
0 Post – 144 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If square-cube law then how T-Rex? Checkmate engineers.

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Can we not be ruled by geriatrics anymore?

I wait for something to make a noise when it really shouldn't be.

Oh my version of this is the stuffy nose. It's the worst trying to sleep when both nostrils are clogged. I'm going to take a moment to appreciate my clear nostrils rn

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Middle aged overweight women scarcely wear crop tops either.

The political opinions of the average Lemmy user are a lot more radical and the users themselves come off as a lot more arrogant than the average Reddit user.

Which is honestly shocking to me because I thought Redditors were bad. I block any community that is about politics or users that try to inject politics where it isn't pertinent.

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What does a corrupt mob boss with near limitless power over a nation get up to in his leisure time? I would imagine atrocious shit has gone down in that palace.

"assigned"? How can it be assigned when it's a natural state of being? That's like saying the kids also get assigned hair color or eye color at birth.

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Oh yeah? Did the embassy SLAM Moscow? Like proper SMASH them through a table?

I instantly disregard news that uses sensationalist language without proper reason.

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Thank the good old Green Party of Germany! Restarting all those coal plants and shutting down nuclear reactors!

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And who says China would be happy if Russia nukes the west? They make up their biggest trading partners.

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Dude I've had that exact same thought. Like, yeah, the subscription is where everything is. I never use the regular home page, my bookmark for YouTube goes to my subscription.

There's zero need for me to use the bell. I never understood why people complained about videos not showing up, etc.

Prioritymaxxing Eldencel

Yeah I'd love to continue using ChatGPT but I got warned for making it roleplay as Widowmaker and trying to fuck the bot.

They don't want my money? Fine. I'll give it to someone else who doesn't have arbitrary morality rules on playing wall-ball with linear algebra.

Basically anything political, anything not in English, and anything that starts with "Fuck xyz" because those communities are always toxic as hell.

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Okay...? Why would you want to though? Just want to kill a lot of people for no other reason than, "but I have the right to!"

Nah fuck that noise. Banning books from libraries is dumb

With nail polish?

What a nothing statement. I can just as easily coerce an "AI" chatbot into having the opposite stance. What a robot says doesn't mean anything.

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I didn't think about it pretty much before learning about sex.


I went into thinking it'd just be another generic Disney animated movie that my sister kept pestering me to watch.

Ended up crying at that last 15 minutes of the movie. Wow was it good.

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Could have been against the law if they knew they had compromised package labels that displayed porn to children and they did nothing about it.

They made a really hot character in Overwatch though. I'll give them credit for that.

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Westerner whose predominant contact with religion is with Christianity, so gotta hate what they know.

How much time I spend not actually doing any work. I'm in IT as a computer technician and I work public sector.

A lot of the time, I'm kinda just sitting at my desk wasting time. If things aren't broken and no projects currently need me to work on them, then yeah. Not much to do but wait for something to break.

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I just want a ChatGPT that won't stop me from being horny. Is that too much to ask for?

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Ah yes, the communist solution.

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The news about Florida exaggerates life here. It's not at all like you see in the headlines or whatever the "Floridaman" posts you always see. Life is fine. There's good and bad. Painting it as some "DO NOT ENTER - UNSAFE TERRORIST ZONE" is utter bullshit.

That being said, it would be great if New Yorkers and New Jerseyites fucked off back to their states and stopped buying all the properties here.

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Thank you for the actual sane take. I swear people on Lemmy are actually worse than Redditors when it comes to shitting on America. It is extremely obnoxious.

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Thank you, OP put his thought out so confusingly

Dude I agree so much. Because I've fallen for the trap of thinking "oh yeah, I support being against that too, fuck it!"

But then slowly realize that even if I support being anti whatever, the community itself is just filled with negativity and hate. Justifiable or not, it's always an emotional drag, so yeah, best to just cut it out of my life, I don't need it.

Well, I was happily paying them to lewd up the chatbots, but then they emailed me telling me to stop. I guess they don't want my money.

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Their government comes from the people though. People raised in Swiss homes, were educated in Swiss schools, and worked in Swiss businesses. It's fair to say that the government is representative of the people.

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I absolutely contributed to that and bought it day one.

50% Beans memes

50% Poop memes

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If you have ublock origin there's a script you can put in that automatically hides YouTube shorts from your subscription page.

Using Liftoff, it's pretty good!

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And don't forget circle jerking about how the average IQ of a Lemmy user is higher than average.

Exactly. Class is more important than race anyways, but the rich and powerful prefer us to be squabbling over race instead.

Commies punching the air right now