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Joined 1 years ago

I didn't know that her teenage son had gotten pregnant.

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Were they middle managers? Because that's the best way to improve efficiency.

Republican logic: "I get to tell you what to do, but you didn't get to tell me what to do."

Okay okay hear me out.


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Potassium vaccines.

Well a lot of the old guard left and all the new "talent" sucked ass. Mostly I just liked RvB until it outlived itself.

I want him to wipe out and obliterate the skin on his arms so bad.

So, Spiderman pointing?

Republicans: They're degenerates coming for our children!

This guy: To hell with that, I'm coming for your retirement benefits.

Rooster Teeth. They stopped being watchable a few years ago. Now they're gone. Never sell your baby to a giant, faceless corporation or it will either die ugly or be mutated into a cancerous abomination.

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Especially free samples.

He's a lawyer that worked for Trump, so he's going to be waiting for his paycheck until the day he dies.

What kind of head in the sand, wishy-washy troglodyte is undecided for this election? We've already had 4 years of each, with 24 hour news coverage for literally everything they do.

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That tool is team Orange my dude.

While I think Jon Stewart would make a better president than either of those jackasses, that would be such a cruel thing to do to such a good person.

Let them fight, then move in to take out the winner.

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Cool, so what were all of their names? That sounds like something concerned voters should know.

No I'm not signing up for the intercept to read "free" articles.

The number of just purely evil people that end up getting elected in the world is just making me wonder why democracy was ever invented in the first place.

I say we give them each a nine iron and let them fight it out. It's the only way to be sure.

Ancient Greeks had a whole pile of words for love of different kinds.

I think so, but others tend to disagree, so damn'fiknow.

My last ditch escape plan, thankfully, is perfectly legal and encouraged thanks to the Republicans. In fact there's three stories that facilitate it within walking distance of me. Plus a few liquor stores to calm the nerves first. So I'm good.

Isn't it legally too late regardless? Don't they have to have their application and fee in by a certain date?

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We can eat them afterwards.

There's no non-extradition country that wants him.

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My NES. My dad had a Pong machine that hooked up to old TVs, but it was in terrible condition when he threw it out after the divorce. If I remember correctly the connector required you to screw it into the contacts on the back of the TV - Old electronics were so bad lol

Don't forget the baby murder.

I don't get it, but I do agree that these are some creepy-ass puppets.

It'll be so much fun when the Earth gets heated out of orbit by gravitational forces. Just, uh, wear a warm coat.

I have distant extended family in New Brunswick. It's not good enough to get me Canadian citizenship, but it could be worth a try when Civil War 2: Here We Go Again starts.

It's quite spectacular

Oh good, apartheid techbrobaby wants to create a Lithium Republic because Bananas aren't what he cares about.

Okay either that goose been photoshopped or somebody is going to have a fantastic dinner.

Although from what my fiance has told me, the one time her family tried doing goose for a holiday meal it stank up their house something awful.

MTG (and similar idiots): look, a scapegoat! Get him!

Scapegoat: I'm biologically female, dipshit.

MTG: surprised Pikachu face

I can't believe anyone would buy from Temu. I knew they were Chinese knockoff bullshit the second I saw their first obnoxious ad.

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Neither does Trump. We all know this. But our options are dottering old man and a narcissistic, sociopathic fascist. We have a broken system and this is what it has led us to. Probably what it was always going to lead us to, because nobody ever figured out a way to fix it. Maybe one day we'll get to rebuild it from the ground up and it'll be better. I'll probably be dead before that happens though.

"Nobody admits fault" is code for "give us enough money and we'll never publicly prove your guilt"

No she's just an idiot with an agenda. Her propaganda software is just stuck in a recursion loop.


I like those women on the right laughing at these two old white chucklefucks.