POLL: DeSantis Getting Clobbered By Trump IN FLORIDA By More Than 20 Points

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 138 points –
POLL: DeSantis Getting Clobbered By Trump IN FLORIDA By More Than 20 Points

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Great to see Desantis eating shit but good god these people are brainwashed to support Trump at this point

Where they brainwashed or did they just find a fitting mascot for their terrible opinions?

It's both. The serious and trustworthy man kn the TV said that the Mexican rapists and rug dealers, I mean the migrant caravan, I mean the BLM rioters, I mean trans people are coming to take your guns and destroy The West. Trump good at tapping into those fears that are stoked by the propaganda machines.

I hate Trump but odds of his hear exploding over bootleg ass Nazi shithead Desantis are much greater. Both need to go hop on a Nazi or Putin's micro weenie.