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Joined 12 months ago

There are absolutely, unequivocally, killers for hire. You just aren't going to find them on the hitman equivalent of Amazon dot fucking com.

Yep. First time ever was a real trip though. I was at a girl's house and she ties me up with some of her scarves as things are getting hot and heavy.

I enjoy spanking so I asked her to punish me because I was too shy to ask for what I wanted so she tied me up and started biting and scratching me.

Looooook beggars can't be choosers.

After a few minutes the doorbell rings and she tells me "don't go anywhere..."

Well she was gone a long time and I'm buck naked with my dick hanging out and peppered with scratch and bite marks and I get it in my head that it's her dad.

Don't ask where I got that idea, but we were in a religiously conservative country and I didn't want to get my dick cut off.

Anyway I managed to get loose from the scarves. It was an intense 90 seconds or so and my wrists got pretty raw.

She comes back and it was just a delivery.

She was bit perturbed with me because I really fucked one of the scarves up in the process but we had a laugh and got back to it.

One of us one of us

I think it's just a place to post things that pop into your head while taking a shower.

That's how I've always experienced it.

It would be useful if you live in the United States, or any of the dozens of countries that use the system either as a standalone measurement of temperature or as part of a dual system. The British Virgin Islands, Antigua, Barbuda, the Bahamas... Etc.

I find it actually kind of a fun way to start a conversation with anyone outside of the U.S. by attempting to convert my local weather to Celsius. I'm on international calls fairly regularly and (can't blame anyone for this) telling anyone outside the US or the countries above the temperature in fahrenheit is like speaking a foreign language.

Me neither.

Makes sense though. If the reentry is botched you're essentially aiming a ~300lb projectile (or a bunch of tinier projectiles) in this case at who knows what at terminal velocity.

Launches at least control where the thing leaves from and are designed to fallout over non inhabited areas in the event of a botched takeoff.

It's this plus uptime. Both come down to usability. Nobody wants to use a product that is confusing or unreliable.

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Yeah I'm failing to see how this replaces either of those benefits...

Yeah my wife is convinced he wasn't on the plane and this is subterfuge. I think Putin had him shot down to make a point, as he's done with pretty much every other real threat he's encountered.

We may never know...

My first thought was, if you're benefitting from your son's blood, he's paying some sort of consequence. I'm sure there's some rationalizing happening like "his organs are young and will better flush the toxins" or some bullshit but I feel like something like Newton's laws of motion would apply here. If you're getting a benefit is it likely the kid is getting the opposite?

I wouldt risk it with my kids. Sounds sociopathic.

This cycle is what I go through every time I start working out again. For at least a few months, whatever weight I started with is where I'm more or less going to stay but it gets redistributed to places that aren't my stomach and neck so I ultimately look and feel a lot better even though the scale would argue I haven't done shit at all.

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Just to put the in context, you would need to play every single day for roughly 6.8 hours in order to rack up 2500 hours in a year.

To further contextualize, in the U.S. a full time job, that is a job wherein one works a combination of days each week (typically 5 8-hour days but sometimes 4 10-hour days) is around 40 hours each week, or 2080 hours a year.

The typical worker also takes vacation, sick days, etc equaling between 1-3 weeks each year. Meaning they may not even work an actual 2000 hours each year due to time off.

So you are putting in more time to WoW each year than the typical full time worker is to their job.

And you still have time for other games.

Personally whenever I go to Instagram all I get are cat videos and ads about "targeted mushrooms" and kava drinks...

It all checks out ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I put my university, the years I attended, and my major and minor focus of study.

It's not a lie, and if pressed, I always tell the truth. It's become a non issue as my professional experience has mounted and now my resume and references speak for itself.

But, unless I'm asked directly...

Nobody needs to know I dropped out first semester of my senior year due to a crippling drug addiction. Or as I phrase it, a period in my life where I needed to tend to a family medical emergency.

No fucking clue myself but isn't airdrop an iPhone thing?

From what I understand you want to play the DLC after you finished the main game

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Yo at least let them have the grape flavored "nutrient packs" while you're at it..

That sounds like what I would say I do if I were a spy and didn't want to risk anyone knowing what I really do ..

I've been playing Prey. Just finished replaying Dishonored a few weeks ago, which led to playing dishonored 2 and death of the outsider. So, I was feeling a stealth sim and decided that after several years of owning the game I should give it a shot. It's been fun so far.

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How about a watermelon gazpacho soup? That would be a fruit soup, which when served cold (as it should be) is effectively a blended fruit salad smoothie

No! Didn't even know about it even though I've been gaming since 85

GOG allows you to play rolled back versions of a game, through the launcher. I don't believe steam has that capability.

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Days gone gets a lot of hate but I thought it was a blast and the motorcycle travel was such a great game mechanic.

I feel this way about all of the brain dance scenes in cyberpunk. I don't enjoy them and find them incredibly tedious. Thankfully there are only a few that are necessary for the story but they are notably bad, not fun, and add nothing to the game while absolutely stripping the moments spent playing through them of all joy

I can absolutely smell the 90s in this statement and I love it

100% agree although my fancy pants Garmin scale is absolute shit at measuring body fat. Could be there are better but I'll stick to the caliper test myself.

This is how history works. The victors determine how the story is told. If these guys had been successful rest assured no matter how wrong they were they would have painted themselves heros.

But I get your point. Unfortunately idiocy isn't a solid defense for treason.

Maybe so! I had not heard that. So perhaps the best route is to play through a second time, with the update 2.0 patch and dlc, and play the dlc storyline after the main story has concluded.

I had a Mazdaspeed 6 back in the day. I may or may not have rolled it over into a drainage ditch on some twisties..

That was a real object lesson for me. I thought I knew the car well enough but I didn't know the road well enough.

Thankfully nobody was hurt so I took my lesson and moved on.

Proud to say I haven't wrecked a car since and it's been well over ten years since the day I had to say goodbye to the speed 6.

I miss that car. It was a black, fully loaded grand touring model and got absolutely ZERO attention (except from people who knew what it was). FBO with a tune made it an absolute blast to drive.

My current fun car draws a lot more attention (particularly from young guys lol)

I couldn't finish Alan Wake. I really enjoyed the story but the game play was just too kludgy.
