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Joined 1 years ago

We have to undo decades of policy enacted the much longer politically aware and active owner class. They've had a head start on us, so it's going to take tome to dismantle the political machinery they've created while minimizing harm done to the rest of us.

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Some of those those that work forces are the same that burn crosses.

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That's the way it is with every platform, you only have a comparatively small proportion of people who do a huge share of the posting.

Reddit has the advantage of being absolutely massive that the power posters is also still a huge number. I'd imagine even the biggest of entire Lemmy instances is smaller than some of the major subreddits, which personally I'm fine with. This emmy instance isn't some major corporation beholden to growing value for shareholders at all costs, but on the other end it still doesn't mean the admins can do everything without monetary or labor support from us.

Because the last guy spent so much time and effort pandering to the antivaxxer crowd and it resulted in the deaths of millions.

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I always figured it was because metal is harder than rock.

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Their comment seems more so that this isn't some wild revalation nobody saw coming, this literally almost happened on Jan 6.

I'm all for reiterating the danger that Trump and Republicans pose to our nation, but this article isn't bringing anything new to the convo, just one more voice saying Republicans will throw out democracy when things don't go their way.

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There's flying, and the there's flying like a moron. No matter where you are, in your own air space or someone else's, flying like a moron is a terrible idea.

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It's business model is indistinguishable from other Silicon Valley based tech companies, riding hype cycles of disrupting XYZ industry with its incredible new tech thats definitely only a year or 2 away. It's a tech company.

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That implies it ever left. The 13th amendment "outlawed" except as punishment for crime. Guess how many new laws and crimes were invented after that amendment was created.

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Sure failure is gonna happen but neuralink hasn't been particularly successful with all the primates that have been tested with for previous version either.

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How can anyone make assurances when congress is literally outside the President's control?

I get thar duopoly sucks but that is the final end state of FPTP voting.

So until we implement a more fair voting system and eliminate the electoral college or rework it so that electors are divided closest to the population vote across all 50 states and numbers reworked to accurately reflect populations, we're stuck with voting for the electors to hopefully choose the less shitty option.

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Yeah... Wasn't that the point? Like Normies are people who's aren't terminally online and function in normal society.

I mean, the FTC is doing something. It's the courts I'm more concerned with.

It's both. The serious and trustworthy man kn the TV said that the Mexican rapists and rug dealers, I mean the migrant caravan, I mean the BLM rioters, I mean trans people are coming to take your guns and destroy The West. Trump good at tapping into those fears that are stoked by the propaganda machines.

At least the president in Idocracy had the humility and self awareness let the smartest guy in the room advise him on policy.

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This isn't an airport, no need to announce your departure.

And written by a Socialist

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There's a few Neil DeGrasse Tyson clips I remember seeing around about various scientific and religious interactions.

Like he calls nonsense on the BCE/CE vs BC/AD change because scientists, and really most of scociety, operates on the Gregorian Calendar which was created by the Catholic Church under Pope Gregory XIII and is the most accurate calendar we've ever made to account for leap years. Why deny the creators of a fantastic calendar their due respect just because they were religious in a time when everyone was religious?

And in a different he also talked about the Baghdad House of Wisdom and how throughout the Middle Ages of Europe, Baghdad was a center of intellectual thought and culture, until the Fundamentalists got into power and declared manipulating numbers was witchcraft, and ended up being a huge brain drain in Baghdad for centuries.

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We should give the aid, but all of it through federal channels. Like just completely bypass desantis, send FEMA in and set up themselves. Help the people, not their governor.

I'm really sorry that you're such a moron, I'd like to formally apologize to everyone in this thread who has seen your words and walked away just that much stupider.

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Honestly as much as the lifetime appointment wasn't the worst idea the drafters had in terms of something for long term stability when the positions in every other branch have varying degrees of volatility, not having some process baked into the Constitution to deal with bad actors in the judiciary was a gross oversight.

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Dems don't have the same expansive network of propaganda machinery backing them up no matter what like Republicans do. Don't get me wrong dems are still wholeheartedly a capitalist political party but they aren't working the shaft and fondling the balls of the capitalist class nearly as much as the republican party is and it show in the ability to get messaging out.

Damn dude, literally couldn't google what the gun laws in Czech Republic are.

This-is very-dangerous-to-our-democracy.mp4

Citation needed.

but we already have more than enough people and no realistic places left to expand. the current economic model. Currently we have enough built housing and grow enough food globally and produce enough consumer goods that ever single person can be fed, clothed and shelter. But the wealthiest few would rather crops rot in fields, hoard houses to extract rent and burn unsold clothing instead of slightly lowering ther profit margins.

I'm not someone deep in the throes of poverty, I'm decently middle class and I work an office job but 12 hours of my day is dedicated in service of my job. My alarm goes off at 6 so I get up, washed, and dressed in the morning, leave by 7 for about an hour drive to work, I have an 8 hour work day with an unpaid hour for work, and an hour drive back home which brings me to about 6 pm. I'm already tired from the day and by the time I've made dinner, eaten and cleaned up it's easily close to 8:00. Before I'm too tired to go much further past 9:00 or 10:00.

And before you say, "why not move closer to your job" Gee I wish I thought of that but I live at home with my parents because homeownership is quite a bit beyond my economic ability at the present moment and rent is even more expensive than having a mortgage.

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Exactly this. People often use "female" because it's a dehumanizing word.

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I always saw bell curve memes as, "uncritical acceptance", "critical rejection" and "critical holistic understanding"

A few things, more exposure/advertising space, and redundancy, especially in a time where mics were really inconsistent, if one mic goes down, you have another still recording.

Considering the kinds of people he's been appealing to, not nearly as much of a stretch as you'd think.

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Maybe like an indie game publishing coop sort of thing. Sort of like what Nebula does where the content creators also have ownership in the company.

Its a high effort, high quality shitpost and honestly a good example of storytelling without any dialogue or text, told completely through action.

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Because our perception of ninja is based around kabuki theater and not historical accuracy. Kabuki theater stage hands were always dressed in black to blend into the background. When an ninja assassination would happen in a show, the "stage hand" would do the assassination because the audience knows to kinda ignore the stage hands during the production.

IRL ninja would just look like normal people, waiting for the right opportunity to strike at someone.

I might not feel as bad for them, they certainly made their choice of career to be cops, but at the end of the day its the institutions under capitalsim that hurt us the most, the individuals are just tools of the system, if Billy-bob McOfficer quits being a cop, Randall DiCopper will be there to replace them and the system continues.

And even though they are cops, they are also human beings too, also caught up in an abusive and exploitative system.

To an extent it depends how that religion interacts with science. There's quite a few major foundational discoveries that came from priests and ordained clergy from the Catholic Church:

Within the Catholic Church there are a few orders of clergy dedicated to scientific discovery, especially the Jesuits.

Granted a lot of them conducted science under the broad philosophy of better understanding the universe God created, but if the end result eventually improves the lives of people, I don't see how that's an inherently bad thing.

If we wanted to be a bit more accurate to the hustoru of the real world, religious fundamentalism is opposed to science.

We do such a shit job at teaching our own actual measuring system that nobody has an intuition what a pound feels like, what an inch and a foot look like and how to scale those up. So we resort to objects and comparisons instead of actual measurements.

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Yup, defibrillators are for arythmia, and work by stopping the heart for a moment to let the heart restart itself and get back into rhythm.

Bro it's been like 6 years since thar was even a thing? Is there really nothing new?

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