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Joined 1 years ago

I'm still learning but it's so much less aggressive in Linux land.

You can't root Qualcomm snapdragon galaxies.... doubtful the A line is different

With what weapons asshole.... Are you going to give North Korea back the weapons that you just desperately needed from them.... Piss off you mental midget

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But it's so sweet and yummy

I just had to give up my S10....I got a 20...I need my ports

You're not wrong but I audio engineer and dongles are extra points of failure

Missouri is a garbage state.

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That article was worthless.... basically streaming is expensive and not as awesome as it once was. There you go whole article

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Can someone please explain how this is any different from a county imposing Sharia law‽ Pretty sure the right is vehemently against that occuring. Why are their morals different, in the end it's trying to control through religion.

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We don't like the idea a private company is enforcing laws not for safety but for profit. Especially when things like shortening of yellow light time and cameras that don't properly report speed. It's horseshit.

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They guy that owns Fox is using another one of his publications to trash Biden‽ No way

Perhaps one of the many innocent folks on death row, which includes a not insignificant amount of African Americans too.

But this guy can fuck right off, I am not losing a second of sleep to his suffering.

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Greed isn't a religion you dumbass.

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Brought to you by the fine folks at Exxon-Mobile/Chevron/Shell/Texaco/BP

We DEFINITELY don't need her help with any elections.

Isn't that soft treason‽

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Net neutrality was not defeated, it was changed by regulatory capture and a lying ass lying Adjit Pai, a scumbag corporate lawyer for Verizon before he was in the FCC. The public overwhelmingly wanted no part of it but he did it anyway.

I'm one extra democrat vote in Florida that wasn't there last time.

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Don't negotiate with terrorists is rule number one. Someone tell Georgia's worst horse.

Hey Fox, I'm not a Taylor Swift fan at all, but I trust her infinitely more than your lying fascist bullshit network.

Take two minutes and tin the ends with solder and you're good for years... My favorite in ear monitor brand just was sold and they changed the headphone cord to ultra thin shite that is "more pure" I'm an audio's horseshit.

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They were fine with Regan they are fine with dumb shit Trump.

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This guy is such a dumb piece of shit

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Absolutely remove the tax exemption if they are trying to get political

I mean it's pretty similar to a really high window

So before you say that, read the article. She refused to take her kid home when the school said he wasn't mentally okay because she "couldn't" miss work.

The CEO of her company testified she absolutely could have missed the day for her kid.

Turns out she wanted to meet her affair partner instead of helping her child suffering from a mental breakdown.

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I'm glad I will be canceling out one dumbass vote in Florida....there's literally dozens of us who aren't Nazis tired of this stupid short fuck.

Hey asshole maybe figure out how to run the government instead of bending over for unreasonable shitheads in your party. Your job is to help govern not waste time impeaching a president that could shit himself on stage and still be exponentially better that his predecessor. Why don't you focus on impeaching Clarence Thomas because of ALL THE FUCKING LAWS HE BLATANTLY BROKE.

It's not inflation when the cost to the companies doesn't go up and they keep reporting record profits...

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UPS committed a federal crime, only USPS is allowed to use your mailbox, nobody else.

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Honestly despite some decent points he kinda comes off as the first incel. We was all sorts of angry the girl he met while working for his brother (she did too,) rejected him. He never got over it and harassed her so much his brother fired him and he returned to the cabin.

He can be all 3, an incel, right about technology enslaving and destroying our collective knowledge and a goddamn monster for bombing people.

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Any time Quora results come up my search gets an instant -Quora. That site is a wet fart... terrible

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Bullshit it's 1 in 8.... It's like cockroaches you see one there's hundreds or thousands. I'd say it's a lot closer to 1:2 or 1:1.

LETS GO FLORIDA.....Let's collectively decide to be become less of a goddamn joke and get rid of the proto fascist voice that is doing Ronda SandTits high heel bidding blindly!

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Well then Ford make a decision. Do you want a company or not, because you can absolutely remain profitable whilst paying your employees properly. Without employees to do the labor to make the products you sell you have nothing, so it seems like the best course of action would be to make sure the folks ensuring your business has product to sell should be properly motivated to continue to want to provide their time and labor. Their time is the same as the Csuite's time, you cannot get it back, so they deserve to get paid properly.

I hope air traffic controllers stay home and we remember it's the dumbass Republican's fault. Stop negotiating with terrorists it's NEVER enough. Like a crazy ex

Florida resident here, Trump didn't live on the property between 2011-2019. He should be liable for the increase.

That a fancy way to say it's simply pro Israel propaganda. Hamas sucks but this is still propaganda.

It's funny, I always only hear about Republicans committing voter fraud. Never democrats.

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