
5 Post – 357 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Just use brew for non-gui programs. Really easy. It's the recommended way by the ublue devs and should be pre-installed

Biggest benefit for me is automatic updates in the background which are also safe. On a normal distro, if your pc shuts down for whatever reason during kernel updates you have an unbootable system. That can't happen on bazzite

The solution is to not be cconfident and remain open minded. You can switch any time

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Fedora is not bleeding edge like Arch. It's "leading edge"; the packages are a lot more tested before being deployed.

People being more experienced with Ubuntu/Debian is a good point

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From this article, an interview with Fedora's project leader:

On the other hand, the long-term distributions work by basically not making changes. Fedora doesn't follow that, your packages will get updated. We try to make it so that major breaking changes happen on releases rather than just as updates. But sometimes, if there is a security problem, we will put out a newer version of something. So for that kind of stable, it is much less so."

That's why Fedora users are stuck with e.g. the older GNOME version until the next release.

The difference between Fedora and Debian regarding stability is that there's a new Fedora release every 6 months, while on Debian you have to wait like 2 (?) years for major updates.

That's how I always interpreted the term "leading edge".

Here's another comment with more detail

Yes, that article is wrong

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This incident will be reported

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I2P is a truly anonymous darknet where every user is a node in the network, unlike TOR where everyone is leeching off of the 6000 nodes. I2P also works great for torrenting. I2P is only for accessing I2P sites and not for anonymous clearnet browsing.

I have never tried the mobile version, but here's some info for desktop:

There is a java version simply called "I2P" and there is a C++ one called "I2Pd". Start with the java one, it's easier and has built-in torrent webclient.

Install I2P from geti2p.net and start it. You are now a node/router in the network. To access I2P darknet websites like http://planet.i2p you have to tell your browser to use I2P proxy. You should use a different browser profile for using I2P, on firefox you can create one at about:profiles .

Enable I2P on firefox: Settings -> General -> Network Settings. Set manual http and https proxy to port 4444 . You should now be able to visit eepsites (sites ending with .i2p). Always put http:// manually at the beginning. If it tells you to use jump services because it can't find the site, just click on one of the suggestions.

Torrents are on http://tracker2.postman.i2p . Find one, copy the magnet link and go to the torrent webclient: . Add the torrent there. Done, you are now anonymously torrenting.

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The lemmy network spreads out and gets better the more it is attacked. Perfectly antifragile

Do you have any strong opinions on Richard Stallman? Is it good that he's back at the FSF?

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I don't think Xtr and Reddit understood anything

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So everything as usual

Now imagine the new COSMIC desktop environment in Rust on Redox, that would be great

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Torrent via I2P instead

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Our monthly jerkoff to Linux numbers

Which instant messenger do you use and recommend the most for general use? I read Dessalines essay about why Signal is bad, from these options SimpleX looks best to me. Thoughts?

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Just don't buy crapple

The fundament of GNU/Linux and Windows are totally different. The annoying things with Windows are just symptoms of the underlying principle, which is to milk you as much as possible. It's like switching from smoking to not smoking

Yes, the only safe (sophisticated) engine is Godot. It's free and open source.

How often will we have to see this post again

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I'm very interested in the secrets storage. Hopefully that includes integrating programs with GNOME Secrets, especially firefox

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Microsoft has been a pain for Linux professionals and maintainers for decades. M$ called Linux a cancer and actively developed strategies to harm us. Look up halloween documents. No reason to believe they are different now.

Yes but knowing of a bug is better than not knowing of a bug

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The difference is that this time USA supports the fascists

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Should we start legitimizing garbage?

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Of course the source code stays available somehow. What's more important to Nintendo is that further development stops. At least on the scale it is right now

Ssh uses systemd and systemd uses lzma (xz)

Vim is a pain to configure

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See if they have Patreon, or better LiberaPay or OpenCollective. If not, you can ask them to make one.

You found the solution yourself: Start to care about Linux :')

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It's perfectly fine to just make a zip available

Install ViMusic on Android and all your problems are gone. https://f-droid.org/packages/it.vfsfitvnm.vimusic/

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Unless you have an original implementation with big benefits it's more efficient to improve existing ones instead.

I'm getting brain damage from this thread. So many stupid people here.

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No compatibility with Ubuntu is Ubuntu's fault, no?

I hate iPhones, teaches people to be slaves to their surroundings

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That comment does look out of touch for a lot of people though