For those who work with the public: What was the worst situation that occurred between you and a customer? to – 114 points –

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A guy strung out on meth robbed me at gunpoint with the smallest pistol I have ever seen. I was so surprised I asked if it was real and he said "Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" why chuckling. He politely took the cash and left a big old hand print on the glass door so he could be caught about an hour later robbing his third store where they did confirm it was real and loaded.

He was far from the worst as far as hostility since he was polite and all, but he did point a loaded gun at me while high on drugs which is just plain unsafe.

He was far from the worst as far as hostility since he was polite and all

It’s good to know there are still decent people in this world 🥰

As far as armed robberies go, I would give it a 9/10.

I hope you gave them a good yelp review!

At the end of the day, though, if I was desperate enough to rob a store I’d probably be pretty polite about it (as far as you can be considered polite in that situation, I guess!) Like, the cashier doesn’t want anything to do with this, I wouldn’t want to bother them needlessly. I hope they got the help they needed at the end of the day, and I hope it wasn’t too bad of an experience for you!

You did the right thing, because drug addicts don't have a critical sense, especially in these situations. Just the fact that he's scared can cause a tragedy.