
3 Post – 239 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Your average gay, married, software developer.

It just takes time for these communities to form.

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As others have already stated, the job market is fine, the stocks are fine, but the ability to afford living day to day is worse than I have ever remembered. Here in my cheaper state here are some random prices:

  • A bag of Doritos is over $7.
  • Beef shortage makes ground beef for a family of 4 $14
  • Gas prices are over $3.70
  • My grocery bill increased by nearly 50% overall and we are buying less on top of that
  • Car prices are through the roof, making it impossible for people like me to change cars (I’m hearing they are going to drop again soon)
  • Rent prices are soaring to the point where it isn’t sustainable
  • Interest rate keeps rising
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Smart phones. Not even Star Trek could predict we would all be walking around with a slab of glass that is exponentially more powerful than computers that took up entire rooms, can communicate with others sub-second via voice, images, video, or text, can access the sum total of public human knowledge at the blink of an eye, and can guide you to any location with a map for everywhere you want to go. It’s really powerful stuff and it’s in everyone’s hands.

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I was part of a support group for people like me on Reddit. I still made the move. It’s time. I suggest those groups leave instructions on where to go.

I would be more scared that a right wing white supremacist would launch nukes at everyone. Their existence is about hatred of others. Trans people’s existence is about trying to love themselves. I’m not scared of trans people, if you are then please ask yourself why you are. Are you afraid they would retaliate for how you treat them?

I seriously wonder who these people are that wake up each morning and choose to be a villain and follow the examples of past villains. What goes through their heads?

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Hunter Biden is a private citizen. He can make all the amateur porn he wants and paying for prostitutes may be looked down on but it certainly isn’t worthy of a congressional hearing. It is a really poor decision on her part.

DeSantis also promised to remove anyone from all federal agencies that doesn’t think like him. They are both fascists and a danger to America.

It will change. It wasn’t intentional.

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One of these days he is going to hit something during one of his little tirades. Reminds me of a kid who needs attention every few months.

As much as I enjoy the idea of an adult community, it has to be adult in both idea and implementation. Allowing depictions of underage people (especially in the age of AI) is plain stupid. I’m blocking lemmynsfw and suggest you all do the same.

Yes, that’s very cut and dry. She broke that law.

Isn’t that basically what softcore porn is? It’s sick and should have been shut down.

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I stopped using AM radio over a decade ago when I tuned in to such vitriol and hate that I couldn’t continue listening.

You should touch grass. That’s a lot of assumptions for someone you don’t know at all. I suggest you chill out and stop reading into people based on culture war bullshit. Also, what is a TOS pass?

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All of the Metroid games. Those are a blast.

People are leaving Twitter and getting their accounts suspended by Twitter. It’s a shit hole. No wonder the Tweets are disappearing.

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Literally, every day all day in software development. I break up the code into small parts that can be reused and repurpose those small bits to form larger bits so I have less code to type and maintain.

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I would never buy from them anymore. I am fairly certain that explains why I could not access my games from years ago.

Wait, so people can post crazy content to those now unmoderated subs? Did they not think this through or do they now have paid moderators?

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Yeah it’s broken atm.

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We had libertarians popular for a while in Michigan. Then they lost popularity. They usually align themselves to the right wing. In practice, they basically tried to block the government from helping the people at all. No school funding. No health care. Private ownership of all the land. No parks, protected lands or sanctuaries. No real environmental protections (so no public protection of the largest freshwater supply in the world, a precious resource), only property owners can sue for pollution, no gun regulations, no helping the poor or any social programs whatsoever, and a stronger state’s rights take on government (so the state can say no to everything too).

The good parts to me were that they didn’t support drug war policies and they don’t believe in government discrimination against any groups (but the “government” part is important there so I guess that’s not that good).

You will be surprised (or not) at how many LGBTQ people are just straight up racists that love the right wing policies. They just don’t realize (or care) that they are targets by those same groups too.

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Well, to be fair Sony’s studios created all those. Microsoft is just buying what others have made.

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I liked him when he wasn’t hateful towards trans people. I liked him when he wasn’t pushing an agenda of intolerance. Btw… what demographic is it that I supposedly shit on?

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$18 an hour in expensive as hell New York City and they have the nerve to sue. That’s bold.

He is so unprofessional. I can’t see why anyone would like him.

This was a great read and shows that in even ancient societies, people understood that there was more than just a binary.

The fact that Thomas is still a justice astounds me. It shows the complacency our country has.

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only thing stopping Putin from starting WW3

People like her don’t seem to understand that the bad guys are bad and have real consequences to their behavior.

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Taking a private citizens’s nudes and sharing it against their will in congress may go against the spirit of that clause. I would love to see how this holds up in court.

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I noticed this in the 90s and 2000s. The Japanese perception of Western tastes was massively different than actual Western tastes. There were a lot of games that never made it here because they thought we would not like it and it later turned out to be a hit.

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Biden has been fighting for it. The Republicans have been hard against it and pushing back. It’s going to the courts now.

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The House and Senate can check the court with the President’s support.

  • Justices can be impeached by a 2/3 majority in the Senate.
  • They can have term limits introduced to stop lifetime appointments.
  • They can have the court size shrank, removing some members.
  • They can have the court size increased, making the individual vote count less.
  • They could introduce a rule to require a supermajority in the court to declare a law unconstitutional.
  • Impose new ethics rules for justices (thereby removing the corrupt justice).

So if we want to peacefully fix the court we need a Congress that can work with the President to do that.





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A 13-count indictment against Santos was unsealed by the Department of Justice earlier this year for wire frauded, money laundering, theft of public funds, and false statements made to the House of Representatives.

Just like Rosa Parks, right?

Wow, America is going down the toilet.

I hope the man that shot him has all the force of the law against him and ends up in prison for a very long time. Also, this is the second story I saw today in which someone shot someone though the door. Anyone else see this pattern?

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This is exactly the beauty of the open source software movement! I’m glad they made the move and took the changes on as a community.

It’s possible that Alito has won the argument with the audience he cares the most about. But it seems equally plausible that he drew even more attention to the very story he was trying to knock down.

Streisand effect fully in place here. I personally would not have noticed this if it wasn’t for his behavior.

From my own experience as a user, it doesn’t matter whether you choose kbin or Lemmy in terms of what content you see. However, yes the look and feel for new users is much better with kbin (especially on iOS). Lemmy has some amazing front ends in development though that will eclipse kbin very soon. It’s just a matter of time.