POLL: DeSantis Getting Clobbered By Trump IN FLORIDA By More Than 20 Points

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 138 points –
POLL: DeSantis Getting Clobbered By Trump IN FLORIDA By More Than 20 Points

Great to see Desantis eating shit but good god these people are brainwashed to support Trump at this point

Where they brainwashed or did they just find a fitting mascot for their terrible opinions?

It's both. The serious and trustworthy man kn the TV said that the Mexican rapists and rug dealers, I mean the migrant caravan, I mean the BLM rioters, I mean trans people are coming to take your guns and destroy The West. Trump good at tapping into those fears that are stoked by the propaganda machines.

I hate Trump but odds of his hear exploding over bootleg ass Nazi shithead Desantis are much greater. Both need to go hop on a Nazi or Putin's micro weenie.

I really hope whichever doesn't get the Republican nomination runs as third party and splits the vote or wrecks the Republican party.

It's a nice thought, but the concept of Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line is a reality that I've seen play out too many times. The only possible exception I could see is if somehow Trump loses the nomination, which appears increasingly less likely by the day.

Aside from him, all the other GOP candidates will happily get back in formation and sing Trump's praises. Hell, Trump called Ted Cruz's wife ugly and insinuated his father was a murderer, and a month later Teddy Boy was making phone calls on Trump's behalf. Idealogues these are not.

Trump sure as hell isn't one to fall in line but I don't see any way he loses the nomination

The Republican Party is already wrecked by the looks of it. Gerrymandering is the only thing keeping them in power.

They aren’t that wrecked yet. I live in a very blue state and Republicans still get north of 40% of the statewide vote. We need to stay vigilant.

Both men are terrible in their own ways but political diversity leading to worse representation in government is also terrible.

Wow. DeSantis is looking worse than I would expect.

Florida republicans have the unenviable task of choosing between a hate monger fascist and a former president who was fascist. It’s not a good look.

You seen to be implying that trump isn't also a hate monger.

Oh he is. He very much is, but his hate is more in line with regular Republican hate they are used to. DeSantis’s hate is on another level.

Also, in DeSantis’s own campaign ads he showed that Trump wasn’t completely anti-LGBTQ. Not like DeSantis.

Yeah, I have never seen anything like that add where DeSantis just shot himself so hard in the foot. Most people, even most republicans except for the very extreme right wingers don’t give a shit one way or the other about gay rights, and you’d be surprised how many of them are pro things like gay marriage. Even pundits like Candice Owens usually side with the community on gay marriage. It’s just not a popular enough opinion to run your whole campaign on it and expect to beat out someone like trump.

What a moron.