
11 Post – 1664 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The extremelyinfuriating part: these people vote.

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I will never understand how people don't realize that Hunter Biden is irrelevant. He's not a politician.

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And this is the sort of legislation that should be passed by direct referendum, will of the people, and not by representatives who have been bought out by special interest groups. Desperately needed but unlikely to happen.

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No one should be buying anything from Tyson. Pure evil company, not only with deliberately squeezing money from the cash-strapped like this, but the way they treat their animals absolutely should be illegal.

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Justice Engoron, in a plea to Trump's attorney, Chris Kise, implored, “Mr. Kise, please control your client.” However, the attempt to rein in Trump proved futile as he continued his tirade, even bringing up the prosecutor's alleged political motives, including what he called her "failed" run for Governor.

Should have charged him with contempt.

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A huge percentage of pregnancies end in miscarriage, very often before the woman even knows she was pregnant. This is the same. She should have to take special care of the mass her body rejected just because it was in there a little longer? What's the cutoff for having to report that you had a miscarriage, then? Every period? Every time you have a period that's a week or two late, because that is reasonably likely to have been a miscarriage?

This was a non-viable fetus. It was never going to be a person. It's not a corpse.

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companies legitimately trying to retain top talent

Basically blacklisting them from their field for a year after leaving your company is not how you retain talent. Pay them better. Give them better health coverage or other benefits. Only being able to retain talent by basically threatening them if they leave is not a good look.

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If the police are allowed to kill you simply for possessing a gun, you do not have a right to bare arms. They have violated your civil rights.

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This is so baffling to me, as an older millennial. My history education from elementary through high school was at least 25% about the Holocaust.

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OP admitting to not teaching their kid how to do dishes.

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Okay? A lot of us aren't on Reddit anymore. We still like to see content.

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My guess is that it appeals to a sizable minority of people while at the same time not turning off the majority of people because they know it's just actors who aren't truly related.

I prefer my porn not to have any story to it at all, but that doesn't stop me from watching the stuff which hamfists a story into it. I just skip to what I want to see.

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Or someone else can fuck it up for you!

Such an infuriating article. Our country treats domestic violence like a joke and the smallest bit of political power like an impenetrable shield.

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"And so, to all my friends here in Iowa, when you see them come for this man, know that they are coming for our movement and they are coming for all of us."

Not even pretending not to be fascist. Straight out of the playbook.

We really need some humanitarian regulation in this country.

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He's so pompous.

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This just in: mayor of Minneapolis is completely out of touch with modern society

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You don't fucking say.

It's almost like switching from monarchism and aristocracy to oligarchism and capitalism didn't really change much of anything. I'm very shocked.

Not to mention how completely hypocritical it is of people to say Biden is too old and his brain is suffering from aging when the same is true of Trump. And probably much more so, based on the way Trump speaks and writes.

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Republicans are hoping his name will split the Democratic vote.

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Because it was never about abortion; it's always been about controlling women and weakening their position in society.

I just don't share pictures of my dogs because it would be easy to identify me (to anyone who knows me or lives around me) based on their unique appearances and names.

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I've taught my husband to speak a bit of Japanese, but we don't use it this way because that's extremely rude.

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...she "suffered severe and permanent bodily injury including severe vaginal lacerations, a full thickness laceration causing Plaintiff's bowel to protrude through her abdominal wall, and damage to her internal organs."

50k is nowhere near enough.

The man had a stroke. Maybe he needed a little bit of leave time.

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Unrepentant means she should have a longer sentence.

I'd be with you if it weren't so obvious.

In December 2022, Tuberville pledged to block all senior military and civilian Department of Defense nominations over a new Pentagon policy that covers the travel costs of service members seeking abortions in states outside of where they are stationed if they are based in a state that bans the procedure.

Hurting the military because they don't hurt women enough. Typical Southern Republican.

Just FYI, the striped pole attached to the hydrant is so it can be found under snow.

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You forgot about the part where they don't respond to calls. Just a couple of days ago, a man was found dead at 10:00 a.m. The sound of shots fired had been reported at 3:00 a.m., but the police decided not to respond to that call.

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If an FEC investigation has already found that she did it, it is not 'alleged'.

This title is clickbait garbage, but at least it doesn't use the word "slam".

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Pension, lol. What is this, the fifties?

Seattle PD has been under a consent decree for the last decade for over-use of force and racist practices. The decree is about to end (and the PD is petitioning to end it early), and the problem has not improved. It's gotten worse.

There's all this talk here (I'm a Seattleite) of how the police are trying to regain trust or are frustrated at the lack of trust, but they don't take accountability for their actions.

10% of all homicides in Seattle are committed by the police. They don't show up when you report a shooting.

I wonder why we don't trust them.



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It is hilarious how terrified Republicans are of Taylor Swift.

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Wow, this is so much like the Brock Allan Turner case. Straight to victim-blaming and dismissing the damage caused by the perpetrator. "It's not his fault. The parents didn't stop them from swimming in a pool together."

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They see it as a "fuck you" to liberals/environmentalists.

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He's an old fat guy with a poor diet, of course he smells.

I don't really care if he smells, but I think it's really funny that they care that somebody said it.