Being subscribed to similar communities on multiple instances and seeing duplicates to Mildly – 738 points –

There were also 2 more below that.

And this must be a bot, endless posts by this user, every time the same content on multiple communities.


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It did, but it wasn't as bad as this. My hope is that as Lemmy matures, this will happen less.

It got lost on the noise of reddit. There’s no way lemmy has more bots, let alone a higher ratio to users.

And it’s entirely up to your instance, the instance I am in has strict bot rules that other instances bots must follow.

wtf do the bots have to do with this? the issue is that multiple communities are all talking about the same article in many different places when they should be all talking about it in 1.

Absolutely not, the benefit of each community having its own vibe is exactly that.

Think of it it like this, one community is for Germans and one is for the French. They can talk about the same thing, but they will Absolutely go about it differently, and that’s fine. Pick which one you want to help/join, or hit up both.

Were not talking about language barriers, were talking about people building arbitrary walls where none are needed. There is 0 reson that there are over a dozen "technology" communities. If there was simply 1 community to focus on these topics the whole place would function much more smoothly. The core problems with Lemmy is that all of the communities are fragmented and spread out, by force of the admins too. This means small communities will never get populated unless a massive monolithic instance comes about to dwarf the rest. Right now, the largest video game communities on the internet don't get even a post a day. The only things that get traction here are politics, tech, and memes, because they are the most universal topics that can be minimally sustained on any online platform. Until the users and admins of Lemmy realize they need to agnosticize content, communities, and users from instances, this place will crumble under its fundamental framework. We need to be like email, and let the users build their spaces, not the few who decide to host the servers.

Who said anything about language barriers? It’s dialects and interests, they just do things differently, and if they are in the same place (like Reddit) you get circle jerks and other BS for no reason. Just like people don’t “shoot the shit” with work colleagues like gaming buddies, things are just different and that’s not always a bad thing. If I want to have a gaming type discussion I would join the gaming technology community, if I wanted an in-depth conversation, I may have to join educated technology.

Lemmy removes this, if you want this to be a Reddit clone, you came to the wrong place, you clearly don’t understand the intent of this place.

Again, no issue with lemmy, you came in here wanting and expecting something else. If that’s the case, this place isn’t for you and move on instead of trying to make it something it has no intention of being (Reddit)

Who said anything about language barriers?

you did.

Please point out where for the rest of us?

I was talking about countries, A they have far more differences than just “language barriers”, which I never specified or even implied, B it’s a euphemism that I’ve since explained a different way, which you’re ignoring.

If your intent here is to just troll, move along that can stay with Reddit to.

your whole example is centered around 2 groups inability to communicate with each other. its the worst possible example of people who are fully capable of communicating simply electing not to because it makes them feel better. witch isn't what's happening here.

….? What…?

What inability to communicate? And please again, point out where I said language barriers so I can help settle this confusion, if your intention is to have a discussion and not troll, please point it out.

You seem to be arguing a point I’ve never made, and are also arguing a different point than your original. Can you stick to one point and answer my questions as well? You keep changing subjects and points isn’t helping your case here….

The other guy, schmidt-something is pointing out that people will use their instances to have like-minded community whether that's interests, language or specialism, while you appear to be advocating for the reddit type congregation of people and for some reason also arguing against the other guy's description of reality, of how things are. I don't see why you are offended at him...

And I see you have your own anxiety and disagreement about the nature of Lemmy's federated system. That's no reason to shoehorn it into every discussion.

I think you are pessimistic about Lemmy's potential for small communities.

But have you considered that we're not indexed on Google yet? And we largely don't have a pervasive culture of promoting niche communities yet like they did on the large subreddits. So this is two other ways small communities aren't being found in the first place.

the entirety of lemmy is not big enough to warrant splitting "technology" into 5+ different groups. this isn't different groups of people all talking about something from different perspectives, its the same people separated by federation while simultaneously filling everyone's feeds with the same exact content.

I don't see why you are offended at him...

1 i'm not really offended, i don't care about anonymous morons on the internet. 2, have you even read these comments?

But have you considered that we're not indexed on Google yet?

lemmy is indexed by google. it shows up on the first page of the search for "lemmy"

News flash buddy, people want different things, not everyone wants the same troped repeated, you can’t have discussions when the entire comment chain is circle jerks.

Smaller communities allow this.

How is this so hard for you to comprehend? Different strokes for different folks, and are you EVER going to address my points? Or are you just going to continue to argue a different point everytime you’re called out? I can do this all day, we don’t want Reddit here, don’t bring it here mate.

No one is going to stay on a site that only has memes, porn, politics, and 20 copies of the same tech news article on the front page every day. You need small communities in a centralized system to survive and this place has none of that.

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Buddy wants this to be Reddit 2.0 where the same tropes get traction instead of actual discussions.

The hive mind and centralized speak of Reddit is horrendous, at least lemmy allows minor discussions to happen without it getting muddled. That can’t happen in large communities, and buddy just can’t seem to comprehend that some people want something different.

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Hello you two. Just wanted to say you both make very compelling arguments. I get the feeling that there's a possibility that you're misunderstanding each other

Not misunderstanding at all, buddy wants a Reddit clone, while this has no intention of being so.

Buddy is just in the wrong place and wants this to be like something else.

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The only way it happens less is if lemmy actually does something to merge communities or treat cross posts as a single post.

unless communities and users become agnostic to instances, this problem will never be solvable. also defederation makes this virtually impossible.

It shouldn't be that difficult to give mods or administration the ability to name communities that "super federate" and appear as local to all instances. That or make Instances more agnostic.

a simple flaw in this design is that users on and users on are not federated, so how do we resolve that issue for a community that is on .ml, .world, beehaw, and nsfw, beehaw would have to support content from world, who they are currently defederated with, or their users would just not see content from world users. the whole premise of defederation is ironically antithetical to the premise of federation. by making a larger group of distributed users, the system could work great. but the admins are taking their personal issues to each other causing fractures that make adoption for newer users and more laymen basically impossible. that whole "it doesn't matter what instance you use" is complete BS at this point since half of the top 5 instances are defederated frome at least 1 other.

That’s a Whole lot of words to say I want a Reddit clone.

Go fix Reddit instead of making this something it’s not.

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