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Joined 1 years ago

They have TWO THOUSAND PEOPLE working at Reddit and Memmy for Lemmy is a superior product with how many people working on it?? 3?

Spez is an impossibly incompetent Elon Musk wannabe (the person who just flushed $44 BILLION down the toilet due to incompetence). He needs to be drawn and quartered tbh

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Joe Rogan is a clueless buffoon, and admits such, and leans libertarian. He also thinks he’s a neutral philosopher and doesn’t recognize his subjectivity.

A lot of uneducated people think they’re enlightened by listening to him but most of the time the show’s material is not really based in reality.

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Turn them all into housing we desperately need

“But office building pipes aren’t set up for that!”

Okay so make communal housing/bathrooms for cheaper rent or invest in expanding the plumbing

“But that’s too expensive!”

More expensive than $800 billion??

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It sucks that this is overshadowing their win. Spain should be celebrating their championship, not dealing with this dude. Just step down.

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It’s no longer enough for Twitter to go bankrupt, Musk must be liquidated

They need to force their views on others. If anyone believes what they believe, then they are suddenly just like everyone else instead of the bigot they know they are deep down

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Great to see Desantis eating shit but good god these people are brainwashed to support Trump at this point

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If we had a functioning government it would liquidate his assets and pay it out to those he refused to pay.

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This dude is such a pussy. I wish he wasn’t terrified to fight Zuckerberg so we could all watch him get his ass kicked.

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As someone who doesn’t own an Xbox I have no idea what the difference is and that’s a huge knock on their marketing and product teams.

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The anti-choice crowd isn’t the type you’re seeing on the internet. At most they have Facebook, but really a lot of them are piping Fox News into their eyeballs 11 hours a day.

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  1. Everyone move to Threads

  2. Elon is forced to sell Twitter for $50k

  3. Everyone leave Threads and go back to Twitter

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Zuckerberg isn’t going after anyone lol. Elon is having a petulant breakdown as per usual

It is back via convicts and our prison system

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“I’m sick and tired of left versus right”

He hasn’t learned a thing. This is not a “left versus right” thing.

He’s in effect saying: “In the fight between democracy and justice versus fascism and tyranny, I simply want to say both sides are bad and go to my daughter’s PTA meetings to force my backwards views on children.”

Here’s hoping he can be reformed but if not, rot in prison dickhead.

What if an intelligent species was born, thrived, and perished in that galaxy? What if thousands had?

Humanity will one day be gone - will anyone out there even know we existed? Shouldn’t this awareness of our insignificance be unbearable? Shouldn’t I be sleeping right now?

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Just end prohibition already

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Eh Reddit doesn’t own that term, let’s just take it

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This is factual info and I demand it be posted to TIL

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Holy shit. As always, every Republican accusation is a confession.

There are a billion middle management people and insurance execs who need to line their pockets

If they weren’t trying to force their views on others they’d just make their character a guy and move on. They go through the trouble of coding this mod to push their agenda on others.

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It’s so depressing how this meme is gonna get turned into a real thing by the right claiming it’s real

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The one thing I’m really missing is more activity in the comments. I don’t want it to turn into Reddit but I would love a few thousand more active users. I find myself commenting here way more than Reddit to encourage more discussion. Hope it’s working.

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Wow 2+2 is 4 in this video game??? Didn’t know it’s going so WOKE

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He’s a moderate Republican running as a Democrat. Absurd. This country keeps sprinting towards the right wing.

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I don’t pay for Netflix and think their content mostly sucks but thinking “I deserve this service for free” is a childish perspective. Go ahead and pirate it, I couldn’t care less, but don’t act like it gives you the moral high ground lol

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They run unopposed because the people voting for them are literally brainwashed

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It’d be cool if we didn’t

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Who’s the artist? And why are they cropped out?

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Yeah that’s totally fair and Netflix fucked that up

What’s happening in Israel is very interesting though- what happens when a unified extremist slight-minority votes at 100% while the majority votes at 70%? Democracy fails when democracy votes for fascism.

All the analysts who said this is a lost cause - what now?

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I hated the crackdown but resisting on “principles” is bizarre to me. I left Reddit and Twitter due to principles. Netflix wanting to get paid for their service and content is reasonable. Wanting a business to serve you up free entertainment with no catch?

Also before anyone tries to claim hypocrisy - The difference between that and Twitter/Reddit is myself and the community create the content and are forcefed ads.

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What the fuck dude you’re making me spread disinformation

It was actually a lot of fun for alt comedy and staying in touch with friends 10-15 years ago. Once Trump won in 2016 it turned into a nonstop tire fire with him pouring kerosene on it daily. It never completely recovered from that, and obviously it’s gotten far far worse under Elon. That’s when I finally had to cut ties, even if it’s been fading for years.

Also the analogy makes zero sense. It’s more accurate to say someone checks out a book about carpentry, reads it, then writes another book on carpentry by moving the words around a bit despite knowing nothing about carpentry.

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I get no one cares about Reddit but this is already infinitely better than anything ever on r/music

Great response from Germany. Every Ukrainian soldier needs to have the might of ten Russian soldiers and for that they need supplies.

We’ll see if we’re signing a different tune once MAGAs start gunning down people waiting in line to vote in blue districts in swing states