What are your favourite 80s fantasy movies?

eezeebee@lemmy.ca to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 97 points –

I've been catching up on and rewatching some lately. Legend, Highlander, The Never ending Story. What are some others that are similar? And why do 80s movies seem to hit different than other decades?


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Not sure if it quite counts as fantasy but...

Everything about Blade Runner was perfect.

The sequel somehow managed to not drop the ball as well.

I think you're selling the sequel very short.

It managed to build on the original.

The key, I think, to the sequel is that it’s made to be watched again.

I walked out if the theater and thought it was an eye-meltingly gorgeous film, but didn’t really get what happened.

I recently re-watched 2049 and holy fucking shit…throughout the entire movie things just kept clicking into place.

Now ima setup a double feature and watch both back-to-back for the full experience!

That's kind of how the book is too. Every time I read Philip k dick I feel like i've missed a lot, even though I love all his books. I suspect I haven't taken nearly enough drugs to get what he's slinging.