No charges for New Mexico officers who knocked on wrong door before fatal shooting to – 324 points –
No charges for New Mexico officers who knocked on wrong door before fatal shooting

Authorities in New Mexico will not seek charges against three police officers involved in a fatal shooting after arriving at the wrong house last year.

Officers in the town of Farmington fired dozens of shots and killed Robert Dotson, 52, because he appeared at the door of his home holding a gun.

At the time, the officers were responding to a domestic violence call from a house across the street.

The Dotson family filed a lawsuit against the department last year.

According to a complaint filed by the family in court, police arrived at the Dotson residence late on 5 April, 2023 and "parked down the street and did not have their lights on".

When Mr Dotson opened his front door holding a weapon, police immediately opened fire, striking him 12 times. Another 19 shots were fired at his wife Kimberly, who was unharmed during the incident. Police later said she opened fire on officers with a pistol.


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If the police are allowed to kill you simply for possessing a gun, you do not have a right to bare arms. They have violated your civil rights.

Did the wrong thing to arrive on a good thing then.

Killing someone for owning a gun is a good thing? Jesus fucking Christ.

You don't get killed for "simply possessing a gun", you get killed for brandishing one in front of police.

Having a gun on your person while opening the door is not brandishing. Also, there are countless other examples of people getting shot by the police simply for possessing a weapon.

There is also zero reason to believe that this man was aware the people at his house were police.

Having a gun on your person while opening the door is not brandishing.

Yes it is.

there are countless other examples of people getting shot by the police simply for possessing a weapon.

I'm referring to the incident in the OP.

There is also zero reason to believe that this man was aware the people at his house were police.

I mean there's 1 reason: they were police. If the man failed to investigate before opening the door while brandishing a firearm, that's on him.

But as I've already stated, it doesn't matter if he knew or not, really.

You should look up the definition of brandishing because you are incorrect.

Who the fuck "investigates" before opening their door? Basically nobody aside from looking out a peephole.

You should look up the definition of brandishing because you are incorrect.

Who the fuck "investigates" before opening their door?

Any sensible person, but especially people who open doors WITH FUCKING GUNS IN THEIR FUCKING HANDS.

Having a gun in your hand is not brandishing. You have to wave or aim it in a threatening manner for it to be brandishing.

You do not have to wave or aim it in a threatening manner for it to be brandishing. It doesn't even have to be in your hand. Stop looking up legal definitions on Merriam Webster.

The term “brandish” means, with respect to a firearm, to display all or part of the firearm, or otherwise make the presence of the firearm known to another person, in order to intimidate that person, regardless of whether the firearm is directly visible to that person. 18 U.S.C. § 924(c)(4).

'in order to intimidate that person'

This case does not include that.

Oh my God, is there no end to the mental gymnastics? What do you think someone's intention is when they open the door with a gun in their hand? Were they using it as a fucking door handle?

Seriously dude, it's okay to be wrong sometimes. Just give it up.

That's funny since it's what I think of you and your argument.

It's okay to disagree sometimes, dude. Figure it out and let it go.