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Joined 1 years ago

Oh man, I loved this game. I didn't know this about the PS2 version.

Setting up is stupid easy. What makes immutable distros potentially difficult is installing software. Anything packaged as a flatpak is stupid easy. Beyond that it can get complicated. But it's not bad in general.

Having just switched to Linux with Bazzite two weeks ago, my biggest issues have come from Wayland support. And that's really just because I have a specific piece of software I need that doesn't support Wayland. And that's a bit of an edge case and the result is more annoyance than show stopper.

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No, because it's a software KVM and it needs to be able to read, mirror, and suppress mouse and keyboard actions.

I'm literally switching from Bazzite to Aurora right now.

Bluefin and Aurora are the same except they use Gnome and KDE respectively.

Each offers a general purpose version and a developer experience version.

Because every single thing about those games is a psychological ploy to get people to spend as much money as physically possible. They run studies on what tweaks get people to spend more or less and I guarantee the numbers they show in the store have been studied.

It's highly likely they fudge those numbers or outright lie.

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I've always been too much of a cheapskate curmudgeon to pay for food delivery and I've been increasingly baffled by people who pay hundreds of dollars a month to have cold, soggy fast food delivered at an eye watering premium.

I get laziness, I really do. For me, personally, going to pick up food is the lazy option.

It did, but it wasn't as bad as this. My hope is that as Lemmy matures, this will happen less.

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So they say they don't perform autopsies, and the warden was surprised they wanted the body. Either they're lying about the autopsy or there's some sick fuck just cutting up bodies and taking parts as souvenirs.

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The headline is grammatically correct and only confusing if you're not super familiar with the phrase "shot dead".

It would be clearer just by saying "shot and killed".

Return to office has nothing to do with the people who do better in an office environment. It's about forcing those who don't do as well in an office, and those who the commute or time away from the house isn't feasible, back into the office.

Sometimes that "chance encounter" is really just one mouthy coworker cornering another coworker who doesn't like saying no even though they have work they need to attend to. For those people, just avoiding chatty coworkers is a challenge and they get less done because people won't leave them alone with tangential bullshit.

Some of your coworkers have sensory issues that are constantly irritated and distracted by being in a loud, bright, and chaotic office.

This isn't about you. You were always allowed to be in the office (save for pandemic lockdowns). So don't make it about you.

What a smug asshole. Saved the

There's the "Seven Up!" series by the BBC. They filmed a bunch of kids at age 7, and then again at 14, 21, 28, etc.

The first was filmed in 1964 and 63 Up was filmed in 2019.

I avoided Bojack Horseman for years because I thought it was going to be like so many other edgy adult cartoons. I thought I knew what it was going to be like. I was so wrong.

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far right religious extremists.


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Trump will literally result in more Gazans dead. Why do you want more Gazans to die?

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Please don't act like your party or its voters have any logical consistency. We've been paying attention.

An old, sweet lady was once talking to my wife about the blackout curtains in our bedroom. She says she bought some like it so "antifa couldn't see inside" her house.

It makes me so angry that Fox News convinced her to be scared of a boogyman.

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I used it when I was younger. I grew up and realized that it was not good to be exposed to that culture. Even when viewing it through a lens. Anonymity brings out the worst in people, and it's infectious.

Imperfect game is as bad as potentially fatal food poisoning, obviously.

That's awful. I can't even imagine being in that situation. Just knowing how trigger happy cops are I would be so scared.

I'm sorry that happened to you.

I remember seeing some cop show a long time ago where they couldn't figure out how this guy kept screwing up their lot detector tests they were forcing him to take. They found out he was putting a tack under his big toe and using this trick so they scheduled him for another test, but they kept moving him from one building to another looking for the room they were supposed to be in, forcing him to walk a lot.

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willing to shoot or kill any unarmed suspects

It's very simple. Catering to the right wing nut jobs brings a lot of attention, which for someone like Greenwald, means money. Especially for a former "lefty". It's a naked grift.

It's an easy, successful grift. Look at someone similar like Dave "why I left the left" Rubin. He's not half as smart nor is he half as talented as Greenwald, and yet even he can pull it off. It does have pitfalls, though. Rubin has been struggling since he and his husband had those two children via surrogacy.

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"Israel says..."

So it's completely untrustworthy.

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You could try a trick I use for mosquito bites and poison ivy.

Run some hot water. Just right on the edge of too hot to touch. Put the itchy part under that running water.

It will feel like the most intense itch, but also relief at the same time (assuming it works). It only takes maybe 5 seconds to work. Afterwards, the itch stops for a couple hours.

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They literally could not give one fuck less. They are probably being paid or otherwise are getting some other kind of kickback to push these apps. Colleges are...I hesitate to say greedy, but let's call it "capitalistic".

Your life is in shambles.

I never used Omegle

Then why are you talking about it? Why come here just to spew completely uniformed conjecture?

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I'm leftist as fuck and I'll still vote for him because any other choice would be worse.

Ok, so from the article, the doctor attempted to puke that baby out and decapitated in the process. They had to do a c section to get the body out separately. The doctor then just tells the parents the baby died, not how it died. The parents find out at the nursing home the baby was decapitated.

So they hire a pathologist to do a post mortem analysis on the body and the pathologist POSTS GRAPHIC PHOTOS OF THE BODY ON HIS INSTAGRAM.

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I fly a paramotor. For me, it's reckless behavior. Other pilots doing dumb shit like flying over hazards with no "outs". That just means flying in a way where if your motor were to die, you'd be forced to land in a bad place. Causing you to injure yourself or others, and also potentially damage property. Also pilots who are a nuisance and piss off the public. It makes us all look bad.

A common saying in the sport is DBAD, didyn't be a dick. But some don't abide, and be a dick.

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I've played enough CS1 to know that I can't play it any more, no matter how much content it has. Its absolutely braindead traffic AI destroys my enjoyment of if the game once a city gets sufficiently big.

The traffic AI fixes were all I needed to see to be interested in CS2.

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Florp Battle: Microsoft released Gishly and the next is the open source Florp alternative, Norbling.

This is how I read the headline.

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No one is talking about Putin. You're just changing the topic because you don't know how to argue in good faith.

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Saying Israel is biased and untrustworthy isn't taking a side unless you think Israel can't be criticized. In which case, I don't care what you have to say.

I'm saying taking one side of a conflict's statements at face value, especially Israel's, is incredibly naive or willfully ignorant.

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IMO, for the average, healthy customer, the sanitation requirements are overkill. But not every customer is, so the rules help protect the less healthy customers.

The biggest thing about food, is most of it is pasteurized by the cooking. Raw foods like salads are the ones that need a much higher standard.