified" in being anti-Arabic because "it's in self defense against Palestinians that want to kill them," but if you make that assertion, then what makes the other side different? Israel is certainly not just attacking the Hamas and there have been more Palestinian civilian victims than Israeli civilian victims so wouldn't you saying that also automatically imply the inverse and equally justify the Hamas' actions against Israel? You can't attack someone while claiming self defense and then cry foul when they defend themselves against you.

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I also hate how he's appropriated the acronym "JRE" from programming to a right wing conspiracy show. Say what you want about Java but it doesn't deserve this.

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Fun fact: the darker the glass is, the less energy it takes to produce and recycle because the additives that make it darker reduce the glass's melting point significantly. Dark coloured glass is also preferred for beverage storage and preservation as they block sunlight, which is why the more expensive wines almost always come in dark glass bottles. Only issue is dark bottles don't let you see inside, which consumers don't tend to like, and a clear glass bottle is more likely to draw attention on the shelf.

It's easy to hate antifa if you're fa.

Arguments like these are also uncomfortably similar to the arguments slave owners would use to justify slavery. "Look, I take good care of them, feed them, give them clothes, and even built them their own shack next to my plantation house! That means I'm totally not exploiting the people I believe are my property!"

He didn't want to die, but that didn't stop him from wanting to make more money while undermining his own survival. Basically they were making fun of the self destructive, profit over everything else and infinite growth at all costs philosophy of capitalism and corporate culture. I think the writers' intention was for him to be the personification of capitalism.

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Haven't you heard? Educating children is leftist commie bullshit. They don't need math or science or logic just like their parents didn't have. Just keep them at home and thump the Bible at them every now and then, they'll turn out fine.

AI generation sites about to become Pinterest 2.0 for clogging up search results.

There are conspiracies that the earth is flat too. Humans can be profoundly stupid.

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They also provide tactile feedback allowing you to be sure they have been pressed without even looking.

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That crispy rice is going to be really good though!

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"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist."

-Dom Helder Camara

I've never been a fan of the UEFI logo inserting itself into the boot screen. It's basically just an advertisement for the hardware vendor because they're jealous of the OS having the spotlight. And it's an ad that, like so many other ads before it, screws over the security and privacy of the advertisee because fuck you that's why.

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You divided by zero didn't you?

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Tesla Investors Call for Musk's Suspension

They'll quickly find themselves in the same position as the GOP with Trump. Where they want to replace him and cut their losses but the cult of personality is around that one person and nothing else. That's what happens when your audience is so cult-like and fanatical. Not that I feel bad for either the GOP or Tesla obviously, it's still their fault for cultivating these bastards and they don't deserve the slightest sympathy.

Remember when fruit stickers used to be paper and biodegradable? Now they're all fucking plastic because they need their logo to be shinier I guess.

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Reminder that the largest brands regularly and shamelessly steal from small independent artists to sell for profit, knowing that the artists don't have the resources to do anything about it:

And these are the companies trying to convince you that pirating big name media for your own personal use is theft.

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I feel like it would be better to have a dedicated Reddit-mirror instance that instances can choose to federate with.

The issue is mirror posts are not organic which is not conducive to high quality discussion. If a community only gets 10 original posts a day but a mirror bot is dumping well over 1000 posts a day, that's a problem because the organic content will get drowned out and further disincentivize people from posting and actually growing the community.

Especially if they use an engine that natively supports Linux, they have no excuse not to release a Linux version.

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Worse, I see this with Fediverse platforms like Lemmy. During the initial Reddit influx so many people expected the exact level of polish and user experience as Reddit and there were tons of threads (on Lemmy itself) basically complaining how much Lemmy "sucks" compared to Reddit, despite them coming over to Lemmy because Reddit was being enshitified. Same with Mastodon when the Twitter people were coming over.

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Maybe I'm just naive of how many protections we're actually granted but shouldn't this already fall under CP/CSAM legislation in nearly every country?

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