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Joined 1 years ago

My gamegear was great, for about 20 minutes with the lame ass rechargeable batteries you could get at the time. Took hours to charge too.

Have to add, I came across mine the other day in a drawer and the soft touch finish is sticky now, and the thing was so bad to begin with I feel like it's that way on purpose just to be a dick.

My favorite use for my phone was wabbitemu, which was a perfect emulator for the ti86 calculator I've used almost daily since 1998. Apparently my new phone uses a new architecture and the app doesn't work, so that's rather disappointing.

Except that it's great to homebrew and experience literally everything it has to offer. It's the same with the 3ds. Turns out to be about the best handheld emulator out there, because of the extremely high quality buttons.

If the phone flashlight is so useful, try carrying a legit flashlight for a while. They're loads better. I'd suggest one of the smaller offerings from rovyvon. Any of them are great, but I like the ones with two lenses and a rechargeable plus AAA battery compartment. It's the size of a car key fob, lasts a long time, charges over USB c, and goes from super dim to insanely bright.

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With as cheap as pen plotters have gotten, I'm surprised no one has come up with a reasonably small printer looking one for normal sized paper that functions like an actual printer. the ones you can get need special plugins and vector graphics to plot. There used to be many models several decades ago, and they can still be found and modified to use normal pens, but that's kind of a driver nightmare. I feel like we're past the point where people need to be able to print many pages relatively quickly, and I'd rather have a printer that took a while to print but I knew that it would work every single time.

I have a full beard, so I don't know... Does it take more than 5 minutes?

Nah, I had the kindle keyboard and it was great. Still is, if I don't want to read with a backlight. My first one stopped working after at least a decade, and a couple months later I came across one in a thrift store for like 10 bucks and it still works great.

I use a petzl zipka for that. The headband is a retractable string, so it has no bulk, and it runs on aaas. I don't think they make them anymore, but you can still find them occasionally.

With bitwarden you can store and securely share files, store information for family members, card details, memos, etc

If you have humidity problems in your bathroom, get a small electric dehumidifier. They're less than 30 bucks and they'll fix it right up.

All of your issues can be solved by a backup. My host went out of business. I set up a new server, pulled my backups, and was up and running in less than an hour.

I'd recommend docker compose. Each service gets its own folder inside your docker folder. All volumes are a folder in the services folder. Each night, run a script that stops all of them, starts duplicati, backs up to a remote server or webdav share or whatever, and then starts them back up again. If you want to be extra safe, back up to two locations. It's not that complicated if it's just your own services.

People are shitting on them because the price point for arm sbcs has risen, while the price point for small x86 computers has come down. Also, x86 availability is high and arm sbc availability has become unreliable. They also aren't generally supported nearly as well. If you don't need more power and you already have them on hand there's no reason not to use them.

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Wide op for ai scraping and nothing are not the only two options. They could easily limit api calls to what would be good for single users or mods and have each user generate their own key. Apps could let users input their key. Most users wouldn't bother and would switch to their app anyway so it would get them 95% or what they claim to want without being a dick about it.

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I hate your opinion, but I like that you're confident about it.

I've been on Lemmy too much today. I read Constipation as Capitalism.

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I have to say, none of that means shit if he lets the guy run all over him and do whatever he likes with no consequences. Most people can't piss a judge off that much without spending time in jail.

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It's more evil than you think. There are all sorts of ways to protect assets from Medicaid. Of course, it's only worth doing when there are considerable assets. So basically if you have nothing, Medicaid costs nothing. If you have a little, Medicaid takes it all. If you have a lot, Medicaid will likely take a tiny fraction of your assets. And if you're caught off guard, it takes everything.

I'm autistic. This is the story of my life.

Meanwhile, he passed a bill to strip schools of funding by giving new vouchers to parents for their kids 'education', including homeschool. The money can be spent on a number of things outside school... one if which is Florida theme park admission!

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Having read the standards, possibly the worst part about them is that it's not written such that you have to teach that racist bs, but it's obviously written to give cover to those who do. So it's not so much that it's supporting a bullshit way of looking at slavery as an institution in the past. It's really supporting the horrible people who continue to think that way today, and enabling them to pass it on to a new generation.

Whoever he ends up with hit the jackpot. I can't imagine an easier way to make sure someone is happy and fulfilled sexually. Just get yourself a balloon book.

Btop tells me everything I need to know, and it does it with style.

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You need to be a little more generous to yourself, friend. Compared to a kid, you do know what you're doing, and thankfully kid troubles are mostly not a big deal, so you probably will know what to do. From a certain point of view.

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Initramfs listening with dropbear to prompt me for my passphrase. I can ssh in if I needed to reboot, or if it's lost power for longer than my ups can keep it running.

You should look into putting it in a trust. When someone dies and leaves you an asset the tax basis resets. In other words, if you sell it afterwards, you only pay tax in the increase in value after the death. If you're already part owner, the tax basis on the part you owned starts when you became part owner. Having a lawyer set up the appropriate trust is cheaper than you'd probably think.

That's possible. People literally get years added to their sentences for back talking judges. You are simply not allowed to derail a trial even a little bit, and the consequences for attempting it are swift and harsh. For anyone else.

I'm so tired of this fuckwit's behavior, but i'm even more angry that at every turn people have had the ability to stop that behavior and haven't. And now we're here. Anyone else would be immediately taken to jail for the stuff he's doing inside the courtroom and out and he's still not stopped.

It's a mockery, and if the courts can't handle this guy they have no business ruining people's lives for things that don't compare to anything trump has done.

It's called getting old.

Honestly, I just need a terminal and x, or I guess Wayland now. I'm not too fussed about the rest. Tiling has made me care about it even less.

It really is interesting watching the mental gymnastics involved in ensuring 'fairness' in sport this one particular instance and no other. I've noticed that the people I encounter who feel the most strongly about this think of themselves as 'big powerful men'. I'm not big, or particularly powerful, so it's always been obvious to me that it's basically a load of bull. There are plenty of women who could outperform me at any sport, and there always have been. Meanwhile I saw competitive cornhole on TV at a bar the other day and it was gender segregated. Wtf?

It ain't wrong if it gets done.


You can also back up your compose file and data directories, pull the backup from another computer, and as long as the architecture is compatible you can just restore it with no problem. So basically, your services are a whole lot more portable. I recently did this when dedipath went under. Pulled my latest backup to a new server at virmach, and I was up and running as soon as the DNS propagated.

Lenovo yoga 11e, with linux. They're like 250 bucks and a great value. Tablet mode too. I prefer mine to my better laptops, honestly, because I don't have to worry about it at all.

No, but he's guilty of acting like a total ass in court, which would get literally anyone else thrown in jail. I don't want to see him get his consequences without due process, but it's disgusting that people like him get different treatment.

Do you look at the stuff in the aur? Because any of that stuff you install from there could be messed with because it's a user repository. I specifically left arch because I had to look into all the packages I installed from the aur, and the stuff from the official repos was pretty limited compared to something like Debian. That took a lot of time. Or, you could always just install whatever you find with zero concern about security.

I've been running Debian for decades with maybe 2 problems I had to manually resolve with apt. I ran arch and manjaro for maybe a year, and had a handful. I'm certainly not going to say not to run arch, but it's in no way easier to keep running than Debian. That's literally Debian's whole gig.

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I feel exactly the same and stopped using Ubuntu entirely once they started using apt to install snaps. Have you recently purged Ubuntu of snaps? Last time I tried it was an absolute nightmare to upgrade.

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Be ready with your camera in case she takes her first unassisted steps then. You may get lucky and be the one who's there for it.

Also, you might want to bring ear plugs. My kid (same age) has had a rough day with teething and gas and the screaming gets a bit much. You have to watch them way more closely with earplugs in, but it might just save your sanity.

If you hope they won't do something (immediately crawl off, grab something specific, sneeze a mouthful of food in your face, reach their hand into the poop you're cleaning off them) they're totally gonna do it. As soon as it's physically possible.

Basically as long as you keep her from getting hurt or mentally scarred you're doing great, and as long as you pay attention you can manage that.

It's going to mean a lot to them to have a few hours together without a baby around. Try to enjoy it. They grow so quickly, by the time you get a chance to do it again it'll be completely different.

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If you have enough hair, I guess it'd be a rather good lather repository.

If you have the option to host physical hardware from your friend's house, I'd go that route for the whole thing. Set it up so they can access your media server locally, maybe even immich, and VPN in for everything yourself, that way you don't have to expose ports, except the wireguard port. Don't acquire new content from their network unless you do it behind a good VPN with a killswitch and they know and are OK with what you're doing.

I would personally rather have my documents, photos and media collection on a computer a friend has physical custody of than in the cloud, but that's on you and your friend. I prefer to host vaultwarden and a notification server, in my case, gotify, on the cheapest vps I could find, which was about 12 bucks a year last I checked.

I'd also set up a tor hidden service for ssh, just so you have another way in, in case something comes up. Or you could get a cheap cellular modem and a yearly Sim card. In the US, red pocket is a good choice, with a limited option available for less than 50 bucks a year. You never know when their ISP is going to do something weird, and you'll be able to figure it out a lot easier if you have a reliable way into your server.

You should probably think about backups too. You can obviously do a backup before you go, but you're going to want to back up at least your new photos while you're gone. I'd suggest looking at koofr lifetime storage plans, as they're pretty cheap for the size.

Inner light wrecks me.

How does a fence do anything about a cat?