Custom Linux Distribution just for Gaming to – 248 points –
Bazzite - The next generation of Linux gaming

Bazzite comes ready to rock with Steam and Lutris pre-installed, HDR support, BORE CPU scheduler for smooth and responsive gameplay, and numerous community-developed tools for your gaming needs.


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Setting up is stupid easy. What makes immutable distros potentially difficult is installing software. Anything packaged as a flatpak is stupid easy. Beyond that it can get complicated. But it's not bad in general.

Having just switched to Linux with Bazzite two weeks ago, my biggest issues have come from Wayland support. And that's really just because I have a specific piece of software I need that doesn't support Wayland. And that's a bit of an edge case and the result is more annoyance than show stopper.

Just use brew for non-gui programs. Really easy. It's the recommended way by the ublue devs and should be pre-installed

Can't you use Xwayland?

No, because it's a software KVM and it needs to be able to read, mirror, and suppress mouse and keyboard actions.

Which can be done on Wayland but it needs to be dome from a Wayland native app

Can relate