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NATO isn't even fighting. NATO gave Ukraine their old boxing gloves and some advice.

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It tries to show that good faith engagement is better than ridicule, but in the end it shows that flat Earthers are so contrarian that they will actively ignore the results of their own experiments and engaging in good faith is pointless.

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Just like a real person

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The worst part is that they act like you can set up an account without a number, but then it acts like there is 'suspicious activity' and requires you to verify with the phone immediately.

Just rant into this yesterday trying to set up a work account as my work phone is not a mobile phone with sms.

Was registering really suspicious?

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A 'centrist telling it like it is' always ends up being a right wing asshole lying about their intentions.

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Historically it was used by white juries to let off fellow racists who committed crimes against minorities, which is why the courts discourage it.

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When fascists take power, everything they do is legal.

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He is self aware and takes responsibility, which I think is the best thing we can expect from just about anyone.

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Rightwing US congresswoman Lauren Boebert is denying

That's how we know it is true!

Firefox + ublock origin = I haven't had to do anything for the last year and stuff just gets blocked with no downsides.

I still can't believe that retroactive fees like that are legal.

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As someone who knows how to take apart and put back together both computers a day cars, your post is 100% accurate in explaining why people might not want to spend the time to learn something they have no interest in and do rarely.

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The tools is good advice most of the time, but not if the tool would fail dangerously. Don't skimp on car jacks, table saws, or other things that are likely to injure you if they fail.

Screwdrivers/drills/hammers/crowbars/etc. don't need to be expensive if you are going to use them rarely as the professional grade is mostly about being used all day every day and being able to survive rough handling by tired workers.

So, don't do the right thing because assholes might become violent?

That is letting the terrorists win.

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It really isn't once you understand the basics.

  1. Some company got a contract with McDonald's to do all their ice cream machines, probably through a personal connection. This contract included expensive maintenance.
  2. The company made a shit product, probably to save costs. It both doesn't work well and is a pain to service.
  3. McDonald's has decided that the lost revenue is not as big of a deal as getting out of that shitty contract with a shitty company that made a shitty product.

That is all there is to it.

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Why would the obvious outcome need to be in the title? The problem being highlighted is punishing the victim.

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Like people who are the boards of multiple companies, in leadership roles in multiple companies, and pretty much anyone at the top of company structures?

All that should matter is if they are doing what they were hired to do.

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Good, unpaid internships are just a free foot in the door for children of the wealthy who don't need an income to get experience.

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My teachers always told me that handwriting is more personal than typing, so that check out!

Amazon choosing not to sell it without DRM is Amazon refusing to sell. They are free to do so, but they are the one refusing and not the author.

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Literally the same person physically, but with additional life experiences and that completely changed how they interacted with Leela.

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The credit scores aren't even government scores, just private companies that decided to collect everyone's information and the government won't do anything about it 'because of the economy'.

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It was already known that access to abortions lower the rate because people had time to think through their decisions.

When you put an unreasonable time limit they will decide faster within the time limit. If you remove access locally, people will be more decisive and follow through because of the effort needed to follow through.

A guy strung out on meth robbed me at gunpoint with the smallest pistol I have ever seen. I was so surprised I asked if it was real and he said "Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" why chuckling. He politely took the cash and left a big old hand print on the glass door so he could be caught about an hour later robbing his third store where they did confirm it was real and loaded.

He was far from the worst as far as hostility since he was polite and all, but he did point a loaded gun at me while high on drugs which is just plain unsafe.

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I give the IDF zero benefit of the doubt after they straight up murdered the Reuters journalist with a fucking tank.

You only care about material things and not about how this lady loved a poor person she banged on a vacation 80 years ago more than the family she had for decades after.

Except for being a member of the anti LGBTQ party.

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Biblically accurate snow angels.

I thought changes were going to be voted on.

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Good to know that threats of violence are effective in suppressing justice.

Get ready for people to equate peaceful sit-ins to encourage a voluntary change in opinion with the Jan 6th violent attempt to overthrow the government simply because both were in government buildings when they weren't supposed to be.

That is exactly what it is, aimed at drunk drivers first because everyone will be on board with that demographic first. Then it will be expanded over time.

I only care about the parts of the constitution I agree with.

-conservative judges

I don't want 'relevant ads' to be private. I want NO ADS.

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We already heard the terrible arguments for intolerance and don't need to rehash it over and over again in every new piece of media.

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Threads looks like they started development as soon as Musk bought twitter.

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This is not news.

Quiet quitting is the new 'doing what you were hired to do.'

Are they trying to make the situation worse?

Yes, because it lets them use lethal force like the jack booted thugs they want to be.

The solution would be things like UBI and single payer healthcare so people can afford to live.