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Like every time windows is mentioned the Linux users come out to try to convert people. You guys are so fucking annoying. Just make a post about Linux. We dont want your shit ass OS. We need one which actually runs the software we use. Guess the posts are good to block these annoying Linuxers

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I know how to torrent but choose to use one click hosters instead since they are safer to use here and I dont want to pay for a vpn. People who get fines here are people who torrent because they want to bust seeders since they are redistributing

Kyle Murderhouse is a far right pos. The far right constantly cries about family values.

No tolerance to racist murderers and their supporters.

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China is bad. It is a brutal dictatorship in the middle of committing 2 genocides. Uyghurs and Falun Gong.

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Same reason this sub is full of people desperately trying to make people use Linux. For some reason they like these topics

China is surveilling its people to then have unliked people disappear.

They can never again argue they need their guns to overthrow an authoritarian government. It was a stupid argument to begin with but now they show they would cheer such a government on.

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Maybe when an article says "The daily mail jas reported" we should completely ignore it until a better paper reports on it. Everything coming from the daily mail should be considered a lie.

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My favourite generation so far

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Damn even as a kid she used her plane to get everywhere?

Update ublock origin filters and use firefox

Trump would also send more weapons. Dont forget he supported the settlements and moved the embassy

It is. Most states are so fucked up they have barely any employment protection laws

I dont think most people care about whether something is centralized or not. I definitely dont. I am on Lemmy because it is afaik the biggest alternative to reddit with the most content. If there was a centralized version with more and better content I would go there

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I think this is the first time in my life I read the words cheaper and Munich in the same sentence

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Which you can watch after 5 ads /s

Billionaires is a weird group of people to choose to speak up for.

Weird. Bethesday replying to reviews refusing to acknowledge their game is boring didnt help then? Who could have thought

lmfao the Xinny the pooh boot suckers are banned from their favourite dictatorship?

Meanwhile "pro lgbtq" hexbears keep licking Putins boots

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I hope ukraine can send them to russia soon. For free and completely legal.

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You mean REGULATING guns or gun magazines violates the well REGULATED militia of the constitution? Are the caps enough for you or do I need to spell it out?

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We arent shaming the guys but the parents. Being circuncised is not a condition that just happened. Its shitty parents mutilating their babies because they think it looks better.

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No, but its fitting for this sub. I dont see the issue

In the UK they bring you dinner

In america maybe. In lots of other countries every adult has an ID

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Then you share the text messages. Even easier

Did you delete the account or ask for data deletion?

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And then they scream land of the free

The most annoying thing about Lemmy is all the Linux bros crawling out of their holes when the word "windows" is mentioned.

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Hexbears arent lefties. They are hiding behind acting like they are lefties while at the same time sucking up to the most fascist regimes on earth.

lol I knew I saw the exact opposite headline somewhere. "Majority of russians dont want an end to ukraine war if needed to release territories" or something like that

Just pirate it

Lol how is it cleaner? You just wash your dick and it is clean anyways. You are juat trying to justify it because you dont want to blame your parents for cutting pieces off you to fit their aesthetic.

lol. "Don't use the messaging apps used by all your friends and family. Use another app so you cant contact them. "

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It only gives YOU a quicker idea because you are used to it.

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Why is this news?

Wasnt pearl harbor an attack on a military base? So a totally valid target for a war. This was an attack on civillians so the comparision is bad.

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Fuck off. 50% of the people in gaza are minors. Minors israel keeps killing. Israel has done nothing to prevent escalation. They steal more and more land and shoot people from the safety of their walls. Both sides in this conflict, the Israel government and Hamas are the exact same level of inhuman.

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